Mushoku Tensei Redundancy

Chapter 16

Part 1

That day I was reading on a chair out in the garden.

Eris and Sieg were nearby doing practice swings.
Although I think it would be fine to give it a rest while they’re on vacation

Ars was with them just before but Rudy’s aunt Therese had invited him off somewhere.
They’re probably eating sweets inside her room by now.
Well that’s fine, but he’s always been somewhat…
Whenever he’s with with women with large chests, he always looks quite excited.
I feel his relations with women in the future will be harsh.

Lara has been wandering around the garden with Leo for a while now.
Probably plotting something again.
Her actions have been somewhat incomprehensible as of late…

That aside, Ars, Sieg, and Lara are all usually quiet around the house, so today should be quite peaceful.

Sylphy and Norn took Lucy and Clive on a trip to the Adventurers Guild.
They invited me along with them, but I turned them down.
I don’t really want to have a child come up to me, tell me “I’m trying to make a party of adventurers around the same age,” and invite me to join.
And in Millis.h.i.+on Magic races always stand out.
There was also Lilly and Chris to look after…

But they had already fallen asleep, so I was left without something to do for the first time in a while.

And being myself, I decided to read a book.
And lucky for me, there was quite an interesting book in the Latrea library.
The t.i.tle was:『Origins of Divine Attack Magic』
Its description of Resurrection Magic was quite interesting.

『During the Human-Demon Great War, the Demons utilised a certain magic to torment the Humans.
Resurrection Magic
A magic to revive and enslave the dead, now Skeletons, Wraiths, and Moving Armour type magic beasts are all that’s left of this Forbidden Art.
Divine Attack Magic was birthed to combat Resurrection Magic. And during the First Human-Demon Great War the two continued to counter each other and evolved together.
After that, Resurrection Magic was declared a Taboo and was lost, and Divine Attack Magic though it still exists today, is in decline.』

There weren’t any detailed descriptions of any magic formations or chants, nor do I have any intention of attempting Resurrection Magic, but reading about it has tickled my curiosity.
Ancient magic battles.
How romantic…1


Someone called me from behind and I looked up from my book.
Standing there was a maid of the Latrea house.
I have a bad feeling about this.

“The madam… Claire-sama has called for you.”

Claire Latrea.
She is more or less my grandmother-in-law.
Although we should be around the same age…

For now, I won’t show any displeasure, but if it has something to do with the Demon Expulsion faction, I’m sure that will change.
I wonder what she wants to say.
To be honest I want to run…
I snuck a glance at Eris.

“Oi, tuck your arms in more! Raise your chin!”

She’s teaching swordplay with the same enthusiasm as always.
If it has something to do with my race, that’s fine, but if it’s something else…
Like if it’s about the children’s education.
But if I run she might end up calling on Eris.

Eris can"t handle complex or subtle conversations.
If they say something she doesn’t like, she’ll end up hitting someone.
That’s just what she’s like.
She would be able to rebuke Claire, but then a fight would be unavoidable.

“I understand.”

This is just another duty as Rudeus’s wife.


Part 2

Although I had gotten myself hyped up over it…


Currently Claire is quietly drinking her tea.
And I, unable to say anything, am simply sitting in front of her.
For some reason Lillia and Zenith are here too, Lillia being in the same shoes as me.
Zenith is the same as always.

Honestly, it’s suffocating.
There are also some sweets next to the tea but I can’t reach for them.
They’re some of my favourites, but I feel like if I try to grab one, I’ll get told off.
“You’ll ruin your dinner,” or something like that… I’m often having to tell Lara that.

It can’t be a coincidence that both Lillia and I are here.
Although our husbands are different, we both have the same position that it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to call ‘mistress’.
And that’s something that the Millis religion doesn’t accept.

That said, I am prepared.
I have been somewhat spoilt as of late, but I have always been prepared for insensitive statements.

It seems Lillia feels the same way I do.
Or maybe she was already prepared for it far before I was.
In any case, I can consider it a silver lining that Eris wasn’t called here.

“It seems Rudeus-san is out.”

Claire broke the silence.
She was the first one to talk since I entered.

“He went to deliver a gift to Cliff-san.”
“Work it is. Even though he’s on vacation with his family… He’s exactly like Carlyle in that aspect.”

Rudeus woke up early this morning and went with Elinalise to deliver『The Doll』to Cliff.
But would it be ok to call that work…?

The Doll.
It was an Automaton designed to take care of Cliff.
I had already received an explanation regarding Anne, and I didn’t have any real opinion on her…
But even I feel this one is somewhat off putting.

After all, it looks exactly like Elinalise, even it’s behaviour and tone are identical, only the ears are short.

