Mushoku Tensei Redundancy

Chapter 21

Currently, I’m in the Holy Sword Region’s dojo.

From what I heard, it is called [The Current Room].

On my right is Alek.

With a smile on his face and not a hint of bloodl.u.s.t.

On his waist is the two handed longsword forged by the Ore G.o.d using the black rocks I created.

Though it has no special power, as expected of a blade forged by a being with the t.i.tle of G.o.d, its quality is excellent.

Alek took a liking to this sword which was close to two meters long, and began to use it.

Orsted is on my left.

Wearing a black helmet and not uttering a single word.

Without a hint of movement, he is standing still like a static image.

Though it seems like a fly would stick to him, due to his intimidating aura, not even a mosquito comes near him.

But the other people weren’t paying attention to me, Alek or Orsted.

Everyone was paying attention to the person standing in front of me.

It’s Eris.

She was standing with a wooden sword in her grasp.

Though her face was tense, she wasn’t particularly releasing any bloodl.u.s.t.

However, it was clear that the wooden sword she held tightly in her hand was filled with strength.

Eris was standing in the center of the Current Room with a wooden sword in her hand.

And in front of her, was a Sword Saint with a broken wrist tumbling on the floor.

[… I give up]

Saying such words as if he was frustrated, he stood up and bowed.

Without waiting for Eris’ reply, he moved back to the side of the dojo.

On the side of the dojo.

There was a row of Sword G.o.d Style swordsmen standing side by side.

There seems to be close to 20 of them.

To say that each of them is a Sword Saint, the world is a small place. That small world is being crowded into a small place.

And across from Eris.

There was a seated man and woman.

Though I don’t know their age, they must be around mine.

I don’t know if I could call them young with that kind of mindset, but seeing how many of the Sword Saints were in their 30s and 40s, it is probably safe to say so.

The man sat the woman beside him and held her shoulder.

Compared to the other Sword Saints, he seems to be relaxed.

Even in front of Orsted.

Though Orsted had his helmet on to suppress the curse, he is being relaxed in front of that Orsted.

Jino Britts.

As expected of the Sword G.o.d.

Holding a woman with such an imposing figure, I can’t think that we are around the same age.

At the very least, I can’t sit my wife beside me and hold her shoulder or touch her waist in front of Orsted.

If I did, I would be beaten. Primarily by Eris.

But I did get a favorable impression when the woman began to hit the man’s hand away when he sometimes stretched it towards her chest.

The woman’s name is Nina.

She is Eris’ friend and is said to be a Sword King in terms of rank.

But I can’t feel even a slightest Sword King-ish aura from her.

Leaving her body to the seemingly happy Jino, she is oca.s.sionaly hitting away her husband’s hand that would stretch towards her chest.

They are not taking any notice of us at all.

Stupid couple, people might even call them as such.


Well, let’s explain why we are in such a tense state of affairs.

The summary until now!

h.e.l.lo to all you good children!

My name is Rudeus Greyrat!

I’ve come to visit the hottest and coolest tourist spot, the [Holy Sword Region].

Thinking about the future, I had no choice but to talk to the Sword G.o.d Style and Eris had a connection with the Sword G.o.d as well.

Also, thinking of this as a sort of an obligation, I came to give my greetings as well.

Members of course include both Eris and I!

As far as I know, there seems to be ton of people in the Sword G.o.d Style that like to let swing their swords before opening their mouths, so I didn’t bring people affiliated with magic.

Of course, though these guys probably have morals as fellow human beings, we killed the Sword G.o.d’s father in law during the battle in the Biheril Kingdom.

From that point of view, do you think saying [Please lend us your strength] won’t cause problems?

Well depending on the mood, we might just come back without speaking a single word.

Anyways, since we don’t exactly know what will happen, this is a two man trip including me and Eris, who knows the Holy Sword Region quite well.

… that was the plan but there was a surprise.

When I was talking about going to the Holy Sword Region, Orsted acting unusually, said he was going to go too, as if he was hiding something.

He was probably concerned that I was going to say something carelessly and make the Sword G.o.d angry.

In other words, he was going to escort us.

Anyways, there was no reason to refuse his offer. Orsted is definitely reliable too.

And since Orsted was going, Alek said [Well then, me too].

Alek. Yep, the guy who has a bit of a strong desire for becoming a hero.

There’s also the fact that he has a reputation like Cliff back in the day for not knowing how to read the atmosphere!

I wanted to say that [Well, the person who looks like he would cause problems is probably NG].

Though he takes care of Sieg quite well, there’s a difference between that and this.

But Orsted sama said [… do as you wish].

As a result, it was decided that the four of us including me, Eris, Orsted and Alek would go to the Holy Sword Region.

And so we arrived at the Holy Sword Region.

There was a tranquil scenery giving off vibes of a snow covered country village spreading out.

