Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 471 - Any Leads Yet?

Chapter 471 - Any Leads Yet?


CHAPTER 470 – Any Leads Yet?

The moment Li Jing was left alone, she made her way out of the house. She had been bothered about this whole issue for the entire time he went to see his mother.

She felt bad a bit because she looked forward to meeting his mother since she never met hers.

Who would have thought that his mother would reject their union? Just recalling all that was said to her was enough to plunge her back into tears.

At that moment she began to miss her own mother and instinctively, she reached up to her chest just to allow her fingers to graze on the beautiful gem that kept her mind intact.

"I miss you, mom. I know we haven"t seen but I know you have always been here for me. Please help me scale through this. I need you now."

She closed her eyes and leaned her head against her chair as the tears began to spill freely down her cheeks.

She welcomed it all, allowing her heart to pour their emotions out. After some minutes of crying and recalling the portrait of her mother, Li Jing finally opened her eyes and looked at her phone.

Suddenly, she recalled something. Letting out a deep sigh, Li Jing picked up her phone from the table close to her and called.


"h.e.l.lo. Yes. It has been a while. You haven"t updated me on anything," Li Jing quickly attacked, not giving him any time to relax.

"I am sorry, ma"am," the voice apologized to her.

"Sigh! Any leads yet? It has been months since I gave you this task."

"No leads but I believe soon we would be unto something."

That was it and Li Jing snapped. "What is the meaning of what you are saying? How can two people disappear without a trace? Aren"t there cameras and whatnot? There must be something. They cannot just disappear from the face of the earth just like that."

"I am sorry ma. I am doing my best but how can you find people who do not want to be found?"

"Are you asking me? Isn"t that your job? Tsk… Urghhh..."

The guy already knew she was frustrated about a lot of things and that had gotten the best of her and made the usually quiet and lovely Li Jing lose it for him.

"Just to be clear," he began. "I wasn"t asking you. I was just voicing out my worries. I do not know. At first, I felt that perhaps your aunties were making my search impossible but after all that I did, I noticed it wasn"t so."

"I know. I am sorry. I never should have said those words to you," She apologized.

"It is okay. I understand. On the contrary, though, I think I might have something I am getting onto."

"What? You do? How come you are only telling me now?"

"Because I do not want to get your hopes up. I still need to check out some things first."

"Okay, I understand what you mean by that. So what is it that you found?"

"Well, for starters, this is an incident that is as almost as old as I am. I managed to trace down to where they lived and from there, I would be able to know the last time and place they were seen."


"Umm, ma"am, this is why I said you should not get your hopes up yet. I need to clarify these things."

"I am glad notwithstanding."


"You found a lead and that is something important to me. Thank you so much. There is hope to find them. Keep me posted regularly now. I would do my own quota in whatever way I can."

"Alright, ma"am. I will. Thank you."

The call ended and she held her phone to her chest. Her cheeks pulled upwards, with her lips parting ever so brightly to reveal her set of beautiful teeth.

"Finally mum, I am closer to finding you. I better call Yin Lifen. I know she must be worried sick after what happened yesterday."

Saying that Li Jing, unlocked her phone and searched her call log. Surprisingly, she did not see any missed call, especially from the one person whom she expected to have made her phone buzz nonstop.

"Wow, this is a first. Fen Fen did not make my phone go crazy with calls. Did she finally realize that I am not a baby or she just simply forgot to call me?" Li Jing asked no one in particular.

Not long after the call went through that someone did answer. "h.e.l.lo, Fen Fen?"

"Li Jing!"

Rolling her eyes, L Jing smirked as she responded to her friend. "Yes? Someone seemed to have forgotten her friend existed."

"Oh come on. You know I would never do such a thing."

"Really now?" She let out a sigh and then rolled her eyes at her friend again. "Oh come on, admit already."

"Li Jing, I did not forget you. One bit, I bet."

"Tsk, I am not angry that you forgot to check up on me. Nope, not the issue. On the contrary, I am amazed that you can actually leave your chick alone. The thing that baffles me is what has got you so busy and occupied that you forgot me?"

"I did not bother to call because you were at home and with the love of your life. I know Ye Cheng is more than capable to care for you and heal your broken heart."

Li Jing rolled her eyes again and sighed. She could not believe Yin Lifen right now.

"Besides, see the way he stood up for you," Yin Lifen began suggestively.

"And what about it?"

"It shows you were in great hands. Thirdly, he warned us all not to disturb your anniversary night as he wanted to spend some time with his wifey and we obeyed."

"Seriously, now?"

"Yes. It was our ticket for coming to your party."

"Well, I believe that warning was for you and the guys."

"So, you see, no one wanted to disturb your swell pleasure-filled moment with hubby. "

"But that wasn"t the case and you know it."

"Well just as things went to normal, is it not right for me to say that you still being pleasured even after that whole encounter was things happening out of the blue."

"Fen Fen, don"t you dare change the conversation," Li Jing warned.

"You wish. Hahha hhaaa…."

"What a naughty. Okay, back to my guess. I presume you met a prince charming that stole your heart from mine?"

"What charming?"

"Tsk, you do not have to keep it from me. Spill now, Fen Fen."

"No. There is nothing to spill.

"Is that so?"


"Then why do I hear the short pants of male species?"

instantly she sat up and cleared her throat. "Umm, Li Jing you said? That?"

"I stated that I am hearing the short pants of a male," Li Jing confirmed.

"Tah!" Yin Lifen fired back while jolting up and trying to catch her breath to face Li Jing more.



Thanks for sticking so far with the book. Your joy has been something I look forward to, mist times.. Thanks, everyone.