Moon's Labyrinths

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

Chapter 47

The Bigfoot was easily over 2m tall, and it looked exactly like a monkey . Aside from its face, its whole body was covered in black fur . Its long arms reached its knees . It walked across the floor like a human . Its face, the only place where it didn’t have fur, was wrinkled face . It was a face of an old man on his deathbed .

However, it possessed arms that were as thick as a man’s waist . It was proof that this monster was on a different stratosphere when compared to an old man .


Its dry and cracked lips moved .

‘It is smirking at us . ’

Its heavily wrinkled face made it less obvious, but one could clearly see it was smirking at them . Sungyoon didn’t become mad at its provocation . If his information was correct, it wasn’t a monster that he would be able to defeat, and he felt a chill down his spine as fear washed over him .

“T . . Tim! What should we do!”

The woman spoke as she looked at the man next to him . Her voice shook, but she did a good job hiding most of her fear . However, the man named Tim didn’t have an answer to her question .

Sungyoon’s eyes sharpened as he watched them . It was clear they were being chased by this terrifying monster . And from what he heard, they didn’t have the ability to kill this monster .

‘If they had the ability to kill it, they wouldn’t have brought the monster here . ’

Sungyoon’s eyes kept moving . He was trying to find an escape route, but as expected, he couldn’t find one . The Bigfoot was blocking the only way out of this dead end .

‘d.a.m.n it!’

Sungyoon slowly retreated backwards . The man and woman also retreated backwards . However, they were unable to move farther away from the Bigfoot . The monster was rapidly closing the distance . It didn’t look like it was walking fast, but it was tall, and its long limbs covered the distance pretty quickly .

The man named Tim kept glancing backwards . His eyes moved past the woman, and they landed on Sungyoon . There were conflicted emotions in his eyes .


He gritted his teeth .

“I’ll keep it occupied . Run away, Emily!”

He raised his s.h.i.+eld forward .

‘Ah . Is he going to keep it occupied?’

Sungyoon felt relieved . Fortunately, the ones responsible for bringing the monster were going to pay the price . When the man turned to look at him, Sungyoon had worried the man was somehow going to send the monster Sungyoon’s way and run away . Sungyoon welcomed this man’s actions .

“But, Tim . . . !”


Were they lovers? Or were they friends? Maybe, they were just comrades? They might be siblings . The only certain thing was the fact that they had a deep relations.h.i.+p .

Obviously, they were in a sad and regrettable situation . He would be lying if he said he felt nothing . However, Sungyoon had no intention of helping them .

‘I was barely able to kill a Fang Boar . There is no way I can do anything against the Bigfoot . ’

If he thought otherwise, he wouldn"t call it courage . It would be arrogance . If he forcefully activated his Gold Gem, then he might be fine . However, he couldn’t easily give up the Gold Gem like that .

Moreover, he didn’t plan on putting his life on the line for complete strangers . After being betrayed by his former friend and ex-wife, Sungyoon had become surprisingly cold towards strangers .

“The person in the back!”

Tim yelled out his words . He was probably referring to Sungyoon, whose eyes naturally landed on the man .

“I’m sorry for troubling you, but may I put my sister in your care!”

‘She is his younger sister . ’

Sungyoon silently a.s.sessed the situation .

‘Would it be ok if I help one of them?’

If the man was successful in occupying the attention of the Bigfoot, he could run away with the woman without much problem . Since she was able to come into the labyrinth, she must be a Connector . She was a woman, but she probably ran much faster than most normal men .

If he ran away with the sister, the brother would probably do everything in his power to stop the Bigfoot . He would probably give up his life . This entered into Sungyoon’s calculation . Calculated was a better description of Sungoon’s current state right now .

“I have a condition . If you fail to block the Bigfoot, I will leave both of you behind . ”

He had to prepare for the worst case scenario . If the man failed to stall the Bigfoot, the monster would gain two new targets . When that happens, he couldn’t take care of this woman .

“That sounds good to me!”

Unexpectedly, the man didn’t quibble and agreed to Sungyoon’s demand . Maybe, he felt guilty about dragging Sungyoon into their mess .

“Tim! I don’t want to do this!”

“Don’t be stubborn! This is the only solution we have!”

“How will I be able to face mom and dad if I do that! I’ll fight with you! I have battle equipment too!”

“You’ve never used it before! You’ve always stayed in the backline as a healer! There is no way you can fight!”

The brother and sister argued with each other . It was a fight born out of love . They were worried for each other’s life . However, Sungyoon’s life would be forfeit at any moment, and their bickering just annoyed Sungyoon .

“s.h.i.+t! You should listen to your big brother in times like this!”

Tim yelled at her . One could feel his desperation from his shout . However, Emily shook her head from side to side as tears appeared in her eyes .

“I don’t want to!”

‘They are a lost cause . ’

The love between the two siblings was thick . She didn’t plan on running away . She wouldn’t abandon her brother . Sungyoon slowly moved away from them . It was unfortunate, because he liked them . However, he didn’t plan on getting involved with the two siblings .


Emily, who had been in the middle of an argument with Tim, turned her head . She looked straight at Sungyoon .

Sungyoon flinched in surprise .

‘Is she thinking about using me as a sacrificial lamb?’

Fortunately, the words Emily spoke were different from what he expected .

