Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 312



"Even before Li Xiu tried to blackmail me into the thief that she was, I already was smart enough not to be so trusting of people around me," Li Jing informed her friend.

"And I usually do not leave important work in the system at work. I always have them in my I-pad or in my laptop at home. That way, I can be sure that they are safe and if someone were to invade my home, it still won"t be easy to get things done."

Trust was one thing and she learnt the bitter way that the people around her wasn"t to be trusted so much. Both she and Ye Cheng did.

"You have made extra precaution against time, good one."

"I may not look it but I know that when it comes to getting what they want, people can go any length. With this information, now you know why I can pinpoint her as the mole. My side is safe, but hers, not so sure."

"I am impressed, my friend, so very impressed by what is happening and how best you have built yourself to be able to handle any such situation."

"Thank you, Fen Fen. So when Li Xiu did what she did, we were able to trace it out that it wasn"t I who gave away the marketing slides. Rather watching the CCTV footage proved that she had sent someone to take it from my office but they found nothing and where planning to drug me and get to my house but then Ye Cheng intervened. Left with no other choice, she used our business partner, Mr Kang."

"Wow. I got to hand it over to your sister. Her stupidity knows no bound. Does she think she would not be found out?"

"Tsk, her overconfidence in her stupid abilities of being a cheat is her biggest problem and what would cause her doom. So now, they have come again but this time, they could not penetrate the other party and so are using us as their target while my idiot a.s.sistant, just play to their tune."

"I am sorry to say buit you have face some things in life."

"You have no idea. But then, what doesn"t kill you would only end up making you stronger. That is one thing I have learnt in this life. I think I would love to put a call to my auntie later."

"Who? Mrs Lin Huilang or?"

"No, my other grand auntie, Lin Xuilang, but first, let us keep looking. If you are tired, you can relax and I would continue but now, I can streamline it better to that day. Just watch and see, something good would spring forth."

"I believe you, my friend. I would not rest till we find out the truth. I am here with you. You just gave me a boost with this little tale of yours, let"s keep looking."

They continued watching and fast forwarding some things. In about thirty minutes, the next image they saw on the screen was Lin Jingyi, just has Li Jing had said, walking towards her office when she was not in.

By the time he got to the door, he brought out a key from his pocket and tried it on the lock. He tried and tried, yet it did not enter. He looked at the door, then tried the next, still it proved abortive.

They saw him lift his hand and drop it in an angry manner. All through, Li Jing was just smiling triumphantly at the screen.

Her good for nothing cousin had tried the key to the door"s previous lock but that did not work. Then when it was her father that was around, he had the access to the office but now, nothing.

She was wise to change the lock once she became the acting CEO.

Even Yin Lifen was amazed at Li Jing"s insight on things.

"He sure looks stupid. Tsk, you and your mother underestimated me, Lin Jingyi." Li Jing thought inwardly.

It was from there they saw him scurrying off hurriedly but just as he was about to leave, he saw Deng Meili and paused.

The two of them seemed to have some kind of conversation but on a closer look, it was obvious he was flirting with her.

It was almost as though he was now aware of the camera when he looked up and he stylishly moved her away, leading her to another side of her office.

"Blind spot! Are you kidding me? How the h.e.l.l did this idiot know of the blind spot?" Yin Lifen could not believe that just when they were making progress as to where useful lead and proof may be, the human being, Lin Jingyi found the blind spot and took Deng Meili there.

The way the blind spot was, the camera wasn"t looking towards her computer screen, meaning whatever thing was going on there would be done in secret.

"Relax, Yin Lifen," Li Jing advised her friend.

"Relax? Li Jing, there is obviously something at play here."

"I know. And do you think if Lin Jingyi would know about a blind spot, I wouldn"t? He is not the only person who has done a research on such a thing," Li Jing explained.

"Okay but how then do we know what really went on? For all we know they can deny anything now."

"True. He knew it would be weird if he was to tamper with the footage without being caught when things got out of hand in the future and decided to make good use of the blind spot, but since long I had checked the footage and realized this error in the CCTV and as to that effect, I made some changes."

"What change is that?"

"See," she picked up her own I-pad and then tapped away on it. "You see, Fen Fen, I had another mini camera installed on her desk and a recorder on her pen. I gifted her a nice pen and jotter when I came as my welcome gift and I put a new, umm what is it called, ah! Tag with a camera in it."