The appearance was apparently her idea.
Recently Cliff’s position has gotten quite high, he’s been quite popular with women and has even gotten a number of marriage proposals.
So she intends to use it as a form of pesticide.

They were planning to introduce it at Cliff’s wife, hiding the fact that she was an Elf.
Elinalise had spent many months teaching it how to act like her.

That said, Elinalise probably had another use in mind for it.
She had complained that “It doesn’t have what it needs.”

Of course it’s not exactly like her to the last detail, but it really does look just like her, it’s unnerving.
Rudy had once made a doll of me, but I really couldn’t handle it if it moved.
If he had asked me for permission, I would have to turn him down.
Even Rudy wouldn’t make one without permission.
And in my case, the real thing is close by, so there’s no need for a subst.i.tute.
Although not to the extent of Sylphy, I won’t complain about anything Rudy earnestly requests of me.
I would like to be spared from anything overly perverted though.

In any case, although I haven’t known Cliff for all that long, would a devout Millis believer be happy to get something like that?
“It’s a surprise present,” is what Rudy had said, but I feel like he might get angry instead.
But that’s not a problem I need to worry about.

“I don’t think it’s something you could call work. He and Cliff are especially close.”
“I see. If it was I, as long as it’s not something outsiders shouldn’t see, I wouldn’t see any reason to go out of my way to deliver it myself, I’ll attribute it to a difference in common sense.”

No, it really is something outsiders shouldn’t see.
If it didn’t come together with an excuse, there’s no way Cliff would take it.

“By the way, Lillia-san, where might Aisha-san be today?”
“Aisha has gone to pay a visit to the Mercenaries, she left this morning. It seems she won’t be back until this afternoon.”

Aisha is with the Mercenaries.
It’s just that after hearing “Ars will be in the house all day today,” She abruptly decided to leave.
She probably didn’t want to be in the house.
Thinking about it, after Lucy and the others said they wanted to go out, Norn and Sylphy immediately agreed and they left.
Well Norn coming along was in part due to Lucy begging to go out with her.

“It seems those children aren’t so fond of this house.”

Claire breathed out her nose and took a sip of tea.
Maybe she didn’t like the taste, but she knit her eyebrows.
And then with a somewhat troubled look on her face, she looked Lillia in the eyes.

“Lillia-san, when you came here last, I was quite harsh towards you.”
“…No, I do not think such at all.”
“I would like to apologise for it.
In that time, a man whose birth was unknown named himself Zenith’s husband and requested a.s.sistance from my house.
After that, when I thought they had found Zenith, another woman naming herself his wife with her daughter appeared before me, I was not feeling of good temper.”
“I can understand your mindset. I do not mind.”
“And so, I somewhat held it against Aisha.”

What’s this p.r.i.c.kly mood.
It’s making my stomach hurt.

“But my worry was reversed. You have served the Greyrat house well.
The reason Zenith has recovered to such an extent is due to your strong encouragement.
I thank you for supporting Zenith from the shadows.”
“…I am unworthy of your words. I am in no way strong.”
“You are the only one who thinks that. If you had heard what Zenith had to say yesterday you would understand. Everyone in the Greyrat house is grateful towards you.”

It’s true.
Rudy may not be conscious of it, but he treats Lillia the same as Zenith.
Not as below her, but as an equal.
That said, Zenith is in a state which she can’t voice her grat.i.tude.
If Lillia made the choice, she could live not as a maid, but properly as his mother.
But if that were the case, our home might not be as peaceful as it currently is, and Zenith’s treatment may not have been how it is.
It is because of Lillia, without desire, working from the shadows, that the Greyrat house is what it is today.

“You too Roxy-san.”

Being suddenly addressed, I raised my head in surprise.
Claire wasn’t looking at me, but at her own hands and Zenith.
And then she turned to look out the window.

“These last few days, I’ve been able to watch the children.
Every one of them are so lively.
Although Lara is somewhat overly mischievous, she’s a good girl.”
“…Um, by any chance did she do something?”
“Yesterday morning, she gave me a frog as a present.”

I widened my eyes in surprise.
Just what is that girl doing?

“That’s… Um, I’m terribly sorry. Please let me…”
“No apology is necessary. When lunch time came around I had it grilled and gave it back to her.”

I widened my eyes in surprise.
Now that I think about it, yesterday afternoon I remember seeing her eating something grilled.
But when I asked her what it was she told me it was a “Secret”…

“Of course, I had one of our chefs properly prepare it. I don’t partake very often, but frog is quite a popular food around here.”

Because it rains quite often in the Millis continent, frog and lizard dishes are numerous.
During my time as an adventurer, I was quite grateful for that fact
Although there was the time before I knew detoxification magic that I almost died after eating a poisonous one…
But if they had a proper chef look at it, I’m sure they wouldn’t feed Lara poison.

