Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 820 My Life is Yours

Chapter 820 My Life is Yours



Should Ye Cheng give a bad report and leave only a few minutes of entering, Keerah was sure the boss would only hand her out to low cla.s.s customers.

This was a chance for her to rise in ranks in the club—one she didn"t have before.

"Wait!" Keerah enunciated faster than her breathing could catch up.

Ye Cheng halted but did not turn. Sensing what he wanted, she finally gave in. "I"m in my twenties."

"Not good enough. I"ll let your management know I am displeased."

"No. Wait. I…" she knew playing smart was fruitless. "Fine. I"m twenty-six."

A smirk appeared on Ye Cheng"s face as he turned and without uttering a word, he tore the red clothing blocking their paths.

A loud gasp escaped her lips as she instinctively lifted her head to look at him. What she hadn"t expected was that the daring man who made her scared was this handsome and none other than Ye Cheng himself.

Her lips quivered as she sat there agape.

"Shock doesn"t look good on your beauty," Ye Cheng commented and took his seat.

Even at that, it took Keerah some time to arrange herself after getting her mind back from whatever dreamland she ventured into.

"My apologies. G—Good day."

His lips pulled to the side in a lopsided smile. She wasn"t expecting this—him to be precise.

"You never expected me," he stated as a matter of fact.

She shook her head and bit down on her lower lips, trying her best not to look too shocked or give herself away.

"Really?" Ye Cheng asked, less puzzledly than he actually planned.

"Umm…I—I, well you know. I never expected that…" she took a pause, inhaling deeply as her chest rose up, exposing more of her cleavage in her s.e.xy red low cut v-neck short gown.


"Umm." She looked away. She was unable to focus with his piercing dangerous eyes looking intently at her. "That my customer would be none other than the famous Mr. Ye."

"So you do know me?"

She had not expected him to pick on that and from how he said it, she was sure it was something else and not that simple.

She chided herself inwardly at her inability to not fall into his games.

"Of course. Who wouldn"t, when your company is the biggest?" She giggled at her own words but when her gaze met his, she knew this was different.

"Is that it? Or is that because you serviced my father before?"

"E–Excuse m-me… I–I d–don"t know what you"re talking about sir. I did not, you… I didn"t sleep with Mr. Ye."

Ye Cheng"s smile grew.

"You knew my father and went along to dupe him."

"No. Sir. I mean it. I do not know your father."

"But you know me."

"I…" her eyes darted around. She had not expected this encounter and worse, she never expected him to bring a situation from the past she thought was over.

"Ms. Keerah, I believe you know exactly what I mean."

She tensed up, clutching the hems of her dress tightly. The link to the origin of this information rests in n0v3lb!n★

"You claim you haven"t met my dad, but you slept with him and claimed to be a minor, while enjoying 300 million dollars with Chairman Zhang. Now if you do not know my dad, shouldn"t that mean you are a lying fraud who needs to go to jail?"

Keerah was visibly shaken. All of what Ye Cheng said since his arrival had been to lead the conversation to this point.

How could she not see that? She pondered.

Watching her, Ye Cheng could tell exactly what was going on in her mind. She had flopped beyond words and failed to hide her involvement with his father.

Furthermore, she revealed her real age. Everything that was done to Ye Sheng was out in the light. She wondered what would happen to her now when Chairman Zhang figured things out.

"You"re tongue tied?" Ye Cheng mused. "You should. Because of you, my father lost so much. Although he can blame himself as well but you were part of the plan to trick him."

"No I did not."

"You still wish to play the denial game? He had his trusted link on girls. You snuck in. You knew what you were doing and for this, you will go to jail."

Her eyes widened, shock and fear etched deep into her eyes—and soul perhaps. She remained frozen, unable to make a move or utter any word.

The only word that played on in her mind was how in heaven"s name she had fallen prey to such downfall?

"No." Keerah said inwardly. Finally she open her mouth to speak, tears flowing down her cheeks.

"Please, sir. No. You can"t do this."

"Can"t or can?" Her eyes seemed to search around, but there was no one who could plead her cause. "Do you know just how much money Dream Star Corporation has lost because of your wickedness?"

"Please sirI–I… I needed the cash to help pay for my brother"s surgery after the accident he had in school. And then I got this offer. Please sir."

"While you had your problems you should have thought of the one your actions would put others in. With that money gone, so much had gone wrong."

"Please spare me."

"Sparing you won"t bring back over a million dollars and deals lost in the span of months since that happened!"

Seeing how enraged Ye Cheng was, Keerah had no other option than to plead with her life and anything else she had.

"Would you be able to give me a million dollars now?"

Her body trembled. She fidgeted, unable to voice another word that would exonerate her.

Straight away she fell on her knees and immediately rushed over to Ye Cheng"s side, kowtowing before him.

"Forgive me. Please I"ll do anything you ask. Just please. I am all my brother has. I can"t go to jail. I do not mind selling myself to you."

"And what will I use you for?" His irritation flashed in his eyes in a way Keerah had never seen before and immediately she regretted lifting her eyes.

"I can work for you and… d–do anything you want. Please. Anything. My life is yours."

Holla loves. I"m back. No promises but sit tight and let"s have a wrap up of the story. Happy New Month.
