Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 816 The Big Surprise

Chapter 816 The Big Surprise

816 The Big Surprise



Just as she stepped out of the house about to enter her car, her phone buzzed in her pocket, shocking her. She heaved a deep sigh, took out her phone from her small bag and checked the caller. "Hmm, if it isn"t busy Li Jing. Did she recall my birthday now or she wants something?"

She pondered on whether or not to answer the call and after much contemplating, she did. "Yes?"

"Oh, FenFen, thank goodness you picked up," Li Jing said breathlessly, getting Yin Lifen a bit worried. "Li Jing, what"s the matter? You sound out of breath."

"I huh… It"s Ye Cheng. I am stuck at a meeting and I just got called that Ye Cheng he…" she exhaled sharply, trying to steady her breath.

"Li Jing calm down." At this time Yin Lifen forgot her initial anger and became her usual mother hen self, trying to help her friend. "I do not know before I leave and get to where he is…he may. He is at the... G.o.d."

"Li Jing, listen to me. Calm down. Take in deep breaths and tell me what is wrong."

"He called but I couldn"t pick up. And then he sent a text, he isn"t feeling well, FenFen."

"Li Jing."

"FenFen, he was the last one at the event centre we were checking for the next project launch, after dismissing the others. I rushed outside to pick the call and then before he could speak, Ye Cheng collapsed."

"And where the heck are you or his driver?" Yin Lifen spat out. "G.o.d. Where is he? Send me the location. I will head there quickly.

"I just got off the phone with him. I want to excuse myself from the meeting but we stand a chance of losing the bidding proposal if I leave. You aren"t around either. And even if I hurry them, I cannot imagine what would happen I…"

"Fine. Save the company. This is a huge business deal. I don"t know why those sc.u.mbags chose to move up the meeting. I"ll hurry now. Come as quickly as you can. I will update you."

"Thanks. I have called an ambulance but please, I need someone who I trust there with him."

"Say no more."

With that she ended the call and got into her car. Seconds later, a text message indicating the address where Ye Cheng was appeared on her phone. "Evergreen Events and Suites here I come."

The second she started the ignition, Yin Lifen took a pause, her mind replaying the conversation between herself and li Jing.

"Urgh, I forgot to scold her about my birthday," she groaned. "Tsk, Ye Cheng is in pretty bad shape. I can cut her some slack for the next few hours. After that, she won"t know what hit her when I descend on her."

With her thoughts and plans set, Yin Lifen set out of her compound, driving off to save Ye Cheng. About twenty minutes later, Yin Lifen arrived at the venue and parked in the parking lot. Not bothering to check for anything, she picked up her bag, locked her car with its remote and hurried into the building, her heels clicking against the marble floor, alerting anyone around of her presence, not that she minded. Yin Lifen hurriedly made her way through the entrance of the event center, her anxiety building with each step. She had been eagerly looking forward to this day, her heart br.i.m.m.i.n.g with excitement, turns out all she got was disappointment at its peak and a lifesaving job.

As she entered the dimly lit foyer, she reached into her bag to retrieve her phone, intending to use its flashlight to guide her through the darkness to where Ye Cheng was. But before she could even unlock her device, a brilliant burst of light enveloped the hall, illuminating it in a warm and inviting glow. Simultaneously, a chorus of voices erupted in unison, shouting, "Happy birthday!"

Yin Lifen"s heart leaped in her chest, a mixture of shock and joy coursing through her veins. She froze for a fraction of a second, unable to comprehend the transformation that had just occurred. The sudden illumination revealed her surroundings in all their splendor, and she found herself standing at the epicenter of a beautifully decorated event hall.

Balloons adorned with shimmering confetti, streamers that crisscrossed like rainbows, and a radiant "Happy Birthday" banner suspended from the ceiling—every detail had been thoughtfully arranged to celebrate this special occasion.

Tears welled up in Yin Lifen"s eyes as she realized the magnitude of the surprise that awaited her. Her friends, family, and co-workers had conspired to create this unforgettable moment. All her initial anger and frustration at the day"s odd events melted away into a profound sense of grat.i.tude and happiness.

As her vision cleared, she began to recognize the faces in the crowd. Among the well-wishers was her best friend, Li Jing, wearing a mischievous grin that hinted at her complicity in the grand scheme. By Li Jing"s side stood Ye Cheng, hale and hearty despite the recent scare Yin Lifen had experienced. Relief washed over her, knowing that her friend was safe and sound and it was all a ploy.

Yin Lifen"s lips parted in awe and appreciation. She had been deceived, but not forgotten. She couldn"t have asked for a much better surprise than this. This was proof of the love and care that surrounded her. The bonds she had nurtured over the years filled her heart with warmth—each rising from her close friendship with Li Jing.

In fact, Li Jing"s rising on the social ladder and away from her adopted family paved the way for Yin Lifen"s happiness. She was glad to have met such a lovely being like Li Jing.

Amidst all that, she searched through the crowd looking for a particular familiar face but she could not find it. Although she had her smiles on, Li Jing could sense her smile had begun to drop. The birthday girl was still missing something. Just then, the familiar strains of a piano began to resonate through the room. Yin Lifen turned toward the source of the music, her gaze falling upon the pianist seated at a grand piano.