Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 19


After a while, Li Jing came back to the room to check up on him and met him deep in thoughts, with a blank expression on his face.

She watched him from the side of the door, with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

"Just who is he anyway?" she couldn"t help but think about it.

He was so mysterious and unreadable, giving one a sense of dread but at the same time, calm.


He blinked and directed his gaze to where she was at the door. "Thank you for the meal," he said calmly, not showing any form of emotion.

"Welcome. By the way, would you love to take a bath? You see, I need to clean you up and reapply the bandage and all..."

Before she could end her statement, he replied her, interrupting her words. "Okay."

"Alright, I would leave a spare clean towel for you and go prepare a bath for you."

Not waiting for his response, she dashed off to the wardrobe and brought out a new white big towel and dropped it on the bed, then took the dishes and went away, closing the door behind her to give him the maximum amount of privacy.

As soon as she was out the room, she let out a breath she didn"t know she had been holding in.

"Phew! That was not so hard," she muttered to herself and her hand went up to cup her cheek.

"Then why is my face all hot? It was embarra.s.sing asking him that just now." She thought to herself.

Her mind drifted back to when she had asked him the question, she couldn"t look him directly in the eyes but from the corner of her eyes, she could see his almost shocked expression, making her feel she asked a tabooed question and hurriedly did things and left.

Badum! Badum!

"Oh, calm down, calm down." She chanted in her mind as her breathing became ragged, then proceeded to the kitchen as fast as her legs could take her.

By the time she was done with everything, she went to knock on the door, awaiting clearance from him before she entered.

"Come in."

The door opened to reveal a nervous looking Li Jing.

She moved her eyes from the ground, slowly taking them up his body, from his smooth white muscular legs to where the towel started at his knee till where he folded and wrapped it on his waist, moving all the way up to his chiseled chest and then his throat…

Oh, such lovely, manly Adam"s apple that moved up and down when he swallowed, to his perfect jaw line, thin lips, slender pointed nose, dark eyes and lovely brows.

After she was done taking him all in, her gaze went back to his face and their eyes met.

It felt like a long time, with him waiting for her to satisfy her urge in checking him out and when she was done, he arched a brow at her, as if saying, "Are you done?"

This was the first time in her life to live with a guy and have to see him shirtless all day. She gulped, her already calm heart, beating fast when she noticed he caught her staring, making her cheeks flushed from embarra.s.sment.

"Umm, the bath is ready. Straight up ahead down the hall to your left," she directed him and waited for him to signify he understood her.


With just that one word, he walked past her and headed in the direction she described.

"I am going to have a heart attack if I keep seeing him like this." Li Jing thought, trying her best too calm her heart down.

When he was done, he went back to the room to clean up and shut the door to prevent her from walking in on him.

Just as he turned around and was taking off the towel, his eyes fell on the bed. Immediately he turned around, opened the door and ran out of the room to look for her.

"Li Jing! Li Jing!"

He called her name several times, running to the kitchen to look for her but didn"t see her.

"Where is this woman?" he asked himself and ran away, moving down the hall way and calling her name.

"Li Jing!"

He ran past an open room door and soon traced his steps back, peering into the room. It was the laundry room and she was doing laundry while listening to music on her earphone that she didn"t hear him call her or se him pa.s.s by.

"Li Jing!" he yelled, so his voice could overshadow her music but ended up making her jolt in shock.


She screamed before relaxing when she noticed he was the one.

Her eyes cam to land on his body, as she took in his wet bare torso with his G.o.d-like abs that bested any other models she had seen, letting her eyes trace down his abdominal muscles and coming to rest on the muscular V lines that traced down to his pelvic region only to stop at the white towel securely wrapped around his waist.

"Where are my trousers?"

His deep angry voice snapped her from her trance and brought her back to reality, making her tremble a bit in fear.

He looked p.i.s.sed off right now and she needed to provide him with a soothing answer fast.

"I put it in the machine to wash, seeing as it is dirty and haven"t been washed since I found you," she quickly explained, her voice betraying her as it shook with fear.

Li Jing didn"t really know if she had done something wrong. All she knew was that she wanted to help.

"What do you intend for me to wear? I am guessing you have something I could change into, right?"


Her eyes bulged out of their socket at his words. She didn"t know how she was going to answer him other than stare wide eyed at him.


{What do you think happened? Did she prepare another set of clothes for him or she forgot?}