Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 799 Haunted House

Chapter 799 Haunted House



Yin Lifen stood frozen, her jaw dropping in disbelief at Andromeda"s cutting words. The sheer audacity of the insult should have ignited a fiery anger within her, but instead, an unexpected feeling of admiration took hold.

It was as if Andromeda"s boldness had struck a chord deep within her, resonating with a part of her that longed to embrace her own strength and resilience.

A flicker of a smile tugged at the corners of Yin Lifen"s lips. She couldn"t help but draw a parallel between Andromeda"s fearless spirit and the transformation she had witnessed in her own protégé—a once timid little chick who had blossomed into a remarkable and formidable hen.

The world needed more individuals who could combine goodness with toughness, and Andromeda"s unapologetic demeanour seemed to embody just that.

Aiden, observing the scene unfold before him, expected Yin Lifen to bristle with anger or at least express some annoyance at being referred to as a child.

However, to his surprise, she remained unfazed, even impressed. Women, he thought, were truly enigmatic creatures, capable of defying expectations and confounding those who attempted to understand them.

Shaking his head in amus.e.m.e.nt, Aiden wrapped his arms around Yin Lifen"s waist and drew her closer to him. The warmth of his embrace enveloped her, grounding her in the present moment.

"Well, since you"re not the least bit mad, let"s go and meet up with Li Jing and Ye Cheng. I"m sure you have plenty to catch up on with your friend," Aiden suggested, a hint of excitement lacing his words.

"Indeed, I do," Yin Lifen replied, a sparkle of antic.i.p.ation gleaming in her eyes. "But I"m also tempted to experience the haunted house and see what kind of thrills the team has concocted."

Aiden raised an eyebrow, a mix of amus.e.m.e.nt and caution in his voice. "Alright then, but let"s not linger too long. Remember, we have other things to enjoy as well."

Yin Lifen pouted playfully, a mischievous glimmer in her eyes. "Oh, come on! Where"s the fun in that? I want to explore all the spine-chilling surprises and scare a few unsuspecting souls myself."

Aiden chuckled, shaking his head in mock exasperation. "You"ve always been more of a monster chasing after kids, haven"t you? I can"t say I"m surprised."

As they turned to their side, their playful banter was interrupted by the sight of a beaming Li Jing and Ye Cheng. Their arrival brought a burst of warmth and familiarity, like the reunion of old friends.

"Li Jing!" Yin Lifen exclaimed, breaking free from Aiden"s embrace and embracing her friend with unexpected enthusiasm.

Li Jing was taken aback for a moment, her surprise evident on her face. "Wow."

Ye Cheng"s laughter rang out, a melodious sound that mirrored the joyous moments they had shared together. "I"m used to witnessing that reaction. These two are inseparable and can go to great lengths to defend each other."

Aiden nodded, a knowing smile on his face. "Believe me, I"ve experienced it firsthand."

"They seem to be two halves of the same soul," Ye Cheng remarked, his gaze filled with fondness as he watched the two friends engage in animated conversation.

"Absolutely," Aiden agreed, his eyes mirroring the sentiment. The bond between Yin Lifen and Li Jing was palpable, radiating a vibrant energy that was infectious to those around them.

Glancing at the two girls, anyone could see that they were thoroughly enjoying themselves, even though the most thrilling part of the event was yet to come.

"So, what brings you guys here? Are you also interested in trying out the haunted house?" Ye Cheng inquired, curiosity dancing in his eyes.

"Yes, we are," Yin Lifen replied, her voice br.i.m.m.i.n.g with excitement. "That is if they can manage to stay apart long enough to allow us to make our way over there."

Li Jing chuckled, her eyes gleaming mischievously.

"Long enough? Separate? It seems like you"re itching for a scolding, Aiden. How about this? Let"s head to the haunted house together. They can walk alongside us and fill each other"s ears with juicy gossip," Ye Cheng stated.

Aiden nodded, surrendering to the playful suggestion. "Alright then."

"I only wonder what new gossip has Fen-Fen going crazy."

"Oh, you do not want to know believe me, but I can pretty much guess what it is," Aiden refuted.

Ye Cheng raised an eyebrow at Aiden, a silent question lingering in his gaze. But he chose not to pry, knowing that if the news was truly exciting, Li Jing would surely share it later.

"Anyways, haunted house, here we come!" Yin Lifen exclaimed, her voice filled with a delightful mix of antic.i.p.ation and thrill.

The group set off towards the haunted house, ready to embark on an adventure that promised to be both exhilarating and unforgettable.


Andromeda couldn"t help but blush at Liu Xueyi"s bold words. His confidence and admiration for her were overwhelming, and she felt her heart flutter with a mixture of excitement and antic.i.p.ation.

She loved how he embraced every facet of her personality, from her strength to her vulnerability.

As they approached the entrance of the haunted house, a chill ran down Andromeda"s spine.

The atmosphere was eerie, with dim lights flickering and eerie sound effects emanating from within. She gripped Liu Xueyi"s hand tighter, seeking comfort and rea.s.surance.

"Are you sure we should go in there?" Andromeda asked, her voice wavering slightly, her earlier toughness blowing away.

Liu Xueyi grinned mischievously, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "Of course, my fearless witch. It"s just a haunted house, after all. We"ll conquer any ghosts that come our way."

Andromeda couldn"t help but smile at his enthusiasm. It was infectious, and she felt a surge of determination welling up inside her.

She straightened her back, raised her chin, and took a deep breath, ready to face whatever horrors awaited them.

As they stepped through the creaking door, the darkness enveloped them, broken only by sporadic flashes of lightning and eerie glow-in-the-dark props.

Andromeda"s senses heightened as she ventured further into the labyrinth of scares, her heart pounding in her chest.

Suddenly, a figure dressed as a ghost lunged out from a hidden corner, letting out a bloodcurdling scream.

Andromeda jumped back, a startled gasp escaping her lips. But instead of retreating, she found herself instinctively moving forward, her body filled with an adrenaline rush.

In that moment, Andromeda threw a punch at the figure, knocking him out in the process. Liu Xueyi watched in awe, his eyes wide with admiration.

"You"re incredible, Andy," he exclaimed, his voice filled with genuine awe.

Andromeda"s face lit up with a mixture of pride and exhilaration. "I told you I could handle myself. But it"s nice to have you by my side, too."

He couldn"t help but smile. Moments back, it did not look like she could handle herself, did it?

Similarly, Ye Cheng, Li Jing, Jia Huang and Yin Lifen continued their journey through the haunted house, encountering more terrifying creatures and spine-chilling scenarios.

Yin Lifen faced each challenge head-on, proving her mettle at every turn, while Ye Cheng played the role of Li Jing"s protector, offering comfort and support whenever needed.

Their adventure through the haunted house was a testament to their bond, their trust, and their shared love for excitement and thrill.