Mushoku Tensei Redundancy

Chapter 4

Part 1

Some time pa.s.sed.
Eris and Roxy safely gave birth to their children. Both of them were girls. Roxy’s daughter was named Lily and Eris’s daughter was named Christina. With this, we now had 4 daughters and 2 sons. 
Our house had become a little cramped. It was about time we gave some thought to remodelling while taking family planning into consideration.

Furthermore, Lucy was now 7 years old.

Now that she was 7, she could be called a first-year student studying in a primary school. The primary school was a place where kids of the same age learned about the fundamental knowledge that was essential for survival while co-habitating with other students.
Of course, it would be beneficial if that knowledge was taught by the parents themselves.

The most important keyword in a school was communal life.
Humans are beings who lived in groups. Most humans can’t live alone. They are beings who live together while helping each other, loving each other and getting into fights from time to time. It’s possible that those with the will to stay alone are out there, but they are probably a minority. 
A school is a place where one learns how to make colleagues or friends, how to interact with them and how fights occur.

Nevertheless, a primary-school-like system didn’t exist in this Ranoa Kingdom. It should be obvious because there was no compulsory education. Here, a school was considered to be a place where people go if they wanted to go.

Even so, I thought that there was a need to go to school. Part of the reason was that I dropped out of high school in my previous life, but as for this life, I did learn a lot of things in the school of this world too.
I got along with, met with Cliff, Badigadi, Nanahos.h.i.+, Ariel… And then married Sylphy. 
There was no doubt that it was because of my daily attendance to Ranoa Magic University that my human relations were now in such abundance. 

As such, I thought that there was a need to go to school, to let them go.

As such, during last year’s family council, that proposal was approved by more than half the members. Sylphy, Roxy and Lilya were in agreement. Even though Eris said “There’s not really any need to go”, she didn’t strongly oppose it.

Thus, it was decided that our children would start attending the University when they became 7. Though the other students enrolling wouldn’t necessarily be in the same age group, it was decided with the thought that it would be beneficial to their future. 

And today was Lucy’s first day attending school. From here on out, for 7 years, or possibly even more if she repeated a year or two, this was the very first day of her school which she would be attending for a very long time.

“Is there anything that you’ve forgotten, Lucy?”

Lucy, wearing her oversized uniform and carrying a bag too big for her, was now standing in front of the entranceway. Everything that she had on was brand new. The beginner’s staff and the robe contained within the bag, magic textbooks, even the lunch box, everything was new. And it seemed that Lucy, with all her new things, was happily grinning while looking at herself in the mirror. 

As a result of that, she was somewhat careless, even to my words. Well, she did check those out many times over yesterday night, and there weren’t that many belongings to begin with. So I guess it should be fine. 
But, that, isn’t she forgetting that? Then shouldn’t it be fine to remind her?

“Do you have your handkerchief?”
“It’s in my pocket!”
“Pencil case?”
“It’s in my bag!”
“Lunch box?”
“It’s in my bag!”
“My goodbye kiss?”
“That’s a no!”

That’s a no!?
Impossible, that can’t be…

Um… was there something else? Something which was easily forgotten. Like future dreams, aspirations, the truth…

“Rudy, it’s gonna be fine.”

As I pondered, Sylphy came and patted on my back. 

“Lucy is already a grown up, so it’s fine.”

Grown up.
She had certainly grown up. She was already 7 years old. Now that she was 7 she could do various things and do it alone.

“Papa, it’s gonna be fine! I’m gonna work hard!”

Lucy said while clenching her fist. That gesture was brave, lovely and very worrying. If I was a kidnapper and looked at something like this, I would immediately steal her away.
Although she had grown up, she still had some way to go.

“Lucy, don’t follow any strangers no matter what they say, okay?”
“If they forcefully try to take you away then shout out my name as loud as you can, okay?”
“If they covered up your mouth and said that they’ll kill you if you make a noise then ask them to read the letter I’ve prepared, okay?”

Incidentally, I’ve written quite a bit for the kidnapper. I’ve written just whose subordinate I am and what kind of people I have connections with. I’ve also written just what would happen if Lucy were to be hurt. It’s possible that they might not be literate, but I’ve made necessary arrangements with the slave traders and asked them to socially lynch those who seem like they would kidnap my children. Those who would kidnap my children would be ostracised.

