Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 753 - 753 Stubborn Women

Chapter 753 - 753 Stubborn Women

753 Stubborn Women



Even though Ye Cheng wished to let his mother do as she pleased, he couldn’t anymore and needed to call her over.

Right now, his priorities were straight and towards his mother and wife. As for his father, he couldn’t be less concerned than he was.

Although he hated him enough, he respected the fact that he gave birth to him. On the other hand, he knew he could take care of himself against his enemies.

Taking the initiative to call his mother, Ye Cheng spent little time explaining things to her. Thankfully, she knew of the battle they needed to fight, so he gave little speech as regards any of that.

Besides, she had a debt to repay one of Chairman Zhang’s men and the old man herself.

No one scared her and got away with it. Not even her darling annoying husband.

“Fine, Michael. I will move today. How is Li Jing by the way?”


“For now, she is okay. That is all I can say. I will call you or please inform me when you are about to leave the house. I would have more men sent over to you.”

“No need. The Fong’s would keep security tight. Be rest a.s.sured. I may be stubborn but not like your naughty wife.”

“Hahhaa, she would not be happy having you call her that mum. That is only for me.”

“That is the more reason I would. How can she let herself get into such danger when she has not given me a grandchild? Recklessness isn’t a part of her duties. She cannot leave my son.”

“Oh, but you can, huh mum? If I did not know I would say she has every bit of your stubbornness mum. Every d.a.m.n beat. Gosh, women! You ladies are a bunch of stubborn things.”

“How dare your little mouth call me a stubborn thing, Ye Cheng!”


Everything he had said was out of anger at not being listened to by the women he valued the most in his life.

As such he said those words without thinking now it looked like he ended up buying more problems for himself.

“No mum.”

“Shut it you thwart.”


His eyebrows raised up in silent questioning at his mother through the phone but refrained from speaking no about her stubbornness.

“I am …”

“Sorry for yourself.”

“Mum! Do not make me start with you,” Ye Cheng warned playfully.

She was fond of emotionally blackmailing him and right now he did not want to lose to her.

“Enh, okay start. Since you feel you have the words to tell your mother, go ahead. Start. You must speak, Ye Cheng.”

He reached up for his forehead and gently ma.s.saged his temples. If he called them trouble, he would go in for it. Isn’t this exactly what she was speaking of?

“Ye Cheng!”



“Okay, okay, okay. Fine,” he said, throwing his hand into the air and bringing it back down. “Fine. I would speak. You asked for it, just so you know.”

“Stop being a loser and talk.”

He pressed his lips into a thin line and shook his head. His mother was a handful sometimes.

“Okay. First of all, I am going to be harsh with my words. You have the guts to scold my wife whereas you are even worse than her. Ever since I asked you to move in with us, and allow for more guards to be with you, you refused both.”

“Yes, I had my reasons. You do not expect me to intrude on a couple’s early life together. h.e.l.l no.”

“That’s not the problem mum. Not only that, you decided to go shopping and you were almost blown up. What the f.u.c.k, mum! Do you know how scared I was? That incident scared me, thinking that I may ever see you again at one moment.”


“No. I am not done. You are not interrupting me, mum. Yet after everything, you refused to go inside and rest or move to my place. No. You changed cars and went out. G.o.d, how unnerving!”

Li An pouted. She knew he had a big point but why was she the one feeling sad when she was the one who started scolding him?

“Okay, let me ask you this,” Ye Cheng breathed out, struggling to keep his breathing under control.


“While you were locked inside the car with the bomb almost going off, did you for once, stop to think about the fact that you were leaving me behind?”


“No mum. Answer? Did the thought of me, that you were leaving empty without you ever cross your mind?!” He hollered into the phone.

At this point, he was past caring about anything. All he knew was, he was sad and frustrated and the thoughts of that day came rolling back.

For a long time, he tried to act unaffected but deep down he was very much affected by everything.

He could not think of having her life stolen from him. Nor Li Jing’s. Should it occur, he was going to forgo the law and hunt down every one of them.

“Did you, ma? Did you? I miss you so much, how could you do this to me?!”

“Ye Cheng, my baby, I am sorry.”

Before Ye Cheng knew what was happening, the tears that burned in his eyes began to flow freely down his cheeks.

His chest tightened the more he tried to take deep breaths. His breathing stilled. Everything felt blurry and dark.

“It was hard mum. I try to be strong for you and her, but I do not know how to go on without you two in my life. So yes, it scares me and you two are just two stubborn darlings, G.o.d decided to bless me with.”

“Baby. I am so sorry. So sorry. Please do not cry. Honey…” Li An pleaded with him. Everything was eating her up more than she could chew.

“I want to know ma; did you think of your son?”

“Of course!” Li An screamed into the phone.

“Of course, I thought of you. Only you matter the most to me, son. I thought of leaving you hurt but the truth is, even if I was with you, who knows, then perhaps you would have gotten hurt too. That, I won’t forgive myself even in death.”


“My joy, my love,” she called out softly while bringing her hand in front of her as though he stood in her front and she caressed his face sweetly.

“I am so sorry for all the times I have hurt you and proven stubborn. Forgive me, son. Forgive me.”

For the next few minutes, Ye Cheng remained silent as he kept on breathing deeply and hard into the phone.

The tightening he felt in his chest remained there. It was a kind of fear he did not know how to let go off.

“I am sorry, baby,” Li An pleaded. “Forgive mum.”

“I never held a grudge mum. But I was scared and I am scared of losing you and never having to see you again.”

“Me too. Fine. I am leaving right away. I just want to hold you in my arms again, son. Forgive me.”

“Okay. I am not angry but do not be angry at Li Jing too.”

“Sure. Whatever you say.”