Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 801 Getting To Know Her

Chapter 801 Getting To Know Her



The moon hung high in the night sky, casting an ethereal glow over the courtyard where Andromeda and her newfound companions stood.

No one had expected her to make such a gesture, but as she slowly bowed her head before them, a hushed silence fell upon the group.

That singular move spoke volumes, conveying her sincere apology and acceptance, even though her earlier words had sounded harsh.

"My apologies if my words were rude," Andromeda began, her voice laced with genuine remorse. "I gave the same energy I received, and perhaps that may have been wrong. Forgive me."

Li Jing, deeply moved by Andromeda"s humility, followed suit and lowered her head. "It is I who should apologize. Forgive me," she uttered, her voice filled with sincerity.

Yin Lifen, witnessing this unprecedented display of contrition, felt a mix of awe and respect.

Never before had they encountered someone like Andromeda, willing to admit their faults and make amends, even when not entirely in the wrong. It was something some ladies of high standing won"t do due to pride.

A smile formed on Ye Cheng"s face and he spoke up first, his voice laced with admiration.

"I tend to like your personality myself," he praised, his eyes fixed on Andromeda.

Aiden, standing beside him, nodded in agreement and added, "I told you. It is something worth admiring."

Andromeda responded with a playful smirk, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "I see so much has been said about me in my absence," she remarked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

"Fear not. It wasn"t something bad. I did hear about your trial case recently as well. So, I have seen things prior to our meeting," Ye Cheng explained.

Liu Xueyi, who couldn"t help but feel a surge of protectiveness and a tinge of jealousy, couldn"t hold back his comment any longer.

"Interesting," Liu Xueyi chimed in. It was hard not to, not when your girlfriend was the centre of attraction.

His grip on Andromeda"s waist tightened slightly. A small, intrigued smile played on Liu Xueyi"s lips as he observed the interactions unfolding around him.

Andromeda sensed his jealousy and let out a soft giggle, more in response to Liu Xueyi"s actions than the conversation at hand. She knew him well enough to understand his emotions.

As the conversation continued, Liu Xueyi directed his attention to Andromeda, his eyes still filled with a mixture of jealousy and adoration.

Watching them, Ye Cheng couldn"t help but tease her, his voice laced with a hint of playful accusation. "By the way, if I am not mistaken, you were the couple that got one of my employees rushed to the hospital, right?"

The mention of the incident caused several heads to snap in their direction, mouths hanging open in surprise.

Andromeda caught off guard, muttered under her breath, "Busted," before looking away shyly. Liu Xueyi, however, chuckled at the awkward situation, finding it rather amusing.

Andromeda and Liu Xueyi had hoped their encounter in the haunted house would remain unnoticed, considering the dim lighting and the secrecy of the place.

Little did they expect that the almighty CEO of Dream Star Corporation would witness it all. They exchanged a glance, silently acknowledging the unexpected exposure.

Ye Cheng, not one to shy away, expressed his admiration openly. "Do not be shy. I love the strength," he rea.s.sured Andromeda, his voice filled with sincerity.

Andromeda waved her hands dismissively in front of her face, shaking her head. "It was nothing really," she said humbly, trying to downplay her actions.

Ye Cheng, however, wasn"t convinced. He spoke up again, his tone filled with affectionate pride. "Yet he was unconscious. I wonder what would have happened if you intentionally did something."

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Andromeda"s cheeks reddened slightly at his words, but Ye Cheng intervened, deciding to play along as he gave a light-hearted response. "Which is why every girl should be careful. My love is a one-in-a-million rare gem," he countered, a playful glint in his eyes.

Quickly, Ye Cheng chimed in with a smile, "Hahaha, true, true. My Li Jing too, she is a rare gem. In fact, the rarest of them all," he informed them, his voice filled with affection for his own partner.

Yin Lifen, not one to miss an opportunity to voice her opinion, joined the conversation as well. "Just like I said," she added, her face glowing with satisfaction, having found someone to support her perspective.

Andromeda who felt a tinge of annoyance at Yin Lifen"s sudden enthusiasm, rolled her eyes in response. She quickly averted her gaze, not wanting to engage in a bickering match. After all, they were at a party, and she wanted to enjoy the evening.

"Anyways," Ye Cheng interrupted, changing the topic. "We have the party coming up in about two hours. I guess we can get to know each other over a few drinks and-"

"Huh, you may be men and do not need the time, but we are ladies. We need the time," Li Jing playfully corrected him, interjecting with a smile.

Ye Cheng laughed and acknowledged his mistake. "Fine. My bad," he apologized, a sheepish grin on his face. "See you all at the Halloween party. I just cannot wait to see what your costumes would be," he informed the group, excitement evident in his voice.

"Same," everyone echoed in agreement, the antic.i.p.ation building as they looked forward to the upcoming event.

With the conversation winding down, the group began to disperse, heading off to their respective hotel rooms to prepare for the party.

Li Jing had so much to say just from observing Andromeda that Ye Cheng felt his ears would never hear the end of it.

However, he was glad nonetheless. It was rare to see her bond with someone like that and if chances proved them right, then perhaps, Li Jing would find herself a new and trustworthy friend.

He couldn"t have asked for anything better.

Before long, it was time for the party and they were set for the evening. The car ordered was ready and waiting to take them to the event.

Soon enough, they reached the car, climbed in, ready to embark on the next chapter of the evening at the Halloween party.