Still, cause for concern was something that was common. Unpredictable situations could exist in any amount. I couldn’t help but get worried sick that Lucy might get dragged into something like that.

“Lucy, if your friends at school bully you then tell it to your teacher.”
“I don’t think it’ll happen, but if even the teacher bullies you, then tell it to Blue-Mama or Vice Both of them stay in the staff room.”
“If you think that you can’t tell to Blue-Mama or Vice then there’s White-Mama or Red-Mama or Auntie Aisha or Granny Lilya or Granny Elinalize… anyway, just consult someone. Of course, Papa is fine as well and Papa’s friends too. Don’t try to do things alone, okay?”
“If you are being bullied by some other kid then…”

I was suddenly grabbed at the nape of my neck and was pulled backwards. When I examined the situation, I saw Sylphy with an anger on her face. Lucy seemed to have became a little downhearted as well.

“Papa, I’ll be fine, okay…?”

Lucy said with a little uneasiness in her voice, her eyes upturned. 
I wonder if I ended up making her nervous. I should’ve told her more about a dream-like school life. For example, to try her best to make 100 friends in school. 
But it’s a serious matter. Though at times it would seem like there would be no one to help you from bullying, your ally would be lying in wait, somewhere around you.

“Rudy, try to believe in Lucy a little bit more.”

But yeah, that’s right.
We’re sending the kid to school to raise her level of independence. I shouldn’t be thinking about dealing with every single little thing. In time, even Lucy would grow up and then leave our house to become fully independent. Of course, I’m talking about way into the future, but we were sending her to school so that she could do that properly in the first place.
That’s right, this matter was decided by the whole family.

“Lucy, say that you’re off.”
“I’m off!”

Lucy said that and opened the door, she left the house cheerfully. Seeing that, I said “Take care” while carefully watching over her.


The ones who saw her off were me and Sylphy, Eris with Leo, Zenith and Lilya. Roxy had already left for school. It seemed that some trouble came up at the Mercenary group, and as such, Aisha left just as early. The rest of the kids were still sleeping as they were still small.

“I’m going for my sword practise.” 
“Well then, allow me to do the laundry.” 
“Then, I’ll do the cleaning.” 

While everyone left in small groups, I just kept staring at the door. The same as Leo. I’m sure our hearts are on the same wavelength.

I’m worried.
Perhaps Lucy had already gotten lost on her way. Though she walked the road to school along with Sylphy and Roxy quite often. But she’s alone today. I was worried.

As I thought, perhaps I shouldn’t let a 7 year old child walk alone. Such a cute little child should not be allowed to walk the roads alone. I should make a muscular bodyguard follow her. For example, someone with green hair, holding a white spear, who loves children.

After that, comes teaching.
Lucy had been given special lessons by Eris, Roxy and Sylphy. It’s not that she won’t be able to keep up, but that we might have taught her so much that it would cause her to feel out of place. 

It’s not like she’s a raw diamond either. Though Vice Jinas did say something like that, we still enrolled her as a normal student keeping in mind that a normal experience would be best for her. She even sat a proper examination. 

I did not know whether that would result into a good direction or a bad direction. I also had fears that she might be used as a guinea pig.


Leo replied to me with but a single word, and raised his head to stop me in my tracks. As expected of our guardian deity. We both were dancing to the same rhythm. We didn’t even need to exchange any words between us.

“Rudy! Don’t you dare!” 

As I put my hand on the door, I heard Sylphy’s sharp voice coming from the back. On looking back, I saw an irritated Sylphy standing there with her hands on her waist.

“Didn’t you promise just yesterday that you wouldn’t do anything and just watch over!?” 
“No, you’re misunderstanding. Leo wants to go for walk.” 

As I said that, Leo turned on his tail, walked towards the hallway, and escaped to the children’s room. 
This was treachery. He would protect the kids from outer enemies but wouldn’t protect me from my wife.

“Listen, Rudy.”

As I was petrified on the spot, Sylphy gave out a sigh without removing her hands from her waist.

