Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 69 - A Condition

Chapter 69 - A Condition

Li Jing bid Luo Jinhai goodbye and went inside the building. Her day was a little bit stressful psychologically and she needed the much deserving rest.


By evening in Li"s residence, Li Xiu was seen sitting down in the living room with a gla.s.s of grape wine in one hand and her phone in the other.

Her focus was completely on her phone and not on the news that was being shown on the television.

As she got home, Ding Jiaying was in a happy mood, waiting and expecting to hear good news, but after seeing the gloomy look on her daughter"s face, she knew it didn"t go that well which they expect it to be.

Li Xiu had informed her about all that had transpired between her and Mr. Kang and how her goal to get Ling back had returned.

Right now, she was chatting with a friend in hopes of getting a new client for her father"s company and probably be able to prove to Mr. Kang that she did not need his investment.

Ring! Ring!

A call came through, taking her decision away from her chat and she looked at the strange number with a look of indifference.


"h.e.l.lo, good evening," a male voice suddenly broke out from the other end of the phone.

"Evening, please who is on the line?"

"Am I talking to Miss Li Xiu?"

"Yes, this is she. Anything the matter?"

"No ma. I am Choi Ping, the marketing director of Kang Enterprises. I am calling as regards…"

Mr. Choi had not finished speaking when Li Xiu"s face lit up.

"Yes, he wants to give our company a second chance. I knew he could not resist my beauty. It was either one of the two. Since my presentation did not make it, my beauty got us the deal. Good thinking Li Xiu."

She had not even heard the news completely when she began praising herself. Imagine what a bomb it was when the actual news and reason for his calling was finally revealed.

"Yes, sir. I understand. Mr. Kang saw my potential and wants to arrange for another meeting. Tell him I accept."


Mr. Choi Ping was left speechless at the way she jumped into conclusion about the whole thing without listening to him, not caring about what he was about to say and what he don"t.

"Ahem!" Mr. Choi cleared his throat into their call as it seems the only way to shut her up.

"Yes, sir?"

"Miss Li Xiu, I presume you are quite fine but that is not the case here."

"It is not? Then what is? Why did you call?"

"My boss, Mr. Kang has decided to give your company a second chance."

"That is good news. Thank you so much. I promise you we would not be disappointed."

"Do not thank me yet till you hear the condition."


"There is a condition though." Mr. Choi said, hitting the nail on the head.

In as much as the news was good, there was still one sad part to it.



"Hmm," Li Xiu"s face contorted into a frown as she did not like the sudden change in tone of Mr. Choi. What condition if I may ask?"

"Mr. Kang would only meet with your company to seal of the business deal based on one condition," Mr. Choi informed her.

"And what is that deal?"

"He wants to meet the one who made that marketing slides to hear from the horse"s mouth directly."

Badum! Badum!

At that instant, Li Xiu"s heart began to beat fast at the sudden request. She did not know what she was going to do or say as everything that had happened to her since Li Jing left had been problems upon problems.

"Li Jing, Li Jing, Li Jing! Why must everything in my life revolve around her?" Li Xiu lamented in her mind.

It was still very shocking for her and at that moment she felt like just tearing her sister"s face and ruining it.

"Miss Li Xiu, are you there?" Mr. Choi called out to her when he noticed he did not get any response from her after some time.

"Sorry sir. I created that marketing slide. I would be more than happy to meet with him again and this time, clear the past record I had with him, sir."

"I am sorry ma"am, but do you take me for a fool or do you think that my boss would not know the difference?"

"Umm, sir… I …umm, it is not that I umm… you know," Li Xiu felt that her cover has been blown. Now, she was not able to form any coherent words in her mouth anymore and she began to stutter her words.

"I do not think at this point of time you should be trying to lie and cover up the mess when it is as plain as a white sheet of paper miss."

"Okay sir, it was done by her and not me."

"Then why did you lie to me when I asked for first time, Miss Li Xiu? Do you know that with this act we can withdraw all of our interest from your company?"

"I am sorry, please I have my reasons."

"What could that possibly be?"

"You see sir, Li Jing resigned from the company against all my pleas. So I am afraid now that I cannot meet up with your request but then again, I can do it on her behalf."

"I am sorry ma. My orders were clear. My boss, Mr. Kang would only do business with you only if the original owner of the slide agrees to meet with him. He would only agree if Miss Li Jing, herself, would present the marketing strategies to him."

"But Mr. Choi, kindly help me beg him to reconsider his request. I am as capable as her, if not better than Li Jing."

"Orders are orders Miss Li Xiu. Set a meeting in two days time with Miss Li Jing. It is either her or no business dealings. Have a nice day. Goodbye."

"Mr. Choi! Mr. Cho…"


"Mr. Choi! Argghhh! Don"t cut the call. What is the meaning of all this? Li Jing, Li Jing, why have you become a thorn in my flesh?"