Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 666: Ferris Wheel

Chapter 666: Ferris Wheel



Once they were done catching their breath, he pulled out from her. They were lucky she always carried a pack of baby wipes in her car, which they used to clean up completely, wore their clothes, sprayed some perfumes to mask the smell of s.e.x before riding in their various cars towards the park.

Arriving at the park, it was already 9 pm but on look at Li Jing’s and Ye Cheng could see it meant more to her than anything.

“Honey, let’s go there. I want to play with the ponies first and then I would...”

Before she could finish her sentence, he placed his hand on her head, ruffling her hair up a little bit. “Fine, we would play any game you ant and ride any thing you want to ride, just lead the way,” Ye Cheng said with a smile.

“Sure! This way then,” she pointed at the pony ride and pulled him along with her.


His smile widened as they both rushed up to their next stop.

They spent the next one hour thirty minutes, enjoying various games and finally they came to a stop in front if the Ferris wheel.

“Here, my love. I guess this is the last bus stop,” Ye Cheng announced, stretching out his hand for her to take.

“Sure.” she placed her hand on his and looked up at the wheel. “This would be perfect.”

“Yes. Remind me again,” Ye Cheng began as he peeled his gaze faway rom the Ferris wheel to look at her face. “Why ars you so excited about this Ferris wheel this much?”

“It is simple. Can’t you guess?” She turned her head in his dire tion and smiled, waiting for him to try and guess the answer.

“Do not tell me that it is because I am here to ride it with you?”

“Well, yes that is one reason but that is not the ultimate.”

“Oh really, so what is the main reason why my wife wants to ride the Ferris wheel?” ??

“Simple. Ever since I could remember and had my memories, I always wanted to go to the park and ride this but I never go the chance to go out often and when we went out, their attention was always on Li Xiu giviving her what she wanted.”

“Oh I see.”

“Yes, I said I was going to ride it when I grew up but I grew up and got too busy with working and schooling.”

“Even on your weekends?”

“It was either Ding Jiaying had one work or the other to do or Li Xiu would pa.s.s on to me her office work or Duan Tian would want my time and just like that I let this dream go.”

“After you left?”

“I got busy with your company and life and then grandpa came, I had his company to run then I ran back her rtomset up the new branch and I got married to you.”

“So since then, you have worked all your life. Wow. I must say, you had it tough and rough and sadly, I am your husband added to it. My sincerest apologies. I am supposed to take say from your burden and not add to it.”

“Stop it. Since I recalled today, that was why I said I must come here and bring you with me. Now I do not juts get to live my dream but to do so with the man I love.”

“I see.” he drew her closer to himself and protectively hugged her, rubbing down the length of the hair from her head. “I am sorry. As from today, I won’t bug you with my company again and also I would make the advertis.e.m.e.nt open and get the best out there for my financial manager. My wife needs to get more rest lest she gets old and worn out because of work.”

“Hey,” she hit him on the arm in protest. “How can you say that? I would not wear out. I am not a machine, you know.”

“I know and that is why I do not want you working like one.”

“You so not want to see me in your company?”


She pulled asay from his hug and glanced at his face. “Honey do not want his love’s help anymore.”

“Of course I want you coming to the company but not as one of my employers but as the CEO’s wife, to see me, have fun with me when we both want to, pa.s.s time together if we get too stressed out at work.”

“I see. I guess only naughtiness fills up your mind these days.”

“You are the naughty one. Having fun can be playing game and relaxing. Not what you re thinking.”

“And what am I thinking?”

“What you are thinking, naughty.” He poked her nose and kissed her lips before pulling back to look at the Ferris wheel.

“Umm, you know what I mean is for you to start relaxing and doing all the things you want to do more and stop worrying about me. It is my job to do the worrying, just focus on your company and live life to the fullest. Just like today when you went shopping. I was happy seeing you there.”


“Yes, silly. Be free. You are not a caged wife. You are a human being and when the kids come, I know you would be more stressed, so why not enjoy life a bit?”

“If you say so. That reminds me, I got something s.e.xy at the mall today. When we get home, we would use it for the fun. I’m going to wear it and model for you.”

“I like the sound of that. Since we barely have much time, we would spend the time here till 11 pm an then drive back home to see those lovelies my wife bought.”

“Yes. Let’s go.”

They headed straight for the Ferris wheel, paid and got unto one of the pa.s.sengers carrying compartment. “Here we go. Hold on close to me if you are scared,” Ye Cheng whispered into her ear just before the ride began.

“I doubt. You would be the scared one.”