Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 26 - Unbelievable!

Chapter 26 - Unbelievable!

Li Jing didn"t know why, but being reminded only brought back the pain she thought she had very well hidden.

After some seconds of silent crying Li Jing reached up to her face with one hand and wiped the tears away.

"What is the meaning of this Li Jing? Get yourself together. You have better things to do with your life than let a broken relationship steal your joy away." She mentally scolded herself before straightening back up and left to tend to other things.

About thirty minutes later, she checked back up on Ye Cheng, knocking in the door.

"Hey!" Till now she was clueless about his name and could only rely on using the word "Hey".

It wasn"t like she would have preferred something else, to her she felt it was better so that when this G.o.d-like stranger was gone from her life, she wouldn"t have anything or means to cling to. He would just be a forgotten memory.

"Come in," his calm voice replied her from inside the room.

He admired her manners and respect even though she owned the house, she still treated him like he had so much rights as well. Unlike some other girls, not that he had been with many to say the least.

Right then, he couldn"t help compare her to Bai Qing Mei who would barge into his personal s.p.a.ce most times.

To him it was just her way of showing affection and cling to him. As one of his best friends and girlfriend, he didn"t mind it much.

The door creaked open and Li Jing stepped inside. Immediately he saw her, his gaze fell to the black thing in her hands.

She met him seated on the bed leisurely with one leg folded up and the other lying straight with his back resting against the headboard.

Till now he was still shirtless seeing as she threw away his shirt, but he was clothed from the waist down.

Her eyes fell on his muscular broad chest, then back up to his face.

Li Jing noticed his intense gaze and gulped but after some seconds he relaxed and she finally spoke.

"Here, I brought you it"s charger. There are a few films inside as well. You can watch to pa.s.s away time before I return."

"Pfft what does she think I am, a teenager? Does she think I would spend my time watching films when my company is about to be in a mess? Oh right, she doesn"t know. Loosen up a bit, Ye Cheng." He scolded himself mentally and smiled back at her.

Li Jing"s heart stopped beating for a second there and when it continued, it started racing fast.

"Did he just... Smile at me? Unbelievable!" It was like a dream to her. The shock about his smiling was registered in her mind, making her stare at him like a dumbstruck fool.

Noticing her reaction, his expression changed. He wasn"t cold but he wore a blank expression nonetheless.

"Thanks, but I am afraid I won"t. I would rest instead."

That was all he said and Li Jing found herself nodding repeatedly.

"Okay. I would drop this here and be on my way then." She held up her laptop charger to plug on her point and went to drop it on the table close to the laptop.

Once she has done that, she turned to face him, a pleasant heart-warming smile still plastered on her face. "Do take care of yourself and do not do anything to strain your injuries."

With her last warning, she bade him farewell and exited the house.

As soon as he was, she was gone and could no longer hear her footsteps, Ye Cheng got up from the bed and went to pick her laptop and the charger, then went back to a.s.sume his previous position on the bed, just that this time both legs were lying with her laptop on his thigh.

There was a wall socket close to the bed, he plugged the charger in and connected it to the system, before putting it on.

In no time he had opened her system and quickly went to open his email on her browser.

Almost instantly, as soon as he connected to the Wi-Fi, several email notifications came up on the screen.

The thing was that yesterday after he got her laptop, he emailed his personal secretary and asked about the new proposal but got no reply as she was probably not with her phone.

Later on, he went ahead to borrow Li Jing"s phone to place a call across to her. If he had known better, he would have requested the phone in the first place, but he knew a call wouldn"t help with the bunch of requests and questions he had.


Ring! Ring!

"h.e.l.lo," a sweet and sultry feminine voice answered the call.

Ye Cheng half smiled to himself. From the tone in her voice, he could tell she was with a guy, her boyfriend perhaps and he just disturbed her sweet time, but he didn"t care. This was urgent.

"Han Qing Qing, it"s me."


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