“I’ve told you before, but I think that I was able to grow up because I was separated from you, Rudy. You taught me magic, you taught me how to study, and making that as my basis, I learned a lot. Even after you were gone, even when I went to Ariel-sama after the Teleport Incident.” 
“It’s true, teaching someone all kinds of things and protecting them is good. But only having things given to you by someone else is not. People have to find themselves and know what they can and can’t do. If someone is always supporting you, when the time comes to walk on your own, you won"t be able to.”

I was looking forward to this day. As Lucy’s guardian, I would go to school together with her, ask the teacher to take care of my kid, and intended to show her around the school. For that reason alone, I took a holiday today. I requested Orsted to give me a day off.

But, Sylphy insisted yesterday just like right now. That I mustn’t be allowed to go along with her. That Lucy should be sent to school alone. She insisted upon that.

“That’s why, okay? Just quietly keep on the look out for now? Even if she made a mistake it’ll only be for Lucy’s own sake.” 

I consented as well.
Sylphy had been raising Lucy for 7 years. She of all people sent Lucy out with such confidence, that’s why I must respect that too. It’s bad if I just keep on dealing with things for her.

Well, it’s so worrying because I understand that. Lucy was a reliable kid. She was good at taking care of her little brothers and sisters, she was obedient, and I had heard that the neighboring kids yearned for her as well. In fact, she might just get used to school life even faster than someone like me.

Then there was only one thing that I could do. I prayed so that Lucy had a fun time in school. My G.o.d resided in that school so my prayer should definitely get through.

“...Then, I’ll be going to meet Orsted-sama.”
“Yeah. Got it. If there’s something you need then tell me.”

...But I still feel lonely. While thinking that I headed towards Orsted’s office.


Part 2

All of that happened about 1 hour ago.

“And now I’m here.”
“I mean, I know that Sylphy is right. Even I─ even Sylphy was able to grow because we left our house. That’s unmistakably right.”

I was expressing my idle complaints. I had consented. If that’s what Sylphy had decided then I had to abide by that too. Luckily, there were many acquaintances in the Magic University and danger was low as well. I had also heard that student order had improved quite a bit because of Norn’s Presidency. The mercenary group led by Aisha had become quite big due to which the whole town’s order had improved as well. 
Yet, I was still worried. I had this indescribable fuzzy feeling.

“But… you know.
Lucy is still 7 years old. She’s so small yet has to go to school alone… that’s just…
Well, I mean it’s true that I went to Eris’s place when I was 7 and started exploring around my village from age 5 but… But I could at least see her off, right? 
Orsted-sama, what do you think?”

Orsted had a grim face. A face which questioned whether this matter was related to work or not.

I might’ve mistaken him as someone to consult with. When given considerable thought I realised that he was still my boss. Not a person who should be listening to my idle complaints.

If the idle talk was related to Hitogami then it might be fine but I guess lodging complaints about my family matters was not a good idea. 
Even Orsted might not know how to answer if he was suddenly asked about something like this. And Lucy was someone who was not within Orsted’s field of knowledge…

I just thought that Orsted might understand somehow. 
This unbearable feeling of mine!


As I was lost in thought, Orsted stood up. He could also be seen perking up his shoulders. 
Of course, I’d expect this as I’ve a.s.sociated myself with Orsted for a long time. I knew that he wouldn’t get angry at something like this. 
He was not angry at all. It took a considerable amount of effort to anger him.

“You are foolish.”

Huh? He got angry?
He’s not angry, right? He looks angry. That’s weird. I’m being scolded.

“...Use this.”

The thing Orsted handed over to me was the black helmet. The spare curse reduction helmet.


What am I supposed to with this?

“You’re not worried about your daughter, you just want to go and see her, don’t you?”

I see, that’s right!
I just want to go and see her. It’s not that I’m worried about Lucy or not or anything. No, obviously, that’s one reason as well, but I just want to see her introducing herself in the cla.s.sroom, quickly raising her hand trying to answer a question, tip-toeing in the library to get a book, and things like that.
There was no parent’s day in Magic University. I wanted to go and see Norn as well but couldn’t. I wanted to watch Lucy at least. 
That wish of mine was very big!