“I’m sorry, but is there any way you could fight with us?”

It seemed Emily wanted to recruit Sungyoon to defeat the Bigfoot . Sungyoon glanced at the Bigfoot . It was larger than a human, and it was looking down on them .

‘Impossible . ’

He wondered if his c.r.a.ppy Gems could even pierce through its hide . His blunt spear blade would glance off its hide, and his weak s.h.i.+eld would be shattered . He could vividly imagine his future where the monster’s fist would break open his head like a watermelon .

However, he couldn’t reject it out of hand . Her offer was basically an alliance between the two groups . If Sungyoon turned her down, there was a chance that these two might use him as bait and run away .

Of course, he could lie, and he could run away at an opportune time . However, he didn’t want to do that .

‘d.a.m.n it! My personality has become a real nuisance!’

It couldn’t be helped . Even if he lost his life, he didn’t want to become like that son of a b.i.t.c.h . He couldn’t sugar coat his words to make others trust him then ruthlessly break his promise . He wouldn’t allow himself to become like his former best friend .

“Excuse me……!”

Emily’s voice became desperate . The Bigfoot had reached Tim, who had his s.h.i.+eld up . Its iron fist was raised into the air, and the attack was imminent .

“I’m sorry, but I won’t be of any help . The only Gems I can use are Purple Gems . ”

His Gems were the lowest of the low . He couldn’t even clear the 4th floor of the Beginner’s labyrinth with it .

“I can see you have a Gold Gem . ”

Emily’s eyes were plastered to Sungyoon’s wrist . Unfortunately, the woman was quick in picking things up .

“It isn’t a Gem that I can handle right now . ”

“If . . . if you forcefully activate it . . . ”

‘You want me to waste a Gold Gem on strangers I’ve seen for the first time?’

He almost spoke those words aloud, but he held himself back . His words might cause ill will to form between them . However, Sungyoon’s gloomy silence telegraphed his intentions to her .



An explosive sound rang out . Emily desperately turned her head around . Tim was barely able to stop the iron fist of the Bigfoot . Still, his s.h.i.+eld was creaking as if it was screaming . It was a very tenuous situation .

Emily once again looked towards Sungyoon . Sungyoon was already starting to move away from the battle . He wasn’t showing any signs of activating the Gold Gem . In fact, he looked like he wasn’t going to join in on the battle .

Her heart had a strong and adverse reaction towards the man . A person’s life was on the line, yet he was placing an item over her brother’s life . However, she couldn’t say that out loud . In some ways, a Jewel Ranked Gem was worth more than a person’s life .

‘He said he only has Purple Gems . ’

Her thoughts churned at a rapid pace . He only had Purple Gems, so he was the lowest of the low in terms of rank . Either he started raiding the labyrinth not too long ago, or his talent was trash . It was either of the two . Basically, he didn’t have that much power .

However, she couldn’t leave Tim . Even if she was grasping at straws, she had to grab it since she was drowning right now .

“I’ll give you a Gem!”

Emily yelled out loud .

“If you help us, I’ll give you my Gem!”

Gem . This one word stopped Sungyoon in his tracks .

When she realized Sungyoon was showing interest, she quickly spoke .

“B . . . Blue Gem! It is two ranks higher than the Purple Gem!”

Blue Gem . Amongst the Rainbow Rank, it was the fifth strongest Gem . It was also the Gem one needed if one wanted to acquire a personal labyrinth . It would be a lie to say that he wasn’t tempted . Wasn’t he struggling in recent days to find a higher ranked Gem?

Sungyoon looked at the Bigfoot once again . It was backing the man named Tim into a corner . It possessed great power, but Tim was holding out better than expected . Sungyoon caught sight of the Gems embedded in his Device . They were letting out a bright light .

‘Did he overclock it?’

It was different from forcefully activating a Gem . If one overclocked a Gem, it could produce power that was one rank above its current Rank for a short period of time . As a backlash, the Gem lost its power for a certain amount of time . If one pushed it too far, the Gem would break . Basically, this man was holding the Bigfoot in place knowing he might lose his Gems .

‘Do we have a chance?’

If he joined in, would a victory be guaranteed? Bigfoot was a high ranked monster that shouldn’t exist in the Beginner’s labyrinth . However, in the grand scheme of things, it wasn’t a powerful monster . Moreover, Tim and Emily were armed to the teeth .

“As I’ve said before, I’m a low level Connector, and I don’t plan on using my Gold Gem here . If the situation takes a turn for the worse, I’ll retreat immediately . Is that acceptable?”

“O . . of course!”

Emily"s face brightened . His words were still cold, but she had somehow acquired his help . The probability of the two siblings winning against this monster improved with him joining .

Sungyoon tightly gripped his spear as he slowly walked towards the site of the battle .

The Bigfoot was letting out a roar as it kept pounding Tim’s s.h.i.+eld . Sungyoon firmed his resolve .

‘I don’t trust them, but . . . ’

How could he trust strangers, whom he had never met before? It wasn’t a guarantee that they’ll give him a Blue Gem after this battle ends . However, there were two things that were a certainty . First, he really wanted a high ranked Gem . Second, they had the chance to bait the monster into attacking him . At the very least, they had the initial opportunity of running away, yet they hadn’t .