Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 464 - Li An Is Back: You Disappointed Me

Chapter 464 - Li An Is Back: You Disappointed Me



Soon she came upon the anniversary celebration and paused. Taking a deep breath, she continued on her way, only to stop when she was in the small hall.

As soon as she did, all noise stopped and so did the music in the room. Everyone"s eyes were on her, even Li Jing who did not seem to know this person. Apparently, he was the last to see her.

Sensing the problem, he turned around almost at the same time and looked up and his eyes widened in utter disbelief.

"Mo…" He paused as his eyes blinked severally. It seemed like a dream but was it really?


"h.e.l.lo, son." Her lips pursed into a thin line as she gazed lovingly at her son.

"Mother? Son?" Li Jing repeatedly questioned in her mind.

"It really is you."

"Of course it is me, silly. Have you missed me so much that you even doubt my presence?" Ignoring her naughty son, Li An peeled her gaze off him while letting out a soft sigh and looked at his side.

Not so far from where Ye Cheng stood, was a dazzling beauty with brown curly waist-long hair and innocent-looking eyes. One look at this beauty was enough to enchant any man.

"Now I know why," Li An muttered under her breath.


She brought her gaze back and looked at Ye Cheng. "It was nothing. I did not say anything."

"Good evening, mum," Li Jing greeted, as she came towards Ye Cheng.

As soon as Ye Cheng heard her voice, he stretched out his hand to his side for her to hold on to. A part of him knew that all these would not come outright.

For crying out loud his mother just arrived out of the blue without informing him.

This was not just any mother"s visit from one state or city to the next, she came from another country and did not tell him.

That coupled with the look in her eyes, he could not see her usual smile that he loved nor the gloomy far gone look she did give after she lost her best friend.

It was different and that scared him.

"Mum?" Li An arched a brow at Li Jing before looking back at Ye Cheng as though waiting and expecting an answer to the unspoken question she asked.

"Mum, this is my wife, Li Jing."

"You got married and you did not tell me, your own mother. What happened to your promise, Michael?" Li An raised her voice at him. She was not smiling one bit.

"Mother, please can we talk about this some other time? This is my anniversary with my wife."

"Another time? Is she now more important than I am? Ye Cheng! You made a promise. What of Sying? How can you forget her?"

One look at Li An, one would feel so bad seeing her in such a state. She looked like a mother who was about to cry because her son spoke rudely to her.

But that was not the bone of contention here. This was her mother-in-law that she was supposed to love and would love her in return.

Now she did not even care for her nor her greeting. Rather she is hooking her husband with a promise made, so oblivious of how she felt.

For the first time in a long while, Li Jing felt bitterness in her heart. The more she looked at Li An, the more bitter she was.

She was hurt because she had envisioned how her meeting with her mother-in-law would b like.

Ye Cheng loved his mother so she believed she would approve of her. Now it turns out that she did not care about her nor her son"s happiness.


"Do not tell me any lies. There is no way you can talk me out of this. Why marry her?" She pointed at Li Jing.

That was it, Li Jing was done being humiliated in front of her guest and friends that came to celebrate with her.

Turning to face him, Li Jing leaned into his hand and stared up at his face with pain-filled eyes. "Yes, Ye Cheng, please tell your mother why you married me because I do not understand what is going on here anymore. What promise did you make? And who is this Sying, please?"

Ye Cheng did not say anything. He took in a deep breath, closing his eyes as he did. After a minute or so, he repeated the exercise a few more times before releasing his breath slowly through his lips.

After which he tightened the grip on Li Jing"s hand, trying to soothe and rea.s.sure her before opening his eyes to look at her.

"I love you, baby and only you."

Hearing those words of affirmation, Li Jing"s smile returned. "Okay, I love you too, honey."

"Thank you, love. Now do not worry your little head. I would attend to this and get things settled." Li Jing nodded her head and turned to face her mother-in-law who had been watching in silence since.

"Mother," she moved her gaze his way, with her chin raised up.


"I am sorry to say but I made that promise when I was still but a kid."

"You affirmed those words not too long ago. How can you say that to me?"

"Mother, I…"

"I cannot believe this Ye Cheng. You are better than this."

"Mum, I need you to calm down and understand," Ye Cheng began but Li An was not ready to listen. She raised her left hand up in front of her to silent him She was not in the mood for excuses.

"You disappointed me, Ye Cheng."

"Mother, I am sorry. I…"

"You were supposed to be better than him. How could you be like him even after I tried taking you from him?"

Hearing her say those words hurt Ye Cheng very much and he lowered his gaze. She knew how much he disliked his father and now she likened him to the annoying old man.


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