“B-but, if I go and see her then Sylphy would get angry.”

When I said that, Orsted silently took off his coat. And then, put it on my shoulder. As if to say “Use this too”. Just what am I supposed to do with the helmet and this coat?

“Umm… this is?”
“It’s fine as long as you don’t go.”

Orsted-sama, I do not know what you are trying to say.
Please explain it in a way that the foolish me can understand. Even though I want to go, I shouldn’t? Please spare me that quick wit of yours.


No wait, does that mean…
Rudeus himself mustn’t cross that bridge which means that it’s fine if he doesn’t. 

One’s clothing determines one’s position. So if the clothing changes so does the position. And if the position changes then the person changes too. 
I had the position of Orsted’s right hand man while I wore the grey robe. But what would happen when I wore the white coat and black helmet?


I put on the helmet and wore the coat. The helmet was heavy and the coat was bulky but warm. If I wore it for a long duration of time, my shoulders would probably get stiff. But that was only a trivial matter. I stood in front of the mirror.

“This is… me…”1

The one being reflected in the mirror was undoubtedly… The Dragon G.o.d Orsted! That"s right, if I wore the black helmet and white coat then even I could become Dragon G.o.d Orsted! If I were to go and was scolded then it’s fine if Orsted goes! 
Everything turned out better than expected!


...No, it’s different no matter how you look at it.
I did not look like Orsted at all. My height was different and so was my breadth. My entire ambience was completely wrong to begin with. There’s wasn’t any strange and powerful atmosphere like the one that comes from Orsted. The being reflected in the mirror looked like a impersonator no matter how you looked at it. To the trained eye, this appearance would be found out as a sham at just one look.

“Umm… won’t they find out like this?”
“They wouldn’t be able to know that it’s you.”

Well that’s true. Yeah, that’s just how it was. It didn’t have to be Orsted, it didn’t even have to be me. Which meant that I should just put on the helmet and be done with it. As expected of Orsted, he’s an amazingly bright gentleman.

“Thank you very much.”

Orsted reseated himself in the chair with a tired expression. There’s probably some doc.u.ments that need filling out. I might’ve interrupted him during his work. Since I wasn’t supposed to be here today.

“Well then, I’m off.”

I went out of the conference room with an appearance similar to Orsted’s. As I couldn’t bear it any longer, I hurried to Magic University.


Part 3

I left the office in Dragon G.o.d style.

It was a mighty fine weather outside. Fine weather appropriate for Lucy’s first day at school. And I somehow felt stronger, probably because I was wearing these clothes. 
Is this how a person feels who swaggers about under borrowed authority? I feel like I could make even the North G.o.d dance around my pinky.

“Orsted-sama, are you about to leave?”

As I was thinking that, I was suddenly called out from the back of the office. When I looked around, I could see a young boy holding a large sword. 

Aleksander Ryback. It was North G.o.d Kalman the Third. 
Don’t tell me, did he hear my thoughts? Nah, that’s not it. 
I feel like he’s cleaned himself up a bit, but it’s kind of like, only at the level of feeling stronger after watching Rocky.
That so-called ‘movie motivation.’

“Where might you be heading today, Orsted-sama? Shall I accompany you?”

For a moment I thought he was mocking me. 
However, Alek’s eyes were clear in all respects and his tone was sincere.

“Ah, thank you very much for the other day. To think that the North G.o.d Style four foot form would have such an advantage… 
I never thought that you would be so knowledgeable about the North G.o.d style. It’s clear to me just how inexperienced I currently am. Now that I recall myself during the Battle of Biheiril, I might die from embarra.s.sment.”

Don’t tell me he hasn’t yet realised that I’m not Orsted? No, that can’t be. 
Alek had been at Orsted’s side constantly these days. He even lived in one of the bas.e.m.e.nt rooms of the office. He had taken the role like that of a watchdog of Orsted. It would be troublesome if the watchdog mistook his master for someone else.

“Have you not realised yet?”
“What have I not realised!?”

No, when it came to the North G.o.d style, he might be deceiving me. It’s the Death G.o.d’s bewitching sword, the technique to make your opponent bewildered. 