But that’s quite surprising.
From what Rudy had told me, she was quite rigid, and wouldn’t be the kind of person to do something like that.

“This morning she had told me “That snack yesterday was delicious, I will certainly repay this.”
I don’t have a clue what her intentions are in repaying me…”

Is she criticising her?
Her tone is sharp as always, and there isn’t a hint of a smile on her face.
She’s criticising her isn’t she.


Claire let out a sigh.
It seems she’s getting to the main topic.

“I don’t know what has you so stiff, but Rudeus-san has told me that I am not to meddle in your family.
I do have some things I would like to say, but I intend to keep my promise.”

When she says it like she’s scolding me, I’m really not convinced.

“The reason why I have called the two of you here today is because, compared to the others, you two are the most mature.
Slyphiette-san is still young, and Eris-san is still immature.
I don’t know how Zenith was before, but now, she isn’t someone that needs to be cared for by others.
What I wish is for the two of you to take a step back and have a good look.
And so… *Cough* *Cough*…”

Claire had a coughing fit and the nearby maids ran over.
I stood up and prepared to cast detoxification magic.
But Claire shooed the maids away saying it was nothing and resumed drinking her tea.

“I’m fine, I just choked… Hmm?”

Claire was looking at Zenith.
She had just been looking at air seemingly oblivious to the conversation around her.
But she had stood without Lillia’s incitement and was facing Claire with her vacant eyes.

“Should you not rest?”

Lillia had said it, but it almost sounded as if it had come from Zenith.

“Really, I simply choked a little and you’re causing such a fuss.
Everyone is surprised when they see me with a cane…
My back may be gone, but my mind is as sharp as ever.
You too Zenith, stop making that face and sit down.”

Hearing her mention Zenith’s face, I took another look at her.
It was the same blank expression.
I looked at Claire quizzically, but she also looked surprised.

For now, I’ll return to my own seat.
Zenith, by Lillia’s hand, was also back in her seat.


Silence once again flowed.
Claire’s surprised expression gradually returned to normal.
But it seemed like she still wasn’t quite calm on the inside yet.

“…When she first stepped into the aristocracy.”

Claire once again started talking.

“When Zenith first attended a n.o.ble party, on the way out I lost my footing on a staircase and fell.”

Her tone had gotten emotional.
Before I knew it, Claire’s gaze had fell.
Something like sobbing had gotten mixed into Claire’s voice.

“It was no large injury. It was quickly mended with healing magic…
But for some reason, I can clearly remember Zenith’s face at the time.”

Something came dripping out of Claire’s sunken face.
She picked up the handkerchief by her side and wiped around her eyes.

“Zenith’s reputation was excellent, I was so proud. I, never once thought, I raised her wrong…”

Claire’s shoulders were shaking.
And I, not knowing what to say, simply stared at her.


I suddenly thought.

My thoughts on the children’s futures.
I married Rudy, I gave birth to Lara and Lily.
I would leave the children to the family and teach at the Magic University.
Sylphy, Lillia and the like would look after the children at home, and I would look after them when they enrolled in the school.
It was a fulfilling life.

But I hadn’t given any thought to the idea on how to raise them.
Lara was the daughter I gave birth to, but compared to Lucy she was quite mischievous, and it had me worried.
Was it because I was of a Magic race, was it because she was half human, I worried about all kinds of things.
But before I knew it I had spent years worrying and she had already grown up.
She wasn’t particularly cut off from the other children, and was quite close with Ars and Sieg.
She’ll calm down when she gets older.(i)
That’s what I thought. I was the same.

But I hadn’t really thought of anything past that.
Lara has the role of ‘Saviour’ placed upon her, but I don’t entirely understand what that’s supposed to mean.
I knew she would partic.i.p.ate in the fight against Hitogami, but what about after that?
Right, after the fight, life still continues.
Honestly, I thought worrying over it was pointless…

“I apologise for my loss of composure.”
“Don’t mind it.”
“One shouldn’t be crying at my age.”

Claire, with her eyes still red, returned her handkerchief to the table.
She also cried yesterday, at the Miko’s reenactment of Zenith’s story.

In the Holy Millis Nation, there is a saying that a broken house raises broken children.
I am also in agreement with that opinion.”

Claire said that and took a strong look at us.

“The children of the Greyrat house are all healthy and in no way warped.
I would also never call Zenith warped.
But, from here on out, you should be careful.
On the chance that any abnormalities appear, you would be the first to notice.”

Like when Zenith decided to go out on her own.

It’s certainly possible.
Especially Lara. I can never tell just what she’s thinking.

