Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 678: [Bonus chapter] Hasty

Chapter 678: [Bonus chapter] Hasty



“Calm down. You are nervous. I am not attacking you. If I would, I would have had you arrested and gotten all information I want from you by now.”

She knew he had a point and she could not deny it. Letting her eyes drop close briefly, Chen’an inhaled again before reopening them. She was ready now to speak the truth and tell all that she knew.

And by that, she did not intend on hiding anything from Ye Cheng.

“Okay. But I have majorly said all I know, Mr Ye. And I am not trying to cover up for a man who used me as a hostage and knocked me out.”

“This is good. So, you need to relax more because I am not biting.” He sat out from his seat while intertwining his fingers together. “Now, please tell me all you know about this guy and why you are so sure he would not harm Li Jing or me?”


“It is quite simple, Mr. Ye. I have always been a good judge of character and although he acted rudely on our first meeting, I did not get the vibes of a killer from him.”

“Okay. So even if he is not a killer, as you think, I cannot deny the fact that he is stalking her, and stalking someone is mostly not a good thing, don’t you think?”

“True but he also told me he isn’t the bad guy and you are right. Stalking isn’t good but what if he has a good reason as to why he is doing this.”

“Whatever reason there is, he should not have run.”

“If he hadn’t, you would have captured him and before anything else, he would have been blamed and accused.”

He could not argue with his words because they would have put all the blame on him as she had said.

“Alright then. So, what is his name? Did he make mention of it to you?”

“Yes. His name is Ren.”

Ye Cheng stood up from his seat and his eyes looked more daring now. “Thank you, Miss...”

“Chen’an. My name is Chen’an.”

“Yes. Miss Chen’an, thanks for your help so far.”

“Welcome. I do not know if I have been able to help at all. I wished I could but one thing, please do not have him. He said you all are good guys including him and I want to believe this was a misunderstanding that shouldn’t have to blow up.”

“No worries, Miss. I would check him up, to see who he works for and if his operations age for the good guys or the bad ones,” Ye Cheng explained.

“Thanks.” She stood up as well and smiled at him. “Thanks for the hospitality and my apologies one more time for my rude behaviour. I really hope you get to the bottom of this.”

“Yes. I will. I need to protect my wife well. That is why I am going through all of this.”

“Good. Mrs Li is lucky to have you.”

“Yeah. I hope you find that lucky guy too.”



Li Jing stepped out of the car and looked around a bit, before smiling at the bright sun. Her gaze fell from the sky towards the mansion and a deep sigh fell from her lips.

“Here again,” she noted, tightening her grip on her small bag as she made her way towards the mansion.

‘It has been what? Days? Feels like months since I last came here,” Li Jing spoke in her mind.

She was not so happy being here especially knowing what she was coming there for. She had checked with her person to be sure Li Chun was home and now more than ever, she wanted to scream into his face for her origin.

This was a time she had been waiting for. It was finally here.

If she gave him all the shreds of evidence, he was not supposed to deny her and tell her the truth. To some people, it may not matter so much but to Li Jing, it meant the world.

Not in the world did she feel complete knowing that the one thing she always wanted since she was a child was out there.

No one knew what her mother was doing if she was alive and what her joy was and if she would even remember her. Regardless, Li Jing was determined to find her.

At least when she saw her, it would be her decision if her mother really forgot her and was happy elsewhere. She would leave her to be happy but until then, she was not going to abandon her mother.

She got to the staircase more quickly than she had antic.i.p.ated because her mind and body were connected. It knew she wanted and needed the answer fast.

Taking in a deep breath, she pressed on the door bel and waited for the familiar voice of the maid.

“Hold on! Just a minute please.”

She took a step back and looked headstrong as she stared keenly at the door. Once it -pulled open, a small smile spread on her face as her gaze held the maid’s.


Her eyes went wide when she saw Li Jing. She was not used to having Li Jing here ever since Li Xiu and Ding Jiaying were kicked out.

Even last time, she wasn’t the one who answered the door so she did not know. And seeing her here now only meant that there was trouble.

“Hi Xaoili,” Li Jing greeted casually.

“Miss Li!”

“Oh, sorry about that. It is Mrs. now,” she corrected.

“Yes. Sorry, Mrs Li Jing.”

“Thank you.” The look on the girl’s face when she spoke to Li Jing wasn’t as irritating as it was back then when she would be maltreated by her family.

Instead, she looked at her now like she had seen a celebrity and indeed that was what she was. She was no longer a low high-cla.s.s family. This time around she was the CEO of Lin Enterprises and the wife to the CEO of Dream Star Corporation.

“Please come in.”