Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 658: Shopping Scandal 2: Undefeated Li Jing.

Chapter 658: Shopping Scandal 2: Undefeated Li Jing.



“Do you think, your family would stand?”

Fang Qiuyue could not answer but only stare at Li Jing. “That’s right, the result would be unfathomable. I suggest you behave and not go around hording enemies for your family. Fen Fen, let’s go. I do not want to be infected by the likes of them.”

Li Jing did not bother to wait for a reply and made her way past everyone as she cat walked like a pro out of the area. “Well I am not her. She may be forgiving but you crossed the wrong girl, Ms Fang. Watch out. He who has ears, let him hear, right? Listen to her advice.”

Yin Lifen too, turned around and hurried off after Li Jing so that they could pay for their goods and leave.

For some seconds, Fang Qiuyue spdud not speak or fight back, she waited for them to have gone far before she raised her chin and yelled after them.


“Hey, I do not need you to teach me anything or give me any advice. I can handle myself by myself. Hmmph.”

She turned around, dragging her friend with her as the two of them made their way past the crowds and we t shopping.

She was fuming with rage but she needed to save face first. This was not over as far as she was concerned. She was going to inform her family and make sure Li Jing paid for the embarra.s.sment.

“Hey!” Yin Lifen called out, trying to catch up with Li Jing. Slowing down her movement, she waited for Yin Lifen.

“What took you so long? I thought you had suddenly grown fond of your new-found friend and did not want to come with,” Li Jing teased her.

“Oh, please. You know me better than this. I can never have someone like her as a friend and you know that, right?”

“I do not know. If I had not known better, I would have thought she was your new found chick.”

“Hey, Li Jing that hurt you know? You are my only chick. I refuse to be mother hen to anyone else but my love, my sweet Li Jing.”

“Ah, I see. So you are confessing your love. Tsk. I must warn you.”


They got to the counter and handed over their goods for payment. “About everything,” Li Jing said, turning to her side to face Yin Lifen.

“Like? Go straight to the point babe. Tell me, what is it?”

“Well, I must warn you that you would have my Ye Cheng to contend with.”

“Pfff, Hehhee hahhaaa...” she let herself go wide in her laughter before slowing it down till she stopped and she looked sternly at Li Jing. “Babe, when it comes to you, I can go any length and fight and battle to get you. I am your mother hen and you are my chick.”

“Can you say that in my presence?”

All of a sudden they heard a bone-chilling voice question Yin Lifen, causing them to remain still and await his move.

But after some seconds, none came and the two ladies did not want to be at the mercy of their vocal oppressors. They gave each other a side contact and as though being in each other’s mind, they turned around swiftly only to be standing face to face with...

“Oh my G.o.d!” Li Jing quickly placed a hand on her chest to steady her fast heart beat.

“Tang Zixin.”

“h.e.l.lo, ladies.”

“h.e.l.lo, Yin Lifen waved at him, forgetting what she said and what his response was.

“Hey Zi... How are you and what are you doing here?”

“Well I came to get one or two things and buy some winter clothes for my workers at home.”

“Awwwn, that is cute. Don’t I just want to have a boss like you.” Her eyes blinked thrice when she said that. She had not intended to say that, especially in that manner considering Li Jing just became her boss, unofficially.

“Hehhee...” she blushed at Li Jing who just shook her head at her. “Did not mean?ooó it. I was just raising him.”

“Hmm I know. I would just let Ye Cheng know that his wife is a pretty bad boss who does not shop for her workers.”

“Hey, not the big guy. Please anyone but your hubby, please Jing-er.” she clasped her hands together putting her face in a pleading pout.

“Why should Ihelp you?”

“Because you are the best boss around, even better than Tang Zixin.”

“I guess this is double offence. First you plan on stealing Li Jing from me and now you say this, tsk, how do you plead your cause because at this point, I doubt you can save yourself. From the looks of things, you fear no one save for Ye Cheng. Now I wonder what he has that I do not?”

Yin Lifen felt like shrieking to the group d. She was just like Fang Qiuyue now. Everything she said backfired at her. At one point she was trying to appease Li Jing to avoid Ye Cheng’s anger but here she was offending another person.