And the place we arrived to while I said alone in a lonley voice, [It’s a pretty good scenery] [For the countryside, they do have a good arrange of wooden swords] [Ah, villager found] was the Sword G.o.d Style’s main dojo.

The place that we were led to by smiling Sword Saints, was the Current Room.

A gentle mood full of smiles.

But for some reason, my muscles are twitching.

It’s probably nothing!

Rather than talking about that, it’s time for greetings, greetings.

… while I was thinking such thoughts, a Sword Saint said the following.

[First of all, I want to see the Mad Sword King Eris’ sword that was said to have defeated the previous generation]

You want to do that first!? But before I could turn around to see what was going on after saying such words, the Sword G.o.d shrugged his shoulders and said [Do as you wish] without a care.

And so began the slaughter.

The smiling Sword Saints with their smiling faces began to seethe bloodl.u.s.t from their entire bodies and challenged Eris.

Despite their smiles and use of wooden swords, it was obvious that they were going for the kill.

Using the sparring match as their excuse, they were going to beat her to death. It was easy to see that they were not going to hold back.

Nevertheless, Eris is more or less a Sword King.

She wouldn’t fall behind to those Sword Saints.

With ease, she turned the tables against the Sword Saints.

As Eris started to beat each person one by one, the smiles on the Sword Saints’ faces began to fade and showed signs of hatred. As of right now, they aren’t even bothering to hide their bloodl.u.s.t.

However, in the middle of that, there was one person with a carefree expression.

It was Jino.

Even Nina, who was bothered by the bloodl.u.s.t of the Sword Saints, showed a little troubled expression, but Jino seemed like he couldn’t care less.

And so, this tense s.p.a.ce was created!

So, I tried to explain it with the utmost enthusiasm…


My stomach hurts.

Why did it turn out like this…

I feel like I suddenly failed. It’s impossible to have a discussion with this atmosphere.

But I want to at least explain myself.

There wasn’t even time to stop them.

It honestly happend too fast.

When Jino finished saying [Do as you wish], Eris picked up her wooden sword as if it was the natural thing to do and the Sword Saints waited for her in the center of the dojo.

By the time I sat down in my current position, Eris already striked down one of them.

And so, without any time to stop them, the Sword Saints came one by one saying [I’ll go next], [Me next!].

However, I think the time to stop these fights has come near.

There’s roughly around 20 Sword Saints, and Eris has defeated close to 20 of them.

The one she is fighting right now is the final Sword Saint.

In that case, he will most likely come out.

Sword G.o.d Jino Britts.

Even though he is whistling without a care, he will most likely have no choice but to come out if everyone below him is defeated.

The Sword Saints are probably waiting for that moment as well.

The moment when the Sword G.o.d comes out and beats the red hair Mad Sword King to death.

Taking revenge towards those who killed the previous Sword G.o.d.

They came forward with such a proposal solely for this reason.

I am regretting it.

I shouldn’t have come.

If Eris fights with the Sword G.o.d, she won’t get out unscathed.

Even I don’t think I can fight the Sword G.o.d at this distance.

And I’m also thankful.

Even if I can’t react in time, Orsted and Alek should be able to block the Sword G.o.d’s blade.

Though Eris may not be able to get out of it unscathed, as long as she doesn’t die, it’ll be alright.

Eris should have at least that much of a resolution.

Nevertheless, I’m thankful towards those two for coming here with us.

However, if I interfere with the fight between the Sword G.o.d and Eris, all negotiations will probably be over.

Nevertheless, I can’t predict what will exactly happen.

Well it definitely won’t be good.

Anyways, let’s stop it.

Let’s try to talk it out.

That’s my job.

Sounds good Rudeus. These people may be hot blooded, but if you try hard, they’ll probably listen.

Hang in there okay?

Let’s Fight! (TL Note: This is a translation of レッツファイトだ !, the word is used as an encouraging/motivational word than literally “Let’s Fight!”)

[Ugh… I give up]

And just now, the final Sword Saint has been defeated.

He is tightly clenching his wrist like the previous Sword Saint before him.

Actually, all the Sword Saints are clenching their wrists.

Whether they were right handed or left handed, Eris beat them with the same techinque.

This only angered the Sword Saints even more.

Next up should be Nina?

No, Nina doesn’t seem to have any intention of moving.

The Sword G.o.d will probably move first.

If the Sword G.o.d makes his move, it’s my turn.

Time to look for when he moves.

When the Sword G.o.d begins to stand up, it’s time to switch to full on flatter mode.

It was an impressive match, but my throat is parched after the watching the match. How about we take a break and drink some tea?… Let’s say some lines like these.

Hm? Is it okay to say such lines?

Doesn’t it sound like it’s just going to make the situation worse?

Maybe I should go more in the lines of praising the Sword Saints who lost.

Haha, well, the gentlemen of the Holy Sword Region are truly dedicated to sword practice. …. Let’s go with this.

With this, even they will say [Well, these were only practice matches so it can’t be helped that we lost] and come out with such a conclusion.

