Mr Indifferent CEO, Be Careful With My Heart

Chapter 338



Ye Cheng did not understand why she felt sad. He thought he had successfully helped both of them get what they wanted without intruding in the other person"s privacy. So why now is she looking so out of it like he did a very wrong thing even trying to help her.

"Is it that she is disappointed that it is with me and not Tang Zixin that she is entering this contract marriage with?" Ye Cheng thought to himself.

The very thought of it was already hurting him enough. He shook his head in his mind to clear off the negative thoughts and focus on the task ahead.

"No, I do not think that is what Li Jing is thinking about. She may just still be down about the whole arranged marriage incident. Sigh, even the rich also cry." Ye Cheng thought again.

Meanwhile on the outside his troubled thoughts did not reflect in his face and only a smile remained.

All he could do now was to a.s.sure her that all would be well. He wished he could tell her more but perhaps only time would tell and heal his broken heart.

"Li Jing, feel free. I promise not to do anything that would cross your boundaries. All I want is to help you take care of your problem and do not let you feel troubled one bit."

"Thank you very much. I really appreciate it." Li Jing managed to keep smiling at him before she sniffed and stood up. "I think I should be taking my leave now."

"Oh…" He too stood up and smiled at her, extending his hand to her for a shake. This would be the first major contact that they were having since her return.

Understanding what he meant, Li Jing shook his hand as well. "See you another day, Ye Cheng."

"Another day?"

"Yes, why do you sound surprised?"

"Because, Li Jing, we are getting married tomorrow."


"Why are you now looking surprised? You know the situation on ground, it isn"t one that our families would wait long before they establish their own order. We stand a lot to lose and except you are happy to be married to that Kim Fan, then I do not see why we should delay it further."

True Ye Cheng and a point, one that she could not deny herself but what could she do as to that?" She was not happy with the way things were going. She had thought that if she and Ye Cheng ended up together, they would get married out of love and not compulsion.

"Sigh! My Life is just… mother I miss you so much." Li Jing consoled herself.

"I understand what you mean then. Alright we would proceed with the marriage tomorrow then. See you."

"I would come and pick you up. That reminds me, where are you staying?"

"No need for that, Ye Cheng. I would meet you at the registry when it is time. Just text me or call me tomorrow."

"Alright. Shall we?"

"We shall."

Together the two of them made their way out of the house and locked up. No longer were they as close as before, only a fragment of the friendship and closeness once held that remained.

"Take care." Ye Cheng bade her farewell and waited for her to drive off, before he went to his car.


On the other hand, Hao Huizhong had made the necessary arrangements to get their client on their side.

Ring! Ring!

"h.e.l.lo, Li Group here," a feminine voice rang out from the other end of the phone. Huizhong smiled at the phone when he heard her voice before greeting her.

"h.e.l.lo, Zhi Ruo."

"h.e.l.lo, who am I unto please?" The voice did not really sound all too familiar to her. But the person had called her with her name only and not her with her surname, it only meant this person knew her very well. "h.e.l.lo?"

She waited for some seconds more hoping to hear the person"s voice again and guess who it was or if she was lucky he would tell it to her first.

Unfortunately for her, after waiting there was nothing like that.

Sigh! Hao Zhi Ruo was already getting tired of the hide and seek game. She already had too much on her plate to deal with especially since she was having Li Xiu as a boss.

Ever since Li Jing left and Li Chun came back home, things had not been the same in the company. Li Chun had dedicated more time to staying home rather than his usual travels and in the course of the new development, he had managed to tame the mother and daughter duo and also start the rebranding of his company.

It was not easy as all he had struggled to attain, his wife and daughter had virtually almost destroyed the company.

So from scratch he begun. He was not taking nonsense from Li Xiu anymore and a part of Hao Zhi Ruo knew that it was due to the fact that she had driven Li Jing away.

While this was good, it was bad as well for those under Li Xiu as all her frustration, she poured it directly on them especially her, her personal a.s.sistant.

Li Xiu was made to do all the work she usually gave away to Li Jing. For the first time, Hao Zhi Ruo actually saw the s.l.u.tty b.i.t.c.hy sister really use her brains to do something.

It really proved that her father"s iron hand was what she needed all this while. Even Ding Jiaying who was a usual loud mouth had to calm down most times.

The only argument she ever had was that Li Chun was not a good father and husband, blaming him for ruining their family with his infidelity. Of which he would always shut her up or threaten to throw her out of the house and marriage if she kept at it.

Thois always yielded fruit as she knew she had nothing aside her family. So whenever she was feeling irritated and frustrated, she could continue again.

They were now like cat and dog in the Li residence. No peace for them but just troubles. The only peace ever in that house was when Li Chun traveled occasionally on the weekends and return to work on Monday.

Ding Jiaying was already thinking he had another family elsewhere and that was why he always left them.

With all these trouble in the house, and Li Xiu"s frustration that Duan Tian no longer had her time, all her frustration was target mostly at Hao Zhi Ruo.

Definitely, a prank call wasn"t what she needed at a time like this.


When she did not get another reply, she instantly ended the call and muttered to herself before continuing her work.

Hao Huizhong who had been quiet all these while smiled at the phone. He never intended to prank her or anything but then again, who said anything about pranking anyone.

When he heard her voice, it felt to him that time paused and all that remained was her sweet yet raspy and impatient voice.

He had missed hearing it though but oh well, she got angry and cut the call.

"You cannot just be romantically caring for once and talk in a sweet voice, Zhi Ruo. What a girl." Hao Huizhong

He dialed her number again and waited for her to pick the call.

As Hao Zhi Ruo typed away on the computer, she heard her phone ring and checked the caller.

"Now what does this stalker of a human being wants from me?" She questioned out loud. "Tsk, I better tell him my mind to f.u.c.k off. Who needs such a bother at this point in their life."

With that settled, she picked the phone and answered the call. "Yes? Please if you have nothing to do and think that you can come and disturb someone"s life this early in the morning, then you are sorely mistaken."

She did not give him time to speak this time around and after saying her mind she was ready to end the call when she heard a word from him other than h.e.l.lo which he first said.


Hao Zhi Ruo paused and took in a deep breath. Once again the voice hit home and she felt something within her.

"Just who is he?" Hao Zhi Ruo asked in her mind.

"Zhi Ruo, you still haven"t guessed who it is that you are speaking to?"

"No," she said firmly, now getting angry that he was wasting time. "Speak before I ignore the fact that you have a familiar and nice voice and end the call," Hao Zhi Ruo threatened.

"Tsk, you still haven"t gotten rid of that temper of yours till now, I see."


Hao Zhi Ruo blinked several times. It was only one person who always told her that and she hated it but somehow, she now missed it. How could she not have realized it since. It was so clear as day but deeper somewhat.

Her cheeks puffed up into a nice smile that reached up to her eyes.