Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 50


All these while, Li Jing who was left without a clue of what was happening, was stunned. Where did the car come from? How did it wind up there? Whose was it?

With so many questions in her head, she had little time to process it all when Ye Cheng pulled her hand again and lead her to his car.


Yin Lifen who had decided to call Li Jing to check up on her and possibly see if she had gotten the name of the handsome stranger, was feeling worried about the unanswered call and her friend"s phone going dead right after.

"Come on Li Jing, switch on your phone. Don"t tell me you are so busy taking care of that guy to even cut me off too."

Yin Lifen did not stop and proceeded to fail the number again.

"The number you have dialled... "

"Urghh!" Feeling the frustration take over her, she threw her phone on the bed and stormed out of her room.

Unknown to her, at the time she called, her friend was in a life and death situation.


It was dark when Li Jing and Ye Cheng finally arrived at their destination at a house towards the outskirt of the city.

The area was particularly quiet with few houses around, having a spa.r.s.e distance between them to maintain each other"s privacy.

Ye Cheng drove into the compound as the gates were opened and locked after him and came to a stop in front of the big house.

It was at this point Li Jing took the time to carefully look at the house and admire it.

From afar it looked like any other normal house, but when one came closer, you would see the intricate designs on the wall and the marble floor that spread all the way up front leading through the first flight of stairs into the house.

Up until now, Li Jing and Ye Cheng did not say a word to each other. All through their drive was as silent as a graveyard.

He stepped out from his side of the car and went to open the door for her to come out. Without saying a word, he took her hands and led her into the big house.

Getting inside she was more awed than being shocked. Everything was well decorated and spotlessly clean. The chairs, curtains, floor, t.i.tles… all screamed white at her.

Just from the expensively decorated house and chandeliers, Li Jing did not need a reminder that he was the wealthy Ye Cheng, CEO of the Dream Star Corporations.

By the time her eyes finished scanning the ground floor, her gaze shifted to the man in front of her.

All through her astonishment, he was watching her every move silently, as if waiting for her to have her fill first before speaking.

Noticing this, Li Jing cleared her throat and lowered her gaze. She was embarra.s.sed at being caught.

"Come here."

He led her up the stairs and she took in every detail and noted the path they took in her mind. Till this point there was not a single person in sight, just the two of them and the gatekeeper at the entrance.

In no time they came into a room and he paved the way for her to enter then slowly closed the door behind him. The room was just as expensively furnished and decorated like every other place in the big house.

He led her to the bed and sat her down before taking a step back to look at her. "Look at me, Li Jing," his calm voice echoed in her ears and she obeyed, looking straight into his eyes.

"Yes, Li Jing. Speaking about names…"

She was about speaking when he raised his hand to stop her from talking. "I presume you have questions and a lot of them as well."

She gave him a nod to confirm his statement and waited for him to proceed.

"Okay, I would answer them. First, I want you to take your bath and change into something comfortable, then come downstairs and we would talk. For now, this would be your room."

He stopped talking to allow his words to sink in and waited for her answer, but when he did not get any, he continued. "Do you have anything you need before I take my leave?"


"Good." With that, he turned around, about to leave when her small voice broke out.


Without looking at her, he answered. "Yes?"

"Are you really…"

Before she could ask her question he interrupted her. "Freshen up and I promise I would answer your questions. I need you to be relaxed and in the right frame of mind."

Without further ado, he walked first and left the room to tend to some other matters, giving her some privacy.

"I would love to have talked now," she muttered to herself and let out a sigh.

Although she looked normal, she was still scared of what had happened few hours ago. Everything still felt like a dream to her, one that she wished she could wake up from.

She moved to the door at her right and went for a hot relaxing bath.

By the time she was done taking her bath, she found the walk-in closet which was particularly empty save for a few clothes, shoes and bags. All of which belonged to a lady.

She wondered whose it was. "Was it for his girlfriend or who? I would be borrowing this for the night, please." She mentally took permission from the air and proceeded to pick a pair of white short and a big shirt.

It was after she pulled it out that she noticed they still had the labels on them. Minutes later, she headed downstairs as instructed and met him brewing tea in the kitchen.

In time they were seated at the dining table opposite each other with their cup of tea in front of them. "Ask away."