Alright let’s go, Let’s go now, Let’s go.


However, there is no change to the Sword G.o.d.

Nina also seems to have no intention of moving either.

[Are you done?]

Said Sword G.o.d Jino Britts whose voice gave off a light feeling in the midst of this tense situation.

It was in a very nonchalant voice.

[And? What did you come here for again?]


It sounds like he will listen before fighting.

It isn’t like the Sword G.o.d Style… but it is convinient.

I came forward and raised my voice without hesitation.

[… First of all, my apologies]

[An apology?]

[In regards to the previous Sword G.o.d]

As soon as I said that, the atmosphere around the Sword Saints began to change as if they were waiting for this moment.

The other side gave us the cue!

The time is now! Let’s get out revenge!

If they were dogs, they would have been wagging their tails and barking.

I thought about talking about it in a more roundabout way, but it’s all the same.

There was no running away from this.


However, the Sword G.o.d began to make an awkward face.

If you make a face like that, it’ll put me at a loss too.

I felt like I said something weird and wanted to look around.

Nevertheless, he began to nod his head as if he understood it.

[Ah, about that, I’ve heard about it from Nina a while back. Nina said she would cooperate with you all. That being said, I guess there is a need to apologize for killing the father of your cooperator]

He said it as if it was none of his business.

To the point where it left the Sword Saints more speechless than myself.

[But master… the previous Sword G.o.d Gal Farion, tried to challenge you on his own will no?

Then isn’t it more appropriate that we apologize to you?

If this pertains to the entirety of the Sword G.o.d Style, it is us who broke the agreement after all.

So what happens now?

I don’t really know much about these kind of things]

The ones that want to know what will happen is us.

Am I really talking to the top authority of the Sword G.o.d Style?

I came here thinking that he would be at least as hard headed as Atofe…

It’s a strange feeling.


Calm down, first comes answering his questions.

I’m pretty sure Eris talked to Nina during Ariel’s coronation ceremony.

That we were planning to make the Holy Sword Region, the Sword G.o.d, into our ally.

But before such talks were finished, the fight at the Biheril Kingdom occurred and Gal Farion became our enemy.

[Eris and Nina only talked and there had yet to be a formal agreement to the talks. Did Nina tell the Sword G.o.d about our talks?]

[She did tell him, but that was all there was to it]

Nina who was vaguely nodded her head.

To those words, Jino also nodded his head.

[To say the least, we didn’t hear anything about [Opposing the Dragon G.o.d Orsted and his allies]. But if he did fight…]

Jino frowned with his eyes.

[That means that the previous generation decided to become your enemy huh?]

The Sword Saints’ spirits began to rise.

Alright, well said.

Let’s grab our swords and fight, hurry, hurry!

I felt like I could hear such thoughts.

[… Wait. Please calm down]

After hearing those words, Jino shrugged his shoulders.

[Do I look like I’m fl.u.s.tered?]

[No you look really calm. It’s just that, look, we came all the way here to apologize and get rid of any hostilities between us. It’s not good for us to fight with your Sword G.o.d Style who have a strong combat strength either. We want to be close to those who are strong. We also have things to keep you interested as well. A trade of swords and food, maintenance of infrastructure and even cooperation in regards to construction. In other words, if you become our enemies,
we will have to stop such activities. Isn’t that bad for you as well?]


Jino sighed in response to my words.

My explanation may have been a bit too long. I probably would have kept it shorter if I was talking to Atofe. But then again, he doesn’t seem like her who would simply agree and say [Alright, you are our comrade!]

Jino looked at me and said with a trouble expression.

[Do I have to say every little thing? The previous generation did not say anything to us. In other words, he chose to fight you as an individual. We have nothing to do with it. Therefore, we have no intention of fighting you. Besides, there’s something more important than something like that anyways]

After saying such words, Jino pulled Nina to his side and buried his face onto her head.

Even though Nina is blus.h.i.+ng, she is letting him do it.

It looks like they are pa.s.sionate for each other, but wouldn’t it be better to show a little restraint in front of others?

Look at that. Eris’ face is blus.h.i.+ng red. Her eyes are open wide. She is crossing her arms and standing with her legs wide in a stance to be ready for a fight.

However, is the person I’m talking to really the Sword G.o.d?

His response is so logical that is scares me.

It feels weird.

Aren’t the Sword G.o.d Style’s higher ups more like [Shut up! Stop saying things that we can’t understand! You’re the boss’ enemy! We’re gonna kill you!]

Ah no, that’s more like Atofe isn’t it.

But isn’t it pretty much the same thing?

Ah, maybe the person infront of me is a body double. Or it may be a staff member who is in charge of public relations.


But I’m thankful for the way this conversation is headed.

Though it is a bit weird seeing how calm he is knowing that we killed his master.

Well, I can understand if he is acting that way because he decided to put the future ahead of his emotions after thinking about the current situation.

