Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 588



"Big baby," she uttered amidst laughing, which ended up annoying Ye Cheng.

"Not fair."

"So is life, honey."

"No." He crossed his arms in front of her, waiting for her to pet him but all he got was an amused Li Jing.

"Never knew you could be this cute when you are being a baby."

"Li Jing…"

"Okay, okay, okay. I understand. You are my big baby. Now be a good baby and wait let momma cook you a nice meal."


"She let out a frustrated smile and then lowered her head as she tried her best to think out a solution.

"Fine," raising her head she smiled at him. "Be a good boy and momma would kiss you."

"Hmm, I do not want momma to kiss me. I want my wife to kiss me."

"Fine. Be a good boy for momma and you get to have your wfe for thirty minutes before we prepare to go for the outing."

Just hearing her offer a sinister mischievous smile appeared on his face and he nodded his head.

"I can be patient. Very patient in fact. Hurry up with the cooking while I would wait over there" he pointed at a side in the kitchen close to the counter. "I would watch from there."

"Alright dear. As you wish."

Just as he had promised, he moved over to the stipulated area and sat down close to the counter as he watched her go about her activities dutifully.

All the while he applauded and admired her resourcefulness. She was skillful in a lot of things and one of those was cooking and house management.

He had got to hand it over to her. Back then when he dated Bai Qing Mei, it was of no use. She refused to do anything around the house and he did not really have a problem with it until he met and saw how Li Jing did her things.

Li Jing was not oe to sit and wait for another person to do her work.

Yes, they had maids bit that was no use. She believed in getting her things done herself and in her way and even the maids all respected her and loved her.

This was clearly shown when she came with him to the house on Christmas eve then and they kissed under the mistletoe.

In fact, just thinking about all they had been through, he felt his heart clench a bot as pain tore through his fragile heart.

All those months they were apart when he thought she loved Tang Zixin and not him. All those times he held back regretablly thinking she did not love him.

He wished he had not been so dumb back then and had kissed her more often than not but then again he had a break-up that still clouded his judgement and that was why he delayed in actually going for Li Jing.

His mind and thoughts were clouded by the betrayal of his ex.

For a long while, Ye Cheng concentrated on his thoughts but he failed to realize that Li Jing had finished with the dishes and was ready for him.

"Honey?" She called when she noticed he still had not noticed she was standing there and waiting for him.

"Huh…" he closed his mouth and rubbed his eyes.

"I am done, honey," Li Jing informed him.

"Oh, okay. I guess it is time to go up?"

"Umm, yes but before then," she helped him up and when they were now standing face to face, she closed in on him and placed a gentle kiss on his lips.

For a second there he was caught off guard. His earlier thought had taken his mind away from that he forgot he was promised a kiss when she was done.

It was after some seconds that he got himself back and responded to her kiss, wrapping his left hand on her waist while his right hand went up to cup her cheek and play with it a bit as they deepened the kiss further.

A few moments in, they both stopped the kiss and smiled on each other"s lips before pulling their head back to look at their eyes.

"I love you."

"Love you too, hon," Li Jing responded sweetly.

"Good. Now shall we move upstairs or do you want to skip the whole having me part and let us just prepare for the outing."

"You wish babe. I am not skipping any part. I still want you and I would never get tired of you."

"Fine then. If you say that, I am all yours."

Both of them smiled again before he sneaked his hands around her body and before she could even say Jack Robinson, he scooped her in his hands" bridal sky and carried her out of the kitchen, almost b.u.mping into one of the maids in the house.

"My apologies Master Ye, Madam Li." The young girl apologized, giving them room to pa.s.s and carry on with their crazy love birds activities.


45 minutes later, they were already up and doing. They did not want to disturb the house, so Li Jing wore a simple sleeveless green gown with a light green small jacket that stopped around her belly b.u.t.ton.

The gown wasn"t so long as it reached her just a bit past her thighs so she complemented her outfit with a pair of black leggings and lovely black cover shoes with green flowery designs on top.

Simply put, she looked beautiful in her simple yet elegant and outfit.

Unlike her, Ye Cheng chose a lovely collared white t-shirt with a pair of blue jean trousers to go with it and a lovely pair of sneakers.

"Shall we?"

He raised his hands a bit, sticking out his elbow for her to take so they could leave and just as lI Jing was about doing so, her phone began to ring out.

"Oh boy."

She smiled apologetically to Ye Cheng first before pulling out her phone and pulling away from him.

"h.e.l.lo?" she responded immediately she answered the call.

"Good morning ma."

"Yes, morning. How do you do?"

"I am fine ma. Sorry to call you today," the young lady apologized in advance.

"Yes, no worries about it. Is there any problem?"

"Sorry ma, yes. Your presence is needed in the company. There has been an issue. I think something burning and some unknown men coming to cause commotion about the landed property and stuff. It is really a mess, right now."

"Seriously? Hiw come I am only hearing of this now."

"My apologies ma. We tried sorting it out and didn"t want to disturb your weekend."

"Nonsense. Fine. I would be on my way there now to resolve the issue and get some cops with me as well."

"Alright ma. Thanks and once again, am sorry."

"It is okay."

At the same time, Ye Cheng"s phone began to ring too, causing him to pull away from his wife and he went to answer it.

"h.e.l.lo, mum."

"Hey dear. How are you doing?" Li An asked.

"Great mum, you?"

"Fine. Well, Grandpa Lin Zian and I have been here for over thirty minutes now but we are not seeing either of you. Is everything okay?"

"Yes mum. Everything is fine. We got busy."

"Hmm, why do I feel like someone has been naughty again. You are disturbing my daughter-in-aw, right?"

"Hmm, mum, I am your son. You are supposed to be on my side, mum."

"Hmm, there is no law that says so. If there is one you tell me and quote it."

He let out a frustrated sigh. She was at it again. "Fine. Anyways, that wasn"t what took our time. We were preparing dishes for the picnic later."


"Wat? Why do you sound so alarmed mum?"

"Because you said we."

"Yes, so what is bad?"

"We means you did not let your poor wife work in peace. I bet your naughty hands were over her all through. Men! Now I know the cause of the delay. Anyways, we are getting old, we cannot wait long."

"Aye aye captain. Just relax and when you see her you can ask eher if I disturbed her. I was being a good boy all along."

"Hmm, if you say so." Even the way she said it was so sarcastic enough that Ye Chneg did not believe she actually believed him.

"Mum. Anyways," he said after releasing his breath. We are abou leaving the house. Do not worry. We would soon be there."

"I told Lin Zian, we should have come to your side first. Anyways, we are here and have no choiuce but to await your arrival. Be good."

"Yes mum. Bye."

He turned around, only to see Li Jing stare at him with ano apologetic sad face. Immediately his eyes met with hers, his smile dropped and he quickly walked up to her.

"What is the matter babe?"

"I"m sorry.. I have to go."