Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 354



Li Jing dropped her phone on her matrimonial bed and sighed when she saw Ye Cheng"s watch close to their bedside table.

"I wish things were better. But regardless, now that I have fixed the issues bothering me, I can now focus on getting you to love me back. I would find out why all this problem had occurred and make amends. I promise."

As she agreed on, she went in for a nice bath and changed into something more relaxing, wearing a pair of fitted jean short and a loose fitted top with a nice black cap and white sneakers to match.

With her simple outfit, Li Jing made her way out of her home.


Seated at the far end of the restaurant were too lovely individuals just eating their meal in silence.

Although on arrival they did agreeet and all, tang Zixin then complained of being hungry and theyt decided to eatr first before any heartbreaking story was to come in.

"Ahem!" Li Jing finally cleared her throat when she could not take it anymore. The silence alone was killing her but what could she dod and he was taking his time to eat slowly. So tortrously slow that she could not bear it any longer.

"Stop this Tang Zixin," Li Jing voiced out her mind.

"Stop what?" He looked at her with pouzzled confused eyes. He had noty yetr said anything so what was she asking him to stop?

"I didn"t say anything. So what did I do?"

"Exactly my point. Your silence. You know it is killing you to want to ask but you somehow manage to ignore that obvioyus torture just to test me out or something."

"Or something," Tang Zixin repeated after her absentmindedly.

"Tsk. Stop it, already."

"Why are you so worked up. I did nothing."

"Just ask already. Ask cause I know you really want to know," Li Jing pruded.

"I?" He scoffed a laughter out. "Seems to me like you cannot take this because you want to tell me and not the other way around. I was quite okay when you said you were okay, so why would I be eager."

"Do noit play that card with me."

"What card?"

"Stop feigning ignorance d.a.m.n it!" She was already on edge and was taking itr all out on him. In actual fact she was like this because A APRT OF HER FELT LIKE IT WAS Ye Cheng who was seated with her and she was angry about his behavior since.

Why was he always avoiding her?

He would come back home quite late and then enter bed when she was sleeping, only to leave first thing the next morning.

Even though nothing was going on between them, she still wanted to have their friendship back. Why did everything suddenly turn sour?

"Things weren"t like this before, so why now after all that was done, why are we still apart?"

Tang Zixin was no longer smiling. He could tell right from when she arrived that something was wrong and bothering her but then he brushed it aside thinking that she felt guilty and that was why but now with what she said and how she was acting, he knew that it was really something serious.

"Li Jing." His brows furrowed deeply as he wore his concern proudly on his face. "What is wrong?"

"I don"t know. I really do not have any idea as to why all of this is happening."

Tang Zixin sighed. This was not going well. He reached out his hand and held hers. "Li Jing, look at me," He commanded and she obeyed, staring deeply into his eyes. "Take in a deep breath, slowly."

Following his instructions, Li Jing did as she was told, inhaling deeply slowly. One step at a time.

"How do you feel?" tang Zixin asked after some time had pa.s.sed.

"Slightly better," she answered truthfully.

"Great then. That ius a good start. Now tell me exactly in a way I can understand. Speak top me clearly, okay?"

She nodded in agreement then took in another deep breath, ready for the big reveal. "It all started this way." Hearing that she was ready to talk, Tang Zixin"s curiosity was peaked and he leaned forward on the table.

"It started with an arranged marriage."

This time, just as she had promised, Li Jing did not hide the truth from him and voiced everything out including her contract marriage with Ye Cheng.

By the time she had finished her tale, Tang Zixin smiled weakly at her to give her some rea.s.surance.

"Li Jing."

"I know, I know, what was I thinking?"

"No. I am not going to judge you but I believe you made that decision based on your love for him and not even because of your grandfather. I would have said why didn"t you do that with me, I wouldn"t be treating you this way like he is taking it but then again, I prefer that it is with him."

"Why?" She had to ask. She was least expecting that kind of answer from him honestly.

"Hmm, why? Let"s see. Honestly, from the way I see it, both of you made that decision based on your feelings for each other."

At his words, Li Jing scoffed. "Feelings. It doesn"t seem that way to me at least based on his att.i.tude."

Tang Zixin smiled at her. "You do not get it do you? Even though you and Ye Cheng haven"t been on talking terms since before your return, his heart still was for you."

"How sure are you?"

"It is easy though. I am a guy so I know. In as much as he tried to hide it from you, when you were faced with a difficult situation, he rushed in to find out your problem and profound a solution to it right away."

"If it is as you say, then why the att.i.tude?"

"I believe Ye Cheng for some reason, thinks you may not have feelings for him."

"WHAT!" Li Jing could not believe his logic. How could Ye Cheng even think of such a thing?

"Calm down, please. I do understand that it may seem illogical to you but you are smart, you tell me what you think. Don"t you see it? That is why he refuses to talk to you as he should but keep up false appearances for the public to see. He doesn"t want you thinking he would take advantage of the situation and have you. He respects you."

"What b.l.o.o.d.y respect is that?"


Eve Tang Zixin was surprised by her outburst. She was clearly angry about their situation no doubt, no less.

"Li Jing, look at me. Do you trust me?"

She nodded. Of course she trusted him but she didn"t want to trust his logic even though her mind prodded her that he must be telling the truth.

"Great. Understand this, judging from what intel I got, he had been asked to marry Fang Qiuyue for quite some time now but he never talked on the issue and ignored his father but upon your arrival, I think things became even worse."

"So? What does that have to do with this issue?"

"If he really did not care, Ye Cheng could have made this contract deal with just anyone and even pay them off. Money isn"t his problem and with money he could buy her silence but he chose not to. Rather he chose to have this deal with you."

"Because it was the most profitable deal."

"No. From what you told me, you and he were going to do business with each other in the future and he agreed even before the marital problem but then it happened and he picked you, Li Jing. He picked you. By doing that he solved both his long term problem and yours."

"Hmm." Li Jing crossed her arms in front of her chest and waited to hear more of his a.n.a.lysis.

"Now, if he didn"t care, would he bother to do all of these things for you?"

He did have a point there but she wanted to be convinced further especially as it involved matters of the heart. She wasn"t ready to be hurt again.

"You know it from your heart of heart that he cares but you are just too scared to believe it."

"Well, let us say what you are saying is true, how sure am I that he actually loves me and not just he caring as a friend?"

"Because you felt it when he kissed you. It was real. You felt the emotions. You said so yourself. Those are your words and not mine. And it is for this very same reason that I say I would have preferred it no other way."


"Think of it this way. If really I had been the one and your heart still was with him, he would never believe that you love him and think something else. At the end of the day you would have a one sided love."

"Having that is… Well, what can I say, you are having it too. I am sorry for that honestly."

Tang Zixin smiled at her. She was really an understanding lady.