He probably thought a lot about it before and came to such a decision.

[If it’s like that, then please once again…]

[Please wait!]

The person who shouted such words and stood up was a Sword Saint.

With his face fl.u.s.tered, he pointed at us… no rather, at Orsted.

[We admired the previous Sword G.o.d, we saw his sword, learned and practiced and became strong! Such a person was killed! By them! They killed the previous Sword G.o.d who we are indebted to and yet, why are you just silently sitting there!? Is it okay for our Sword G.o.d Style to be looked down upon?]

[Then you go do it. Bring a real sword, I’ll be watching]

Jino said that immediately.

The Sword Saint’s movement came to a halt.

[Huh… ?]

[Those guys probably came here expecting the same thing. Mad Sword King Eris, Dragon G.o.d Orsted, North G.o.d Kalman III. And behind them, Rudeus Greyrat will provide them with magic support. Even if you guys all fight them at once, you won’t even get a single sword strike in and be annihilated.]


[Now, go do it. We’ll clean up your corpses and make sure to give you a funeral as well. I don’t know if you guys can defend your honor with your deaths but I’m sure you will be satisfied]


After hearing such words, the Sword Saint sat down.

Clenching his fists in frustration.

And so, he said with a shaking voice.

[Do we… have no choice but to let these guys go? Without fighting them when they are the enemies of the previous generation?]

[Then you why don’t you just do it. I have no intention of holding you guys back. You are free to do as you please, just like my father did as well]

Jino seems to be troubled.

In my case, rather than worsening the resentment, I want it to be settled down as well.

Though trying to settle it with a life or death situation is a bit too much.

[Now that I think about it, the Sword Emperor isn’t around huh]

Eris muttered.

Jino turned to face Eris.

[My father and his companions have left the Holy Sword Region. They weren’t willing to accept my position as the Sword G.o.d]

It doesn’t seem like the Sword Emperor they are talking about has anything to do with Nina.

From what Jino is saying, the Sword Emperor in question seems to be one of the two disciples under the previous Sword G.o.d.

Looking around, the person in question doesn’t seem to be here.

[By now they probably have opened a dojo in Asura, Millis or even the Dragon King Kingdom. Well, I wouldn’t have minded if they wanted me to be the one that had to leave…]

Jino said as he shrugged his shoulders.

[So is the apology the only conversation we will be having? In my case all I can really say is “thank you very much” at this point]

As I expected, he is a little weird.

I don’t intend to talk bad about someone else, but this man named Jino seems to be too cold, or maybe too concerned about the future…. He sure is weird.

[No, the conversation is going to get a little long. We are currently in a war against an existence named Hitogami]

With those thoughts in mind, I decide to go in detail about our fight against Hitogami.

Nevertheless, it seems like Jino is understanding my words.

If this conversation can be settled without a fight, it will be a win win situation for us.

Though it feels like I’ve been let down, it isn’t bad.

If I look at him without my expectations of what a Sword G.o.d should be like, he is an agreeable young man.

Once I get him to agree to cooperate with us, we can get along while drinking lots of tea afterwards.

If I do that, the weird feeling he is giving off will surely disappear as well.

[— With that being said, we wish to ask for the cooperation of the Sword G.o.d Style for the future]

[I decline]

… Mmm?


[We will not cooperate]

Despite the Sword Saints shouting [Yes! Yes!], even they are feeling astonished.

[… Does this mean that you will be siding with Hitogami?]

[No we will not oppose you either]


[Then… are you planning to stay neutral? Can we hear the reason?]

[I wish to defend my master’s teachings]


[My master said this at every opportunity: [Be strong for your own sake]. To be honest, I didn’t know what he meant. Even now, I don’t think there is a person here who understands it as well. Even my father and his companions didn’t understand. But I finally understood when I thought about making Nina mine. The sword should be swung for one’s own sake. For the pure purpose of achieving your goals]

There was a conviction in Jino’s voice that said such words.

A conviction that didn’t allow a single doubt in the words that he spoke.

[Therefore, I won’t cooperate. I will swing my sword for my sake. All for myself]

[… So for instance, if your family is about to be in danger, you won’t swing your sword?]

[No, at that moment if I love my family, I will swing my sword]

At that moment, for the first time, Jino looked directly at me.

A strong and imposing gaze.

That gaze was something far from what Eris told me about him.

[Or are you saying that you will kill my family if we don’t cooperate?]

Everyone inside the dojo froze.

Jino’s statement simultaneously gave off both chills and bloodl.u.s.t.

Cold sweat is covering my entire body. If I was alone, I may have even wet myself.

He is the Sword G.o.d.

The Sword G.o.d that defeated the previous Sword G.o.d Gal Farion in an instant.

Though he is weird, he may even be one of the top five powerhouses in the world.

I understood that.

[No. I also love my family as well]

[Is that so? I’m relieved]

The bloodl.u.s.t dissipated.