“Heheh come on, can’t you just take e a joke, Tang Zixin. Help me apologize to Li Jing.”

“Nah. I wou, d pa.s.s.”

“What, why?”

“Simple, you fear and fancy Ye Cheng more. I hope Li Jing let’s him know how you plant steal Li Jing away from him?”

“Ahhh, what do you won’t, Tang Zixin? State it and I would do it. Just do not bring Cheng into it.”


“Hmm, let’s say I still love myself.”


“Ma’am your card please,” the cashier called out to them.

“Oh yes. Sorry.”

“No wait. I would pay for all their goods. Swipe my card,” Tang Zixin offered.

“No, it is my treat to Li Jing, I would pay,” Yin Lifen fought.

“Tsk, if you want my forgiveness, yell out in, a the best boss in the world and allow me to pay for these. Either that or I call Ye Cheng.”

“You know how to bargain. Fine.” She turned to face Li Jing and manage a genuine smile at her friend.”Li Jing do not worry, I would take you for lunch in an expensive restaurant.”


He handed over the card and after the payment has been made, Tang Zixin grinned at Yin Lifen. “I am waiting.”

“Fine, you win. I guess my big mouth put me in trouble. Tang Zixin, you are the what boss in the world!”

“Hhehee,” Li Jing could not help giggling at Yin Lifen’s plight. This was hilarious. She was going to get back at the CEO of Tang Group and what a b.u.mmer that was going to be.

“Fine. Let us go. We have caused enough traffic at the cashing point. Besides, I am starving.”

“Okay, time to treat my chick.”

“Am I invited?”

“Ah!” she yelped suddenly, joltingbfrm where she stood close to Li Jing away from the counter a she looked at Tang Zixin who had his head lowered close to where she was.

“Stop sharing me, big guy. I guess you are even more of a troublemaker than Ye Cheng is. Tsk, poor Li Jing to have the likes of you men surrounding her. You guys should b like me.”

“At this rate, get ready to be bullied,” Li Jing chipped in, enjoying where the fun was going.

“Whatever. I am like a bird set free.”


“So, Ms Yin, am I invited?”

“Sure, if I sat no. I know you would only look for a way to just bully me into taking you. I do not see why you want to come though. Never knew the CEO of the Tang Group has a lot of free time on his hands to have lunch(nwith two ladies.”

“Beautiful ladies might I remind you,” Tang Zixin corrected. You know Ye Cheng would be mad if you addressed her such.”

“Tsk, there he is again. Anyways let us go.”

“Where would we be dining at?” Li Jing’s curiosity over rode her careful manner as she eagerly waited for Yin Lifen’s answer.

“Rong Royals.”


“Yes. It is such a shame though. Didn’t know about the occasion else I would have preferred down so that Rong would personally prepare it for.”

“Ah, if that is all, do not worry. I would out a call through to him to check if he is around.”

“Thank you, Li Jing. Keep it up.”

Smiling at Yin Life, she took out he phone and was about calling when Ye Cheng’s call entered.

“Oh, it is Cheng. A minute guys.”

“Hey wifey, how are you doing, my love?”

“Fine dear, you?”

“Great. I am happy though.”


“I can tell from your voice, hone. Tell me what is it? What got you feeling so glad this way, huh?”

“For starters, I must say I am proud. Well, my baby is a star.”

She cringed a bit, but one could easily tell she was faking. “I do not understand. What happened?”

“You are on the internet again. Shopping scandal. You served someone who did not know her place and I am proud. For that, I have called Rong to cook me his specials. We are going on a date.”



“Yup. My baby deserves it and more. Oh and take Fen Fen with you. I need to thank her for standing up for my baby.”

“Yeah, about that, I am here with Fen Fen and Tang Zixin. We were about going to have lunch at Rong’s. She was treating us.”

“Tell her it is my treat. As Tang to come too. The more the merrier.”

“Okay love, thanks. Be there in thirty.”


The call ended and she glanced at the two of them. “Rong is around and we are going to dine with Cheng!”