Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 270



Both ladies stopped their bickering immediately and comported themselves.

"Good. I least expected any of this rubbish from you too. What are you two? Six? Come on."

"That is enough Hu Shen. Do not insult us," Hu Q i cautioned her son.

"I would not have to if you two actually behave like adults. How can you be bickering over something as that when you have bigger fishes to fry?"

"She started it first."

"It doesn"t matter who started it. You are bigger than that. Gee… if it was a kid now, I would understand not you two. You are grown-ups, behave like one."

"I know. Now let us all calm down and get this meeting done with. I need to go for a ma.s.sage to calm down my nerves."

Hu Shen felt like punching a wall when he heard his mother"s reply. How could she be thinking about a ma.s.sage at this point in time?

Wasn"t Li Jing"s existence in the Lin family a problem already? How much more with such a headache, his mother wanted to relax.

"Do not give me that look, Hu Shen. I have all right to some ma.s.sage. This little fight just now would cause my wrinkles to come out quickly if I do not do something about it," Hu Qi defended.

"If I did not know how obsessive you were with your look, I would have thought it was something else. If not that you were my mother…"

"There is nothing you can do. Now have your sit and be a filial son. Xiulan, you too."

"Fine!" Hu Shen said in an angry tone. There was clear annoyance in his voice but what else could he do? She was still his mother no matter what.



Meanwhile at the Lin residence, Li Jing had planned a lot of things with Kim Fan and when she got home later in the evening, she put a call through to her friend to check up on her before making preparations for their travel.

"Hey Fen Fern."

"Li Jing!!"

"Okay, stop screaming into my head young ;lady."

"Come on, I miss you is that anyway you are going to treat your school mother?"

"Keep dreaming Fen Fen. Anyways, you and I have something important to discuss about, Lifen," Li Jing informed her.

"Hmm…" Yin Lifen kept quiet a bit as she tried to process everything in her mind. "Okay, you sound serious girl. I guess all I can do is listen. What is it about? Fill me in, I am all ears."

"Thanks girl. Now I have some questions to ask but first and foremost the most important question is… WHERE THE h.e.l.l HAVE YOU BEING, YIN LIFEN?!"

"Hahhaa hahahaa…" Yin Lifen burst into an uproar of laughter. She could not believe her friend, Li Jing could get so mad like that.

In no time she began to imagine different scenario of how Li Jing looked at that point when she was angry.

It was such a funny sight in her minds. She had envisioned her friend placing her hands on her waist like a mother hen scolding her chicks.

The second scenario would be Li Jing being a young secondary school teacher holding a cane and standing over her friend in a threatening manner.

The funny thing was that any of the scenario her friend placed her in. she had a very nasty way of picturing it.

"Yin Lifen!" Li Jing hollered into the phone, pulling Yin Lifen"s attention back to reality.

"I know, I know. Calm down girlfriend. I was just kidding. I miss you," Yin Lifen tried to be evasive with her question. Unfortunately for her, Li Jing could see right through her.

"Do not play coy with me and change topic. Yin Lifen, where the heck have you been?" Li Jing asked again.

"I have been somewhere in the city."

"Where and with whom?"

"Hey hot stuff, you are not the boss of me."

"I may not be Yin Lifen but I am very much responsible for you. I told grandma that I want you to come over with me for my introduction party and to stay for a few days but I haven"t seen you."

"Hey, I was not the one who ditched me to be with lover boy all night. What were you expecting me to do? Sit down and wait for you to come? h.e.l.l no/. I too have a life you know," Yin Lifen retaliated.

"No. Yin Lifen do not put the blame on me."

"No, Li Jing, no one is putting any blame on you. But forgive me for having a life and not being stuck up with you."

"Hey why are you being so defensive all of a sudden? What is wrong in knowing where you are? What if something bad happened to you, who do you think everyone would question? Wouldn"t it be me?"

Yin Lifen did not say anything to that effect and kept quiet.

"No, do not dare keep quiet on this one. I am asking you a d.a.m.n question and you think I do not have to right to know? Heck yes, I do."

"Li Jing."

"No, do not Li Jing me. What were you expecting from me? Couldn"t I be with him for the night? It wasn"t like I spent the full night with him, he left by 12 am on the dot."


"Just wait let me finish. That was one night. You have the right to have your fun for that night, I did not complain, many nights at that, no problem but from your heart of heart, you know it has been days. It"s been days, Lifen. As it stands, I am responsible for you."

"When you were living somewhere that I do not know after your break up with Duan Tian, doid I complain when you failed to tell me?"

"That is a different case, don"t merge both together."

"How is that so?"

"It is very different," Li Jing defended. "And I would tell you how."