[You are just like the rumors say, Rudeus san]

[What are you talking about?]

[That you became the subordinate of the Dragon G.o.d for your family and even blew up a country]

[Well that’s roughly the truth. Though I didn’t blow up a country]

[And you are even calmer than I thought you would be]

Jino turned his gaze elsewhere.

His gaze laid upon my sides. Eris and Alek, as well as the Sword Saints.

All the Sword Saints had their hands hovering over their sword handles.

Some of them even have their swords unsheathed.

Looking behind me, Orsted didn’t even move an inch. As expected.

I didn’t move as well, but that’s because I was s.h.i.+vering at all the bloodl.u.s.t.

[In other words, you are a trustworthy man]

What do you mean by [In other words]?

[Because you are such a person, I can be relieved. We won’t cooperate. Because my sword is a sword that will only be swung for me and the ones I love.]

[… Ah. I see]

I slowly understood Jino Britts.

To put it simply, he wants to protect the ones he love with his own hands.

He isn’t so different from me.

I clung to Orsted in tears because I wasn’t able to do that.

But he thinks he can do it, and also has the ability to do so as well.

He has no plans to do anything outside of that.

Of course he is the Sword G.o.d. Even if he declares his neutrailty, the enemy will still come.

But he probably doesn’t want to increase the amount of enemies with his own actions.

Though I don’t understand why the previous Sword G.o.d is not a part of [the ones he love].

No… That’s not it.

The previous Sword G.o.d [lived and died for himself].

As a result, they probably think that blaming us for his death is barking up the wrong tree.

[…. Umm]

At this rate, persuading him may be hard.

Jino is already set with his answer.

His mind won’t change until we decide to give up our fight against Hitogami or he thinks that he can’t protect his loved ones by himself.

I won’t be able to pursuade him at all.

Because he already made his decision.

To never look back after making a decision, as expected of the Sword G.o.d Style’s top authority.

[Is that so… Then please be careful when Hitogami approaches you sincerely in your dreams. Don’t fall for his lies when he tells you that it is for your family’s sake and lose everything]


It’s disappointing, but let’s withdraw for now.

I understand that they have no interest in opposing us for now.

They won’t be our allies, but they won’t become our enemies either.

He realized what kind of person I was and told me he [wanted to be neutral] in good faith. He probably isn’t planning anything.

Then let’s be satisfied with this for now.

[If I ever die and my position is taken over, please come again. In the end, this is my personal decision after all]

[I will do so]

I turned around and faced Orsted.

I don’t know what he is thinking about underneath that helmet.

[That being said, are you okay with that Orsted sama?]

[… Alright]

As I asked while turning around, Orsted slowly nodded his head in agreement.

After that, after tending to the wounded Sword Saints, the situation began to flow to where Alek joined the training.

Right now, I’m sitting at the inner part of the dojo watching Alek spar with the Sword Saints.

The Sword Saints are holding wooden swords, but they were definitely filled with bloodl.u.s.t.

They are probably thinking that it would be no problem if they “accidentally” killed Alek during their training.

Alek is handling it lightly.

Nevertheless, whether it is as expected of Sword Saints or Alek is simply holding back, occasionally one of them would land a hit on Alek.

It is the Longsword of Light.

Well they are still using wooden swords after all. The wooden swords broke the moment it hit Alek, giving him no damage. Touki really is a cheap technique isn’t it.

However, the wooden swords of the Holy Sword Region sure are strange.

It seems like there is a metal like substance embedded in the wooden swords.

I guess it’s to imitate a weight similar to that of a real sword.

Someone without Touki could be killed if they are hit in the wrong spot huh…

Ah, so is that why there are only Sword Saints in here.

Because if you’re not at least at the Advanced rank or higher, you can’t handle Touki?

[Now that I think about it, why did you accompany us this time Orsted sama?]

I suddenly asked Orsted who was sitting beside me in a quiet voice.

[I wanted to make sure I saw Jino Britts]

[Is that because you wanted to see if he was different from how he usually was?]


Jino, with Nina by his side, is watching over the training.

Eris is sitting beside Nina.

She seems to be talking about something with Nina.

Seeing as how I can occasionally hear them saying words like Gal Farion, she seems to be telling her about the previous Sword G.o.d’s final moments.

[So how is it?]

[He hasn’t changed. He is still simple minded and stubbornly lives only for his own sake]


[Jino in his youth was insecure. With that, he could have been easily swayed by Hitogami. But seeing him now, it won’t be a problem to let him go]

[I see]

Staying neutral while not becoming an enemy.

Thinking about it, we can also call him our ally in a way.

It would be hard for him to become an apostle as well.

Though they are not moving in concern for the future, it’s not like the other countries are moving vigorously as well.

It’s more important that they do not become Hitogami’s apostles.

Though there will be instances where some will become our enemies whether we like it or not.

If we start talking about that, there will be no end to it.

