Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 148



"Oh my, sorry," she apologized before looking upwards, inwardly scolding herself for her misfortune.

She was angry that she could not get to take a picture of Ye Cheng as Ru Mei Xing"s goons were around and already marked the party her event.

That was why she decided to drink herself away and dance her anger off and she almost caused a blunder that could have had her thrown off the party.

"Ying Yue, we meet again," Ye Cheng said, pulling her out of her stupor of anger drunkenness.

She blinked several times as her eyes and brain registered the face of the one who was standing in front of her.

"Ye Cheng." She quickly straightened herself and extended her hand for a shake.

At first, Ye Cheng did not want to shake her but after a little pondering on it, he finally shook her, earning himself a wonderful smile from the reporter who felt like her luck just began to shine.

"h.e.l.lo," Ying Yue peeled her gaze off Ye Cheng and looked at Li Jing. "I am Ying Yue. I am afraid I have not had the pleasure of introducing myself to you."

Li Jing smiled back at her and gave her a one nod reply. "Cool. What is your name?"

"Li Jing. Nice to meet you." Li Jing lightly shook her outstretched hand and returned it to Ye Cheng"s arm which did not go unnoticed by Ying Yue even though she was tipsy.

"Awwn, you look gorgeous."

"Thank you."

"Tell me, what is really going on between you and Ye Cheng?"

Okay, Li Jing was virtually thrown off by her question and never expected she would ask that out of the blue so she was left speechless and did not answer Ying Yue.

Ye Cheng on the other hand knew the reporter was half drunk and expected the worst to happen and quickly intervened.

"Nothing, Ying Yue."

"Why is that so? You two shared a kiss and you both look good together and.."

"You know what I think?" Ye Cheng cut in sharply. "I think you need to go home and sleep. Now if you would excuse us."

"No, wait. Yes. Why did you take down my report about you two? Don"t you know that you hurt Ying Yue?"

Okay, she definitely was drunk!

"Tsk, okay since I am feeling happy today, I would allow you to take one more and report what you like. Mind you, it can only last for a day and then it goes off the news."

Li Jing could not believe he gave in to her whim just like that. It was obvious he had something up his sleeves nut she needed to know what since it involved her.

She tugged on his sleeves to get his attention and Ye Cheng turned his head to look at her. They were both staring into each other"s eyes cutely, that Ying Yue could not help but feel this was the moment.

She quickly got her phone from her purse and took a nice shot of them while they were still in that pose before waiting for the actual pose.

"Relax, it is okay." Ye Cheng calmed Li Jing down.

"Fine." And they returned their attention at her only to see her grinning from ear to ear at them.

She took one more picture and stepped to the side to allow them pa.s.sage.

Ye Cheng led Li Jing away and they went to wish the birthday celebrant a happy birthday. Mrs Lin was more than pleased to meet Li Jing as she let her adoration for Li Jing show through her eyes and manner in which she spoke to the young girl.

"Nice to meet you once again, my dear," Mrs Lin said.

"The pleasure is very much mine, Mrs Lin."

"Thanks. Well do not let me be the spoilsport that would prevent you two lovers from enjoying the evening."

Li Jing was about correcting her when Ye Cheng rubbed the back of her palm gentle and spoke first.

"Thank you, Mrs Lin for your well wishes. Please have a splendid birthday celebration. I promise not to let the scandal that happened on Mr Yu"s birthday repeat itself here."

"Ah! That," Mrs Lin seemed to have recalled the events of that day and smiled sweetly at them. "Tsk, seems like Ye Cheng got p.i.s.sed off that day seeing as you took off with your beauty."

The more Mrs Lin spoke, the more Li Jing blushed. There really wasn"t anything going on between her and Ye Cheng. So why did she keep referring to her that way and the stupid Ye Cheng did little or nothing to cover up for it.

"I did not want her to be insulted by the likes of that man, so I left and took her home to have a proper rest." Ye Cheng still wore his indifferent look on with a hint of a smile playing and dancing at the corners of his lips.

"Are you sure you let her rest or you devoured her instead?" Mrs Lin asked, adding a playful tune to her words, making it look light and harmless.

"I am afraid Mrs Lin as over thought," Ye Cheng quickly corrected before the lady by his side turned into a smothering blushing mess at the words she was hearing.

"Oh," her expression dropped. It was almost as though she was feeling bad for Li Jing that Ye Cheng had not done her that night.

But really nothing was going on!

Gosh this lady, just what was she thinking about? My poor Li Jing looked like the ground should open up and swallow her.

"You see, Ye Cheng you need to take care of her well so she doesn"t blush so much just thinking in sheer expectation," Mrs Lin cautioned him.

  • "Honestly speaking Mrs Lin, I…"

    Before he could finish, Li Jing just could not wait for it all to stop and cut in. "We are not dating."


    Mrs Lin was left speechless. What did she just hear? They were what?

    But they looked so good together. What was Ye Cheng waiting for before he claimed her?

    Mrs Lin was one of those who supported their supposed union. She was rooting for them when she saw Ying Yue"s report and felt please by it.

    What was worse was when he kissed her. That had further confirmed her suspicions and now she was hearing what?

    She really wanted Li Jing for him. Just from hearing her speak and she found out that Ye Cheng had single-handedly picked her as his financial manager, she knew he didn"t do it for her looks but her intelligence.

    What better couple than this? Those were the thoughts running through Mrs Lin"s mind at that moment.

    She instinctively shot a cold questioning gaze at Ye Cheng, silently asking him what he was waiting for that he had not asked her out.

    "We are not just a thing, ma"am," Li Jing who understood what that stare was answered for him quickly.

    "Oh." Those were the only words that came out of her mouth as she directed her gaze back to Li Jing.

    She knew that even though they were not a thing, there was no doubt that the latter liked Ye Cheng very well and that was why her words had only made her blush.

    As though she understood how awkward the situation was, she smiled sweetly to Li Jing and spoke up to break the silence in the noise.

    "It is okay. I indeed had mix-thought. Forgive my ignorance."

    "Oh no, Mrs Lin shouldn"t apologize. It is all good."

    Awwnn Li Jing was all such a sweety. Mrs Lin felt like knocking some sense into Ye Cheng for his stupidity.

    How could one have such a girl by his side and at his beck and call, yet he was stalling.

    Was he waiting for the right time or what? Right time my foot. Hmph!

    "It is sad I do not have a grown up son. I would have had him marry you as soon as possible."


    Li Jing"s eyes fell wide open while her ears felt like they would burst from hearing so much…

    Ye Cheng"s eyes narrowed at her words and he seemed to have exuded a deadly aura, making Li Jing to tremble slightly but his disposition had not bothered Mrs Lin one bit.