Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 72


"It is okay," Tang Zixin said. There was nothing more he could do about her decision anyway. "If you say so, but remember, the doors of my company would always be open to you if you change your mind."

Li Jing looked at him with wide eyes and her lips curved up into a smile that reached her eyes.

She did not know what she had done in this life to deserve such kindness from him and his grandmother. Nevertheless, she was very grateful for it.

"Eat up before the food gets cold."

"Thank you. The food is looking delicious," Li Jing remarked as her mouth began to water just from looking at the different dishes in front of her.


By the next day which was Friday, Ye Cheng came over to check up on her and also give her the good news.

"Good morning."

"Good morning," Li Jing returned his greeting and paved the way for him to enter the house.

By the time he settled down, Ye Cheng broke the silence. "How was your night? How have you been?"

"My night was fine and as you can see, I have been alright. What about you?"

"I am fine."

"And your wound?"

"I have gotten it treated. It is healing perfectly well."

"That is good. Any leads with the people after you?"

"Not much but I have a reasonable lead unto something else and I must say a big thank you to you. If not for you, I may not have found it out."

Li Jing tried to read his facial expression to get any clue about what he was talking about or something but all she got was his usual stoic expression, calm and not giving any hint away.

"What do you mean? What did I do?" Li Jing narrowed her eyes at him still trying to figure out what all this was about.

"You see," Ye Cheng started to say but paused and shifted out of his seat, with both hands joined together in front of him.

"I know I did not tell you my name and ident.i.ty when you saved me and you may not have noticed it but the day my business dealings was talked about on the news, you said something to your friend on the phone."

As he spoke, Li Jing tried to think back down memory lane to recall all that had happened on that particular day.

"Just from a single glance, you could tell that the business deal was going to be detrimental to my company and if not for your keen observation that day, in my absence all these would have taken place and my company would have been on the receiving end."

Hearing him say all these was like adding more load on her shoulders.

Although it did not concern her and that day she only stated something, she had never once in her life thought that her normal words would have such a huge impact or effect in his company.

"I did?" she said those words more to convince herself than to ask him.

"Yes you did, Li Jing and not only that, your discovery actually brought me a step closer to finding out the real culprits behind the almost successful attempt on my life."

"Are you serious right now?"

"I am absolutely serious. So, thank you very much for what you did."

"I did not do anything, Ye Cheng. I was only talking with my friend."

"Okay, thanks for what you said."

"You are welcome."

"Also, to show my thanks and appreciation, I would love for you to be the new financial manager of the Dream Star Corporation."


"You heard me, Li Jing."

"No, no, no… Like wait, what!" Li Jing blinked her eyes severally at him as her brain took time processing what she had heard.

"You were planning on finding a job. You do not have to do any more labor as my company is hiring right now," Ye Cheng quickly added, hoping it would further convince her to accept his offer.

He knew with her intellect and qualifications, it would not be hard for her to find a work anywhere and they would jump at the opportunity to have her with them.

She was a rare gem, a lady with a high IQ and he knew best than to let her go. Besides, this way, he could better protect her and watch her lest she fell into the hands of his enemies and the fate of his girlfriend be her lot.

Just the previous day, she was offered to join the marketing team of the Tang group, one of the biggest and richest business enterprise in the country and now this?

Could her luck not just be shining more and more each day!

For anyone pressed down with these offers, they would be one of the happiest people in the world. The thing was that quite a number of qualified people were struggling hard for those positions, yet, they never got it and within 24 hours, she got a double offer.


Just wow!

"Li Jing, are you alright?" Ye Cheng asked. He was getting worried with the way she was behaving as though she would pa.s.s out any minute.

Yes, he knew it was an overwhelming offer but he had never once thought about it as such. Little did he know that, that wasn"t the only offer she had got in such a short span.

"Yes, I am fine. Sorry about that," Li Jing quickly apologized and composed herself better.

"No worries. I need your answer please; would you accept? My company would be honored to have someone as intelligent as you are heading the financial department."

"I…" Li Jing wanted to complain, but how could she match her words with his?

"Honored! But I am… I have never been in this situation before with him. How do I refuse his offer?" Li Jing contemplated in her mind.

"Will you consider the offer and be the director of the financial department? You do not have to give me your answer now. You can think about it first and then give me a reply. I would need your answer before Monday."