[I give up…]

One of the Sword Saints began to fall down with a large thump.

Immediately, the next Sword Saint shouts [I will be next!] and walks to the center of the dojo.

… But after becoming aware of it, all the Sword Saints were either sitting down or defeated.

The annihilation of the Sword Saints (2nd time today).

As expected of the North G.o.d Kalman III.


Silence fell upon the dojo.

[— So I said in the end. [It’s good to see a guy who lives freely be so strong]]

In such a situation, Eris’ voice echoed out abruptly.

She raised her head in surprise when she realized her voice was louder than she thought.

Immediately closing her mouth, she intimidatingly dispersed all of the Sword Saints’ gazes that gathered around her.

The Sword Saints lowered their heads and began to let out their voices in frustration.

Those gazes began to slowly head towards Jino’s direction.

Leaving his pupils to do all the fighting, not caring for the honor of the Sword G.o.d Style, such complaints could be heard.

Jino is ignoring them with a carefree face.

It may just be that he hears such words on a daily basis.

[Is Sword G.o.d sama not going to join us in training as well?]

A Sword Saint asked after seeing the responseless Jino.

The man was the first to challenge Alek and had a huge bruise on his face after being defeated numerous times.

It was the same man that asked him to wait some time ago.

[I’m good]


[It’s not a matter of why. I requested them to train with you guys because you guys wanted it. If you guys are done, the training should be finished as well]

The Sword Saint’s face distorted.

He began to shout while trembling, unable to bear the current situation.

[It was good back in the days of the previous Sword G.o.d! That man diligently protected the honor of the Sword G.o.d Style! When guys like these came, he didn’t allow them to be so arrogant! I can understand why the Sword Emperor and his companions left as well!
Even though you are the Sword G.o.d, you refuse to show us a single demonstration! You do all the training by yourself, always flirting with that woman everyday! It’s also the same when our enemies have come and asked us to be their subordinates! It’s fine letting go of
our past grievances and forming an allegiance with our enemies! But you just want to vaguely declare neutrality! Is that because you don’t want to make them your enemies? What kind of person are you! What’s the point of being a Sword G.o.d!]

The dojo became deadly silent.

Jino’s facial expression didn’t change.

He is as carefree as ever.

He is making a face that seems to ask [What is this guy going on about?]

However, the man’s face turned pale as he seemed to realize that he said a little too much.

[The sword is an individual’s property. Even if I win, it won’t be your guys’ victory and I won’t be able to protect your guys’ honor]

Jino said so briefly.

[I defeated the Sword G.o.d because I wanted to be with Nina. It’s also the reason why I am here. I didn’t have any intention of defending my honor or taking care of you guys either.
If you have any complaints, you can leave as well. I don’t mind losing my position as the Sword G.o.d, but if I give it to you guys, you will chase me out won’t you? I don’t mind leaving but right now is not a good time. My kids are too young]

The Sword Saints lowered their heads while saying [Ahh].

That’s not it, why don’t you understand, such voices could be heard.

Either way, the atmosphere is turning for the worse.

The Sword G.o.d and his disciples.

Looks like the situation won’t be easily resolved.

I guess it means Jino is still too young.

If he doesn’t resolve this situation well, he may create enemies within the Sword G.o.d Style.

[How about you just show them a demonstration?]

The person who broke the silence was Nina.

She began to separate her body that was leaning towards Jino and sat up straight.

[I want to see you fight as well]

[I get it. If that’s what Nina wants]

Jino suddenly stood up.

As if his heavy like hips from before was a lie.

Was he perhaps sitting on it with his b.u.t.t?

Either way, can we really say the situation is stable with this?

To me it seems to be unstable.

Will it really be okay?

[How about you as well Eris? Jino has gotten strong you know]

[… I got it]

Eris also got up after hearing Nina’s words.

She is throwing something towards my direction.

After receiving it, I realized that it was her sword.

Demon Sword [Nodobue]

It was the previous Sword G.o.d’s favourite sword.

Jino and Eris began to walk towards the center of the dojo.

Alek was there and shrugged his shoulders.

[So who is going to do it?]

[Of course, the weakest one is first]

Eris said so and pushed Alek aside.

Alek nodded his head in agreement and headed back towards where we were.

He didn’t break off a single sweat.

I’ve never seen him sweat…

No, I’ve seen him do it in the Biheril Kingdom.

He was drenched in sweat.

[… The people here are no good]

Sitting next to me, he said so in a small voice.

[Despite trading blows with stronger people, they have no interest in learning]

[Even I could see that as well]

[Right? My grandmother’s people are better than them]

Atofe’s royal guards are a bit of a different story.

As I thought while looking, Eris held a stance with her wooden sword.

An upper stance as usual.

It’s an attack stance.

On the other side, Sword G.o.d Jino held a sword drawing stance with his hips.

Talking about sword drawing, it reminded me of Ghyslaine.

