Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 696: Lucky To Have You

Chapter 696: Lucky To Have You



“I shall attack first with my gift and make them realize, the game is on,” Ye Cheng affirmed.

“Okay then. The lawyer would be delivering the lawsuit today, so anything you want us to add to it before he leaves?” Hong Wei Ling inquired.

“Nothing much. However, I want a different parcel delivered to his house.”

“And want would that be, Cheng? Oh and please let your imaginations be devious. I won’t deliver any normal gift. I need something crazy and deadly.”

“Hold your horses, Wei Ling, you know me too well.”


“If I do not, wouldn’t be a shame to our friendship?” Fong Wei Ling inquired.

“Sure, it would, hahaha. Okay, this is how it is going to be.”


Li Jing, however, made her plans and made them great. She had let her heath affect her work but now, she intended to make a big splash on the stock market and get her company, soaring high.

With how busy she got, she completely forgot about Chen’an because unlike Ye Cheng who knew the full story, she was concerned with her mother’s whereabouts.


She released a deep breath as she brushed through her hair, leaving it in a ruffled mess.

Her hands dropped to the table before her, whilst her eyes remained glued to the laptop screen in front of her.

That morning had been hectic. She had requested all units give her a future plan on how to move the company’s latest brand of drinks forward.

They had their lead compet.i.tors, Dream Star Corporation, Tang Group and Zhang’s Group being her nemesis in the market.

The brands of drinks those companies produced had been in the market for a long long time.

Now she wanted to counter them, in their city, she needed a big breakthrough to make her company known.

This was one of the ways she intended on spreading her grandfather’s company before making her imports and exports of his agricultural goods more enticing, of great quality and even better sales market.

Normally she came up with the ideas but then again, she did not want to raise a company doing all the work whereas she had people there to help out and do their job.

Due to her accident and all, plus how the weekend worked out, she did not plan anything.

However the plan they presented her...

She rolled her eyes at the screen while muttering some unknown words.

Finally, she stood up. Her fled bright yellow skirt, rising with her and shaking to each turn and step she took.

She wore a dark blue chiffon round neck top, laced with tiny shiny beads at the neck and hand, tucked in with a small white belt holding her skirt in place.

Her hair was fully let down in its wavy locks, making the look exquisite, even with her matching white heels.

“Yes, my husband’s company is there, however, I plan on ruling the drink market. The others have enjoyed fame for a while now, it is time to change.”

Just then she heard a knock on her door, startling her out of her thoughts.

Her gaze flew towards the door right after, waiting to see who it was.

Once the second knock came on the door, it pushed open slightly, revealing Yin Lifen in her simplistic look.

A small smile formed on her lips as she took a step into the office. Her knee-length, fled white gown moved with each step she took, making her ensemble grand, coupled with the black waist belt that matched her black shoes.

“Fen-Fen,” Li Jing called out softly.

“Whoa! Girl do you look terrible,” she smiled at her, placing a hand on her waist. “What got you troubled, baby?” Yi Lifen asked, her care resonating in her voice.

“Trying to come up with the best marketing strategy that can give us a good edge over the three top companies in drinks.”

“I see. So what have the marketing team come up with?”

“Not much honestly. And these past few days I was off, well... Sigh!”

“Hmm, this is not like them. You need to figure out what is going on with your workers,” Yin Lifen advised.

She drew in her nose, raising her head lightly as she stood straight, watching her friend with keen knowing eyes.

“You are right. However, if they want me to put fire on their and query them for slouching, I would.”

“Hahhaa,” a peal of small laughter fell off Yin Lifen’s lips. “I understand. After all, it was how your grandfather got you to be the CEO in the first place. You were fierce in your dealings. You did not have time for lazy souls and you solved the problems there.”

“Thanks for the reminder.”

“Welcome, dear. So, believe in yourself, Li Jing. If anyone can do it, then it has to be you.”

Li Jing nodded her head. Her friend was right. All she knew and did was from how she had organized and arranged herself as well as coordinated those working with her.

If they were slacking, she first needed to be sure things were put in place and not just the fact that she did not try her best and now that was what she was going to do for them.

She stretched her hands forward, gesturing for Yin Lifen to take her seat. Together, both ladies did that without saying a word.

The utmost silence that ensued told them that they both had something important to think of which they needed to discuss with each other as well.

“What is bugging you,” Li Jing said breaking the silence.

“Nothing much.”

“Then there is something. Please feel free. We are friends after all.”

“Sure.” Yin Lifen released a soft sigh before settling herself properly on her seat. Her gaze remained firm as she pried her lips to speak. “Well, I would love to take this Friday off.”

“Okay, any main reason as to why?”

“Yes. Aiden is arriving from the states today and he is coming straight here to Star City to visit me first before he heads over to his own city.”

“I see.”

“Yes. So please I want to personally pick him up and prepare properly for his arrival.”

“Okay then. However, Fen-Fen, you know work now is hectic. I need all the help I can get. We have them piled up since I was sick.”

“This is why you should have gotten a vice sooner, tsk, naughty Li Jing.”

“Hey, are you complaining? Why didn’t you apply sooner?” Li Jing accused her.

Both ladies looked at each other sternly before bursting into laughter at the same time. They had just done a little bit of a boss and employee show and it felt nice for them.

By the time their laughter died down a bit, Li Jing moved out of her seat and placed both hands back on her desk as she spoke up. “I need you too, you know.”

“I know,” she too shifted out of her seat and held her friend’s hand. “And I would make it up to you. I promise.”

Li Jing’s cheek turned upwards a bit at the sound of hearing Yin Lifen promise her. “Hmm, and what would that promise be?”

“First of all, I would be taking my work home. Also, I would stay in late on Thursday and finish up a large chunk of your work that requires my input and take a few of mine home. That way, I can work over the weekend and at night. It would be like I never left.”

“You really want to kill yourself with work on your weekend? It is your time with Aiden.”

“I know. However, I am your friend and I do not want to take that for granted in terms of business.”

“Oh darling, what can I do without you?”

“Virtually everything and nothing,” she shrugged, raising both hands a bit to her side as they burst out laughing, again.

“Honestly, you can do everything you set your mind to do without me or ye Cheng, Li Jing. You have always excelled and you have done so, alone. I admire your talent, your striving and your brains.”

“Wow, that is such a huge compliment, Yin Lifen.”

“Yes. It is because you deserve every bit of it and the guys in your life are well aware of it, that is also why they want you as theirs. Sadly for them, you got the best, Ye Cheng, who loves you silly and is the proudest man alive to have you.”

A small flush appeared on her cheeks when her friend explained that. It wasn’t that she did not know, she did. However, she was more to herself and did not accept the praises that she deserved.

“Any man would be lucky to have you, girlfriend and I am prouder to be your best friend.”

“Awwn, thanks a bunch, Fen-Fen, you just lightened my heart.”

“Anything for you.”

“Thanks, again. And, I think I have a nice idea.”

“What would that be?”