No, it might not be Lara.
Maybe because she had been raised so meticulously, Lucy would be at the most risk.
At school she’s a dedicated scholar…
Would I find some abnormality?
Uh… Just thinking about it makes my head hurt.

“I called you here today to tell you just that.”

Claire leaned deeply back into her chair.
Lillia and I exchanged glances.
In response to my bewilderment, Lillia looked at Claire with determination.

“I understand. You may leave it to me.”

She looks like a soldier just entrusted with an important mission.
She can probably say that because she has confidence in the way she raised Norn and Aisha.
Oh, Rudy too.

“I will also do what I can.”

I also said that.
It’s not because I have confidence.
As a teacher I’ve seen all kinds of people,
But I still don’t think I’m qualified for it.
But through Eris and Sylphy’s guidance, I hope I can provide a new path for anyone who strays.
If it’s that much, I can manage.
I have to.

But that’s not all there is to it.
Although Claire has her own viewpoint, I have to look at it objectively.
She’s from the Demon Expulsion Faction, so her opinions ought to reflect that.
I want to be able to respond to her request, even though she thinks little of me as the Magic Race I am.


The door to the room opened.

A white dog walked into the room.
And of course, on top of it was Lara.
Lara was, for some reason, covered in mud.
Both her shoes and clothes.
Even though I’ve told her so many times to not walk into the house with dirty shoes.

“Lara, don’t ride Leo inside.”

Lara looked annoyed about it, but she still got off him.
I don’t tell her very often around the house, but I feel like it’s been working as of late.
Even at school, whenever I take my eyes off her, she’s always on him.
I feel like sighing.

Lara just slowly walked up to Claire.

“Hi-Baachan, I found something cool.”
“What is it?”

Lara reached into her pocket and pulled out some round gold object.
I couldn’t see it well from where I was sitting, but is looked like a necklace of some kind.

Claire was amazed when she saw it.

“Where did you find this?”
“The garden; lost. Hi-Baachan you’ve been looking for it right?”
“Yes, for quite a while now… But, how?”
“Ba-chan said: “Even though you were always wearing it; you probably ruined your back bent over searching for it””

Lara looked at Zenith and said that.
That wasn’t something the Miko had said the other day.
Lara probably heard it herself maybe yesterday or this morning.

“And you went to find it for me?”
“As thanks for the snack yesterday.”
“It was delicious, but those are better as snacks.”

Lara s.h.i.+fted her attention to the table.
She’s looking at the cakes that came out with the tea.

“You can eat them if you want.”
“Rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub.”1

Lara grabbed one and put it straight into her mouth.
With both explosiveness and agility, in an instant she had cleared the table.
I at least wanted to tell her to wash her hands first.


She ate mine too.


Well I don’t really mind.
If I ask Rudy I can have sweets whenever I want…
I won’t get mad at a child for stealing my food.
But my…


She looked quite satisfied as she swallowed the last bite.
Leo was astonished.
As if he was wondering where his portion was.
We’re in the same boat.

“Yup, it’s better than frog.”
“Well then I guess I’ll have to have some ready for tomorrow as well.”

Lara got back on Leo and headed back outside.
She had already forgot my warning not to ride Leo inside.

“Ah, um, I’m sorry she doesn’t have any manners.”

I apologised but Claire was focused on what Lara had brought to her.
When I got a closer look, I could see it was a gold locket.
It had a young man’s picture inside.

“Carlyle gave this to me just before we were married.”
“It was something far too expensive for his station at the time but he had told me: “After we are married, I will be a member of the Latrea house, and I will no longer be able to buy you something with money that is wholly my own.””

She sounds touched remembering it.

“I had lost it about a year ago, but had been bent over looking for it, my back became as such and I was forced to give up…”

The maids were also surprised by it.
Claire probably didn’t tell the servants she had lost it.

“There is no need to be caught up in formalities when expressing grat.i.tude.”
“Lara’s manners are plenty sufficient. It seems I was mistaken.”

No, I don’t really think Lara is that admirable of a girl.

But if she can say that, I may have been mistaken about the woman called Claire Latrea.
Rudy had been quite wary, and Aisha outright hates her.
I had been quite on guard, I wonder why.

Or perhaps she has changed since Rudy last met her.
He has an effect on all kinds of people…

In any case, I think I can get along with this person.
We haven’t known each other for long, but after this visit, we may never meet again.

“Make sure that girl doesn’t fall down the wrong path.”
“Of course.”

I nodded in response.



Translator Notes and References

1. "Romantic" Written in katakana (The Engrish j.a.panese alphabet) has a different meaning to the traditional love sense and refers to the older artistic, epic, adventurous meaning.
2. Originally: "Itadakimasu". If I made you laugh I have succeeded.