But compared to Ghyslaine, he is much quieter.

Ghyslaine used to swing her tail while in her sword drawing stance as if she was timing her attack with ferocitiy.

Jino’s stance had no such thing.

Similar to Orsted not too long ago, he is standing still in his stance as if time has stopped.

There is no opening.


Eris began to close the distance.

The opponent is the Sword G.o.d.

If there weren’t talks before this, this situation would have had my heart jump out.

Even if she gets beaten, she probably won’t die?

It’s okay right?

I should use my foresight eye just in case.

Well even if I use it, I probably won’t be able to see his sword.

If it seems like she will be hit in a vital spot, will Orsted stop it before it happens?…

[If it’s Eris san, you won’t need a start signal right?]


Eris nodded her head.

When I thought about that, the fight had already ended.

((Eris got hit on her dominant arm and fell down to one knee))

((Eris’ wooden sword flew in mid air and became stuck on the dojo’s wall, ending the fight))

That’s all I saw with my foresight eye.

And a mere second later, that became a reality.


In my eyes, it seemed like Eris made the first move.

Before I could even confirm it, the tip of her sword already became an afterimage.

But in the end she still lost.

She lost in terms of speed and got hit on her dominant arm.

No, it isn’t only her dominant arm.

Looking closely, her leg that was in the front had it’s toe bent in a weird direction.

Two sword hits.

Was it two attacks in a row?…

She broke both her arms and legs.

But Eris didn’t stop moving.

This much wasn’t enough to stop her.

Making a ferocious smile, she begins to charge with her other leg.

… That’s what I thought would happen but she let go of her strength.

She gave up.

[Let’s end it there]

The echo throughout the dojo belonged to Orsted’s voice.

Inside the dojo, voices such as [Ahh] and [Splendid] could be heard.

However, that was only the minority.

The voices sounded somewhat bewildered.

[What happened? Did she dodge the first blow…?]

[The first blow was aimed at her ankle. That’s why her toe…]

[Then how about the second blow?]

Such whispers could be heard among the Sword Saints.

Did the match finish? Did it not?

It was probably too fast for them to even come down to a conclusion.

However the result is clear.

Eris sat down drenched in sweat while the Sword G.o.d was standing with his wooden sword held loosely.

He said he will show them a demonstration, but the people that watched it didn’t even know what happened?

There’s no point of a demonstration at this rate.

The Sword Saints’ facial expressions were stiff as if they were frustrated at themselves.

However, simultaneously, a feeling of relief began to circulate.

They probably think that with this, the Sword G.o.d Style’s honor has been protected.

If the anger has settled down, it’s a win win for me as well.

[As expected of the Sword G.o.d! The first blow was aimed at the front leg’s ankle.
However, that first blow traveled the shortest possible distance from the ankle to the wrist. Hitting the ankle is okay, so is his opponent dodging the blow. Either way, his opponent’s first attack would be delayed and allow him to land a counter to their wrist.
It is a feat that is impossible to achieve without the absolute confidence in regards to the speed of one’s sword]

Alek said so in quite a loud voice.

So that the Sword Saints could hear him.

Hearing those words, the Sword Saints nodded their heads saying [I see].

Thank you very much for explaining, Alek san.

Though Alek sat down as if it was something obvious, he gave a little criticizing gaze towards Jino.

His face looked as if it was saying, [Tell them of such things if you are their master].

[If it was the old Eris san, she would have charged despite being in that situation]

[If this was the time to be stubborn, I would have done so]

[I see. As expected of Eris san]

Jino smiled a little and slowly nodded his head.

Eris suddenly laughed as well.

However, her brow is dripping with cold sweat.

She’s not the type of woman to whine over a broken wrist and ankle, but it should still be painful.

I got up and rushed to Eris.

[Are you alright?]

[… I’m fine. Hurry up and use your healing magic. Don’t try anything funny got it?]

[Yes ma’am]

I immediately chanted my healing magic and healed her bones.

I’ve already been warned beforehand, so I’ll refrain from touching her chest or b.u.t.t.

Despite being a mock battle, a strike strong enough to break the bones.

I tremble at the thought of such a strike hitting the head or the neck.

Well, Orsted is here as well, so as long as the head doesn’t go flying off, I think it should be fine.

Nevertheless, the Sword G.o.d.

The previous Sword G.o.d was the same, but I just can’t see his sword.

He’s someone I don’t want to turn into an enemy.

[How is it?]

[… He is amazing. It’s frustrating, but I don’t think I can beat him]

I asked her about her injuries, but all she talked about was the battle.

She is tightening her mouth as if she is really frustrated.

Though Eris gave birth to two children, she was diligent when it came to swordsmans.h.i.+p.

When thinking about that… No, she’s just frustrated that she lost. She was always like that. She hates losing.

[Then, I shall]

When I brought Eris back, Alek got up with a cheery face.

But, he suddenly turned his head towards Orsted.

