Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 431



"Finally, my ears would know peace." Li Jing sighed, happy that the loudmouth had shut up.

"If it isn"t my long lost grandniece."

Li Jing looked up, her eyes landing on the one person she did not want to see but also wanted to see.

She had allowed her to spread her wings far too long. It was time to take back what belonged to her.

Sitting opposite her was Lin Qi. She wore a cream knee-high pencil long-sleeved gown that hugged her in all the right places and made her still look as young as she used to be in her early thirties.

She was standing, so Li Jing got a nice view of her.

"And if it isn"t the stealing wicked grand auntie of mine. Good to see you too. I see you kept your parrot outside your door. Impressive, I hope slamming the door on her face would help break her beak."

"Hmm, well I knew she was a loudmouth and an annoying one at that but giving that she could annoy you, then I am glad I left her as the P.A."

"Hmm, you underestimate me, Hu Qi. I know how to shut even the loudest of mouths up. See, she is silent and I would put her in place."

"Hahhaa, as funny as always."

"Seriously? Remind me why you are seated on my sit?" Li Jing asked going straight to the point.

"Hmm, last I recall when your seat was vacant and in need of some filling where went you?"

"Ah, just like you, you left. You had a family and unlike you, I did not leave. I still controlled the business from there. I did not abandon her, rather I left her in capable hands while she worked on her growth."

"You deceive yourself. Something that someone else could have gone to be in charge of. Who do you hope to deceive, Li Jing?"

"No one. Anyways, I saw the way you swooped in, like a knight in shining armour to save the company."

"Wow, at least you have insight. You can see my efforts," Hu Qi teased. "While you were busy playing love, your company was dying. I knew brother made a mistake in making you the head of his company. You do not have the company"s interest at heart."

"And you do? Forgive me for chasing after my future while still thinking of the company"s future just to come and play CEO here."

"Well, since you were not capable, I was capable enough. This company needs to be in a matured hand not in the hands of lousy youths like yourself."

"At least I am not a murderer or an accomplice and a mastermind. So comparing both, which of course I am none, being a lousy youth is better. Were you thinking of the company"s affairs when you planned to bring down the chairman of the company, your own brother? What kind of matured person are you when you kill without blinking your eyelid?"

"Excuse me?"

"Excuse you. Not only did you orchestrated his attack, but you also had snitches or more traitors. No, you implanted your own people in our family house and have them feed the chairman with poison. How matured could you be?"

"How dare you slander my name like that, Li Jing?"

"Dare I not?" She asked, taking more steps into the office, coming to a stop in front of her desk.

"You see, Lin Qi, when you are picking a spy, try to look for those who would not rat you out as soon as they get caught."

"What nonsense are you blabbering?"

"In time, we would know. For now. I think it is about time they arrive."

"What?" Lin Qi frowned. She knew her niece came looking for trouble. If she had known, she would have arranged for her attack instead of her brothers. But then it would be harder to get her brother to relinquish the position to her.

At least with Li Jing, she can just bully her and get what she wanted. Little did she know that the young girl had the same fire burning in her mother, burn-in her too.


"Please, come in."

The door pushed open, ushering in the security guards. Behind them was none other than Si Ah Lam.

"Yes, that is the nonsensical woman that came here to make trouble." Si Ah Lam pointed at Li Jing.

Both security men that came looked at each other. They both had one thought in their mind. Was this woman stupid or what? Did she know who she was addressing at all?

"What are you waiting for? Grab her and throw her out of this company." Si Ah Lam yelled again.

"Excuse me, ma. Are you alright?" One of the security guards asked, turning around to look at the new lunatic in the company.

It was no wonder Li Jing asked them to come with chains. She was the mad dog she was referring to. Quickly, the other security man bowed his head at Li Jing, apologetically.

"I am sorry for the inconvenience ma."

"What are you doing? Throw her out. Can"t you see how she barged into Mrs Hu Qi"s office to cause commotion and even slammed the door on me?"

"Would you keep shut this instant!" The first security man hollered at her. "Do you have any idea who you are talking to? It is you who should be thrown outside for rudely addressing her and not the other way round."


"I a.s.sume you have no idea as to whom you have insulted here today."

"Of course I do. She called herself Li Jing."

"And that did not ring a bell?" The second security man asked.

"No. Who would this so-called Li Ji…" She paused. Realization finally dawning on her. It was as though she had to repeatedly mention the name first before it came to her senses who Li Jing was.

"Wait. You mean to say, that this lady is… the Li Jing?"