“Please say honestly, you already know, right?”

When I said that, Alek wore a puzzled face immediately after which it became a serious one, and then he put his hand on his chin. Furthermore, he tilted his head sideways and furrowed his brows. It was as if a question mark was floating around his head. This was truly a face of a person who hadn’t yet realised it. It would be quite a feat if this was an acting.

“Please forgive my insolence. It seems I’m a bit dull as such I cannot understand.”
“...Really? Can’t you feel that something might be out of place?”
“Might it be the trivialities? Please forgive me but I’m someone who doesn’t pay much attention to minor details as such I might not be able to evade any traps or such and I’m aware that is not a good thing, but I’ve been like this since birth so…”

He began giving an explanation. Did he really not realise? My height was different, even my physique, and I wasn’t really trying to imitate Orsted’s voice or anything, my tone was different from his to begin with. Even though the curse had been reduced, you could still feel discomfort to some degree…
Is this a joke? Eh? Really?

“The correct answer lies in the conference room of the office.”
“I see, got it!”

Alek said that and entered the office with a triumphant look. 
I thought of him as a sharp guy during the Battle of Biheiril but I wonder how he really was. It could be that his mind works differently during peaceful times. Yeah that’s right, even my concentration changes during battle. That may be it. 
But I’ve gotten a little worried that someone like him is left alongside Orsted…


Part 4

When Aleksander entered the office, his eyes met with the receptionist named Faria Steer. While looking at Aleksander and pondering whether she should ask or not, she finally opened her lips after a moment of hesitation.

“Excuse me, Aleksander-sama.”
“What is it, Faria-san? I’ll be going to find out this correct answer that lies in the conference room so please make it short.”
“Rudeus-sama had just now left the premises wearing Orsted-sama’s clothing but… does he intend to do something?”

Upon hearing that, Aleksander made a very surprised face.

“Eh… Rudeus-sama wearing Orsted-sama’s clothes… !?”

Aleksander couldn’t even think about doing something like that. Imitating Orsted’s clothing style was something which was absolutely dreadful to him.

And at the same time, he gulped down his own saliva. The reason why Rudeus was wearing Orsted’s clothes didn’t even require him to think that much. He thought that something needed to be done which could only work with Orsted’s clothes. 

Possibly a decoy or something. He thought that Rudeus intended to lure the enemy out while in disguise as Orsted and arrest the enemy. In the meantime, Orsted would be able to achieve an objective.

Which meant that the enemy was so strong that one couldn’t fight the said enemy without Orsted. For example, one of the overlooked World Powers, Technique G.o.d or someone who Aleksander had unpleasant memories with, Death G.o.d Randolf. Or one of the Demon Slaying Three Heroes, Armored Dragon King Perugius Dola or possibly North G.o.d Kalman the Second, Alek’s father, Alex.

Either way, Rudeus had enough potential alone. It was possible that victory could be a.s.sured if he were to equip the Magic Armor but then he wouldn’t be able to accomplish his job as a decoy.

Even Aleksander knew about Rudeus’ bravery. The fearless Rudeus. 
Aleksander knew that Rudeus’ combat power was inferior to his. However, those movements he saw in Biheiril Kingdom still remained in his memory vividly. That power to face an enemy far stronger than yourself with simple honesty. That was something Aleksander knew well.
It was courage. Rudeus was a hero who had been acknowledged by Atoferatofe herself.

And then, he realised, that this was the correct answer.

“Faria-san, please keep that matter confidential.” 

Faria Steer’s neck inclination was gradually coming up to its regular position but Alek paid it no heed and put his hand on the door to the conference room.

He prayed that he would be granted the honor by Orsted to fight alongside that hero someday. While burying those feelings deep within his heart he entered the room.

Though it was only a few minutes after that Alek would ask about the correct answer from Orsted himself.


Next time, a shocking development where a man with a full-faced helmet is seen chasing after 7-year-old girls!



Translator Notes and References

1. "Kore ga... Atas.h.i.+..." Rudy is saying "atas.h.i.+" here, an extremely feminine way to refer to one"s self. It"s a common line for a girl who"s just gotten a makeover.