Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 818 His Discharge

Chapter 818 His Discharge

818 His Discharge



The night after Yin Lifen"s unforgettable birthday celebration, while the echoes of laughter and music still lingered in the air, Li Jing and Ye Cheng sat in their dimly lit room, the weight of their respective challenges heavy upon them.

Li Jing had been the driving force behind the birthday surprise, pouring her heart and soul into ensuring that Yin Lifen had a day to remember. It had provided a brief respite from the turmoil that had consumed her life. But now, as the clock ticked away the hours of the night, she felt the weight of her personal struggles return.

With a troubled expression, she turned to Ye Cheng, her voice laced with resolve. "Ye Cheng, I can"t thank you enough for helping with me during my grief with Lifen"s birthday."

"That was all you, love. I created an opportunity and you did marvellously well," he explained. "No. It is far from that. You"ve been the best support any lady could have asked for."

"As I should be. I am your husband after all."

"Yes. Also, it is time for you to deal with Chairman Zhang. That man"s influence has taken another turn having been left unchecked for some time now."

Ye Cheng nodded, his eyes reflecting the seriousness of the situation. "I know, Li Jing. We must stay focused on bringing Chairman Zhang to justice. My father has been keeping an eye on him."

"Good. Worry not for my safety. I even know a thing or two about protecting myself. If they want to come for me, let them. We need to see this through now."

Ye Cheng reached out and gently squeezed her hand. "You have my full support, Li Jing. I won"t stop you from working at all. But when you come face to face with danger, please do not engage. I cannot lose the love of my life."

Her lips parted slightly. She was touched by his words and felt the same way too. "Same goes for you. Stay safe."

"Always." They leaned close and kissed each other, allowing their problems to momentarily dissipate, giving room to their emotions. Li Jing pulled from the kiss and pecked his forehead before laying on his chest. "All will be fine."




Meanwhile, in a luxurious penthouse overlooking the city, Ye Cheng called out to his friends and even Tang Zixin who was in the meeting they had at their vacation site. Ye Cheng had initiated his meticulously planned scheme to take down Chairman Zhang. After going through their plans step by step, they began to execute their roles flawlessly. The mental pressure had mounted on the corrupt chairman. He knew he wasn"t safe anymore in the hospital and his only choice was to go home and fight from there, come what may. Thus, he initiated the process of requesting a discharge from the hospital. It was a significant step forward in Ye Cheng"s mission to expose Chairman Zhang"s crimes.

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In his dimly lit office, Ye Cheng meticulously reviewed the evidence he had gathered against Chairman Zhang. It was a mountain of doc.u.ments, recordings, and financial records that painted a d.a.m.ning portrait of the chairman"s illegal activities.

With each piece of evidence, Ye Cheng grew more determined to see justice served.

As he continued to work late into the night, he couldn"t help but reflect on the risks he was taking.

Chairman Zhang was not a man to be underestimated, and he had powerful allies who would stop at nothing to protect him.

But Ye Cheng knew that he couldn"t back down now. For all the hurt Chairman Zhang had caused and the things he had taken from him, he was prepared to see it through.

The next day, as the sun rose over the city, Ye Cheng received a call from one of his key allies within Chairman Zhang"s organization.

The ally reported that Chairman Zhang"s request for discharge had been approved and the court had taken steps to seize him.

It was a significant victory, but Ye Cheng knew that the battle was far from over. Chairman Zhang would not go down without a fight, and there were still many secrets to uncover.

One of such was a case he knew he had to dig up. *******

Hearing the news of her grandfather"s discharge, Bai Qing Mei was filled with utmost joy she felt she could cry. Having him at home meant all those who dared trouble her and her mum were going to get what was coming for them and that included Ye Cheng. "Grandfather!" she exclaimed as she ran into his arms.

"Qing Mei! My darling."

Seated in a wheelchair, he hugged his granddaughter tightly, inhaling her lovely perfume. "I have missed you so much."

"Me too, grandfather. Me too." They pulled back from the hug, their eyes glistening with tears. Just then the sound of heels clicking against the tiled floor broke their brief reunion with the person walking down the stairs. Chairman Zhang"s eyes lit up upon seeing his daughter.

Standing at the end of the staircase she was dressed in a navy-blue skirt and a cream-coloured chiffon top, she exuded charm and grace, her hands intertwined in front of her.

"Father," the beautiful lady called out calmly. "I see you are well."

"Hale and hearty, but I have been better, Weilan."

Her lips curled up in a gentle smile, her eyes narrowing at her father. She dismissed the guards around him and walked over to his side. They exchanged a peck on the cheek before his daughter moved behind him to a.s.sist in wheeling him away. "Your discharge was impromptu. However, I have arranged a room downstairs for you. Qing Mei, come. Let us take your grandfather to his room."

"Sure mum."

Not wanting to complain or say anything, he allowed himself to be wheeled away to the said room. "Ta-da! Welcome home grandfather," Bai Qing Mei announced as they stepped into the room. Although not as big as what he was used to, he preferred it ten times to what he was served at the hospital.