[Will it be okay Orsted sama?]

[I don’t mind. Do as you wish]

Did Orsted possibly give Alek the permission to beat up Jino?

If Jino can’t beat Alek, the Seven Great World Power rankings may change as well.

The man who declared neutrality, Jino Britts.

By defeating Eris just now, he settled down the frustration of the Sword Saints.

The Holy Sword Region will be able to protect its neutrality.

However, if the Sword G.o.d loses, everything changes.

Ignoring Jino as an individual, it wouldn’t be surprising if the majority of the Holy Sword Region become our enemies.

What should I do? Do I have no choice but to stop them?

No, let’s not say anything, since Orsted gave his approval.

I just have to think of a way to deal with the result.

[Very well]

Alek came to the front.

A spar using wooden swords.

Nevertheless, the North G.o.d and the Sword G.o.d.

It is no exaggeration to say that this is a battle between fellow memebers of the Seven Great World Powers

The current seventh rank right now is nothing more than a decoration after all.

Who will win?

Alek most likely has the advantage by having more experience.

Despite beating the previous Sword G.o.d, the Sword G.o.d is young and lacks experience.

In addition, Alek probably has a lot of pride as the North G.o.d Kalman III.

There’s also the fact that he saw the Sword G.o.d’s attack not too long ago.


Alek, who took a center focused stance and Jino, who is in his sword drawing stance.

Who is going to start first?

Normally, the Sword G.o.d Style’s Jino would strike first and the North G.o.d Style would counter that blow.

However, it feels like the opposite may happen as well.

[… Hmp!]

The first one to move was Alek.

I saw it this time.

A no motion thrust from the center.

However, Jino swung his sword in a speed that exceeded that thrust.

He unsheathed his sword as if he was matching the timing of the thrusted sword’s tip and deflected it a little… That’s all I was able to see.

The next moment, Jino’s sword vanished.

The next thing that was reflected in my eyes was the moment when Alek’s left hand broke.

At the same time, Alek took a step back and there was a black line on the dojo floor.

He probably did the same move he used on Eris but this time attacking the wrist first and then the leg.

Alek grabs the wooden sword with his broken hand.

However, the hand that seemed to be broken repaired itself right away.

It’s probably due to his Immortal Demon Blood.

Furthermore, his eyes burned with fighting spirit as if it was trying to say that the true North G.o.d Style starts now.

However, Jino stepped to the front despite the situation.

A terrifying fierce attack had begun.

Each time Jino swung his sword, Alek broke his arm and leg.

The broken bones immediately healed and didn’t put Alek out of the fight.

However, that’s all that happened.

Jino didn’t allow Alek to go on the offensive.

Alek probably tried many different things.

However, it was clear to anyone that his attacks didn’t reach.

[… I give up]

Before long, Alek dropped his sword.

There was no injury.

However, his clothes were tattered and the tip of his wooden sword was split.

On the other side, Jino was uninjured as well.

Though he was drenched in sweat, he was overwhelming.

I didn’t think there would be this much of a gap.

To beat Alek who was so strong to that extent…

Wouldn’t Jino right now be on par with the Great Powers? No, I mean he already is one of the Great Powers.

[Man, you are strong. It made me realize that there are always people stronger than yourself]

[You only have one hand and if this was a real battle, there’s no telling who would have won]

[If we fought with real swords, I would be in pieces by now]

Alek easily admitted his defeat.

Jino used his sword drawing stance with a wooden sword that had no scabbard.

If it was a real sword drawing stance, it would have been even faster.

Therefore, there is the possibility that the gap would have been even wider if they used real swords.

[Now then…]

Alek held his wooden sword and came back to us.

Despite losing, he has an easy going expression.

Though he seemed to be a little frustrated… He didn’t scream like he did during the time in the Biheril Kingdom.

He probably changed as well.

[… Hmm?]

When I casually looked around, I realized that everyone was looking at me.

Even Jino stood in the center of the dojo despite the fact that the spar was over.

Facing my direction.

[The seventh rank of the Great World Powers…]

[We can see the fight between two Great World Power rankers]

[Though I don’t think Sword G.o.d sama will lose…]

[We might even be able to see the Dragon G.o.d Orsted’s techniques]

I could hear the Sword Saints talking.


Hmm? What’s happening?

[Rudeus sama. Please show it to us. The power of the magic armor that was able to defeat me]

After hearing what Alek whispered to me, I suddenly spoke.

It was a speech I prepared in advance.

[Haha, everyone in the Holy Sword Region puts so much enthusiasm into their training as I expected! However, the day is almost over and I’ve gotten really hungry! How about we put an end to it here?!]

Everyone became disappointed.

And so, the greetings to the Holy Sword Region ended.

Although I’ve been called a coward by the Sword Saints, that is none of my concern.

The Holy Sword Region… No, Jino Britts will probably defend its neutrality until his death.

With that, I’m satisfied.
