Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 265



"What!" She was definitely not expecting him to say that. What vacation was he talking about? Her grandfather never made mention of such a thing before so why now was she hearing from someone else.

Judging from her expression, Kim Fan noticed that this whole trip and business was completely strange to her.

He had at least expected for her grandfather to have briefed her a bit on the topic or just made mention of it but nothing.

"I said, be prepared for a vacation."

"Yeah, I heard but what I do not understand is for what reason?"

"I know, I understood that from the look on your face. You see, the business on grand is… We are making a big hotel like a resort of some sort. So top ensure all is done. We would need feasibility of what someone else had done and from there we make plans to improve on their lapses and create a superb one for both companies."

"Okay, I think I get you, Kim Fan."

"Thank you for making it easier."

"But why us? Why are we, you and I?"

"Isn"t it simple? We are both heirs to our business empire and just who else would be more capable in the job?" Kim Fan spread both hands a bit to his side and shrugged his shoulders at her.

"I do get your point. Okay, duly noted." Li Jing shifted outside of her seat and took a little note down on her note pad.

"Any need doing that?" Kim Fan asked out of the blue causing Li Jing to look up from what she was doing. "I mean everything is in the file, no need for jottings, don"t you think?"

"Yeah, I know. I am just making a mental note down on paper for something else."

"O-oh." Kim Fan"s lips curved making an O sound as his penetrative gaze remained fixed on her face then moved his hand up to gently touch his lips.

"Yeah Oh."

"No worries, Miss Li Jing. For now, I would allow you to review the file and we would schedule a meeting for another day. The day of the vacation has been set. It is slated for the last week of this month."


Li Jing"s jaw dropped. Things were beginning to get fishy all of a sudden.

A part of her had hoped to finish all this project and get them settled in late two weeks so she could return to Star Cross City for one week before officially coming to take over but now she is hearing something else entirely.

"Last week?"

Even Kim Fan was puzzled by her question. Hadn"t she worked in a company before? Some times s.h.i.t like this would happen and you would be requested to go for a business meeting impromptu.

"Yes, last week. This is why I asked you to go through these doc.u.ments and fix a day when you think it would be convenient for you to discuss and we would deliberate on the issue. Arrange somethings then make adequate preparations toward it."

"Alright. That is fair enough. I would put a call through to you on Sunday and the meeting can be held on Wednesday next week. By then I would have been done with my current project and can focus on this if that is okay with you/"

"Sure. Anytime sugar. I am here at your service."

Hearing him call her sugar only aggravated her a bit but she quickly used the opportunity to warn him lest things get out of hand.

If he was those who thought their good looks could get them what they desired in a girl then he was sorely mistaken.

"Pardon me, this is an official meeting. I would appreciate it if you refrain from calling me that in the future."

"Oh, Miss Li Jing doesn"t like …"

"Yes I do not," Li Jing said cutting him short. If that is all, I must say thank you for this meeting and for giving me time to go over the files and come up with something as I am just taking over."

Kim Fan gave her a thinned lip smile before getting up from his seat. "My pleasure. It is nice doing business with the Lin Group once again. Anything you do not understand, you can call me for clarity on it."

"Sure." Li Jing also stood and shook his hand briefly. "Have a lovely day., Mr Kim. Safe drive."

"Thank you. Likewise. Good day, Miss Li Jing."

Li Jing nodded at him and watched as he took his steps away till he exited the room then she sat back down.

Quickly she picked the file out from the pile of work on her desk and opened it. She wasted no time in allowing her eyes to do a thorough scan of the work.

Something wasn"t right and if this vacation had been planned for last week, her grandfather would have known that she wasn"t available and make due preparations.

So why now was he pushing the work to her when she just came? Who was to do the work before in her place?

"Something is not right." Li Jing thought. Her eyes glanced through the page she was on before then she looked away from it and brought her right hand up to touch her chin.

"Well, perhaps he is using this to try and test my abilities and all that." Li Jing thought to herself one more time. "Anyhow it goes, I would be ready to do them without fail." She promised.


Her plans for the work her grandfather ensured to her had not been very easy. Nevertheless, Li Jing did not relent and worked hand in hand with the workers under her to produce a good result, cutting off from the company those lousy workers.


NB: I made this to inform everyone.

The actual plotline wasn"t for YC & LJ to start having feelings now till they enter a contract marriage just to escape the pressure from both families to get married. It was then he started opening up and loving her.

But bcos I followed everyone"s wish to bring them together and gave u guys sweet moments, it ended up distorting the story.

Cos if I continue, then there isn"t much need with her finding her grandpa.

Ok, let me give u a breakdown. From meeting her grandpa, she searches and makes some progress to find out the link behind her mother"s disappearance from her maternal family, then she leaves to be with Ye Cheng cause of forced marriage and together, she finds out more links to her mother"s disappearance when Ye Cheng"s mother refuses their union and want him to search for the missing girl.

By now they have fallen in love and soon she finds out where her mother was and the entire truth...

Li Xiu goes to jail, along with Bai Qing Mei and some other people at the end. So I need you guys to try and understand me. I shouldn"t be telling you this but I do hope that everyone won"t feel I am prolonging anything as each character is important in the story.

You can also throw in your ideas and inputs based on what I have written here. I would love to hear it and please no hateful comments, thanks.