Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 704: Heart Attack

Chapter 704: Heart Attack



The second Hua Ah k.u.m left his office, Chairman Zhang spent some time finishing the doc.u.ment he had opened on his desk.

Once he was through and appended his signature, he picked up the parcel and unwrapped it.

Once the first stage was done, his eyes narrowed further on the brown box. Not being one to fret over any matter, Chairman Zhang threw caution to the wind and opened the box.

The second he did it, his blood level rose and his heart flew up into his mouth.

“AH k.u.m!” He screamed out, taking more than just a step back as he climbed on his seat in poor and utter fear.


He waited a minute but his secretary was not forthcoming. That was when he yelled out her name again.

The wooden door opened as she flung it to the side, causing a loud bang which had further made the old man’s heart jump in shock again.

His eyes widened when he saw her as hope once more came to life in his eyes. Rather than speaking, he stretched forth his hand, pointing at the opened box on his table.

For his secretary, this was the first time in her life since she began working for him to see her boss this scared.

His irregular breathing could be heard from where she was and with one look at him, he looked like he would go into shock the next moment and she could not have that.

She scanned the room but saw nothing other than that box.

In all sense, there was something too bad that made him that way. However, the million-dollar question that she dared to ask in her mind was...

‘If the Chairman was scarred the s.h.i.t out of himself like this, then who am I not to?’

“Ah k.u.m! Don’t just stand there, get rid of that thing,” he ordered, pulling her out of her mild trance.

“Y-Y...Yes, s-sir...” her quivering lips and shaky hands did not go unnoticed by Chairman Zhang, but he had too much to worry about than her fear.

One was the fact that till now, the fast beat of his heart never reduced, instead, it seemed to increase every second he saw the box.

Soon it became extremely hard to breathe and he clutched at his chest while watching her.

Slowly, A k.u.m made her way to the table. Upon reaching it, she shut her eyes tight, chanting inaudible words to boost her confidence.

“Ah k.u.m, one more delay and you are out of the job,” he threatened.

Hearing that... That was all the boost she needed and she turned around to the side of the table.

She stretched forth her hand and gripped the box but kept her eyes closed as she lifted it. By the time she had managed to bring it close to her, her curiosity could not help and she opened her eyes.

Immediately she peered into the box, she went wide-eyed and threw the box on the ground, spilling its content to the floor.

T took some seconds, neither of them made any move nor did they voice out anything as they both went into shock.

Laying on the floor close to the Chairman’s chair was a small throw pillow stained with blood with close to forty syringes half-filled with blood surrounding the pillow.

As it fell, a few syringes fell out of the pillow unto the ground with a few blood stains at the tip and on the floor.

“Ah k.u.m are you mad?! What were you thinking...?”

No sooner had those words gone out of his mouth than his grip on his chest tightened as his eyes shut. His big hands stretched at her while he tried to gasp for breath.

The whole scenario was too much for her poor mind to bear but right now, something bad was happening.

Snapping out of her shock, she rushed towards the Chairman, holding his stretched hand and searching frantically on his body for what to do.

“Sir, sir... sir please can you hear me?”

“A...Aah k.u.mmm....”

“Your inhaler? Or...” Her panic-stricken face searched his face, waiting for him to speak. “Umm, what should I do? What should I do?”

In her years of serving him, she had never witnessed this situation before in him. Now that she was faced with the situation, she was a little bit helpless and shaken.

‘Ah k.u.m, keep calm. You can handle this situation. Calm down and think. What is the first thing to do in such a case for a heart attack patient?’

She cracked her brain quickly for the answer while holding unto his hand for support.

‘d.a.m.n it, I should have paid more attention when I watched that first aid vid... wait, have the person sit down, rest, and try to keep calm. Loosen any tight clothing. Got it.’

Quickly, her hands went to work.

He was already half-seated so it should not be too much problem.

She a.s.sisted him, moving her hands to his leg and helping him gently put them down. She placed both hands on his shoulders and pushed his body gently to rest on the chair.

Next, Ah k.u.m removed his hands from his chest and ensured he was in a resting position. “Good the next is... d.a.m.n it, the first was to call 120. I am sorry sir. I need a minute.”

Taking his telephone, she placed a call quickly. She would have opted for carrying him to the hospital by calling his driver, but she did not want to complicate matters by any means.

“h.e.l.lo?” She urgently let out.

“Good day ma. The ambulance service, please what is the emergency.”

“Sir, please... hurry. Someone is having a heart attack now. Please hurry to Zhang Group. The Chairman is having a heart attack!”

“Okay. On our way ma. Please keep calm and in the meantime kindly perform the first aid to the patient. What is the patient’s, status?”

“I have successfully gotten him to sit down properly and loosened his tight clothing.”

“Good place them in a sitting position on the floor, keep the head and shoulders supported and the knees bent. If there is a cushion available, use it to support the shoulders and place one under the knee.”

“On the floor, got it.”

“If there is any Aspirin, you can give him first and encourage him to breathe and keep calm. We are on our way. Ensure you monitor his breathing and remain calm.”


She ended the call and helped him to get down on the floor. How she had managed that feat was still a miracle to her due to their weight difference.

However, she did and performed the first aid as she was told. Rushing for this small living room in his office, she got two throw pillows and rushed back to his side, placing them as she was instructed.

Soon she began to see some favourable signs as the paleness on his face started changing. More so, his sweating reduce and he could breathe without gasping every second.

“An aspirin. Aspirin, yes, I have. Thank goodness I left it here the other day.”

She rushed to her desk, got the aspirin from her drawer and raced back to him. “This would help you, sir. Please open up.”

She took the tablet and pressed it against his lips. Once in, she encouraged him to chew and swallow.

By the time she had carried out all the procedures, several beads of sweat glistened on her forehead as she squatted close to where he was on the ground and watched him.

‘Who could have done such nonsense? They knew the effect it would have on him obviously. Sigh! I have to get rid of them before the ambulance medical team arrives.’

Standing up, she got to work, pushing her fear behind and doing what needed to be done.

Getting the box of tissue down, she used it as her gloves and began to pick the few syringes that had fallen off.

After which she proceeded to clean the ground using sanitisers and tissues before keeping everything back into the box and throwing it in the trash can.

Wiu – Wiu! Wiu – Wiu

Her eyes flew open when she heard the sound of the ambulance going off outside and she heaved a deep sigh.

She stood up, straightened her clothes and whipped her forehead with the back of her palm as she swept her gaze to the Chairman. “Finally.”


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