Mushoku Tensei Redundancy

Chapter 29

The Last One to Leave the Nest:Her Fate

Translator: flyingsakana

Editor/Proofreader: Jokoril, NewbieTranslatingRaws


Viola couldn"t understand… why were the surrounding students pointing their fingers at her?

It wasn"t just her. Everyone in the audience hall was clueless as to what was going on.

As if to shatter that confusion, Elizabeth stepped forward. Her eyes narrowed and the edges of her mouth turned upwards. With a sinister, snake-like smile, she declared:

[All the atrocities that Violsama eloquently described were done by none other than Viola Yellowsnake-sama herself!]

Elizabeth proudly declared for all to hear, as if she was announcing her triumph over Viola.

[And all of us standing here are witnesses who can attest to that.]

To those words, the students standing by her all nodded in agreement one after another.

[That"s right! I was treated like a used rag!]

[Same with me! Violsama"s grip was slowly strangling me to death!]

[Me too… My textbooks were ripped to pieces by Violsama!]

The dazed Viola couldn"t comprehend what was happening in front of her.

[Eh…? Eh!?]

Like a fish out of water, her face warped with dismay as her words got caught in her throat. All she managed to squeeze out was a measly…


Hearing those words, Elizabeth snapped.

[Why? Towards me whom you treated like trash for an entire two years, you ask why!?]

With such force behind her voice as if to grab Viola by the s.h.i.+rt, she shouted:


[Y-You… so you betrayed me!]

Having caught up with the situation, Viola"s expression changed. Gone was her calm and composed demeanor, along with any shred of her overflowing confidence. Her face transformed into that of a man-eating demon.

One by one, Viola pointed her finger at the students who betrayed her and glared at them.

[You, you, you, ALL OF YOU!! Pulling such a stunt against me! I hope you do understand how badly all of you are going to end up!]

That is exactly what you would call an outrage.

A situation that was originally not supposed to happen – that couldn"t be allowed to happen – had occurred.

Even when confronted directly with such a threat, Elizabeth maintained her composure and made sure to return a wide grin to Viola.

[My, my… what is going to happen to us?]

[Have I no choice but to explain in detail? The Topcoat family owes a huge debt to the Yellowsnake family. That means that if I feel like it, all of you could be turned into slaves, let alone forced into servitude as servants.]

Viola directed those words towards Elizabeth in a loud voice.


In fact, those words weren"t just aimed at Elizabeth. The students that were brought forth as "Evidence" against Chris were there for similar reasons.

Not all of them were there due to debts. Some of them had other weaknesses which were gotten ahold of.

In any case, Viola kept a firm grip on them.

They were what allowed her to turn them into servile p.a.w.ns, to use as she pleased.

Yet, even in the face of those words, Elizabeth didn"t back down. In fact, it was almost like she was waiting for them…


Her reply was calm, even monotone. Looking at her expression though, it was a wicked smile. With a face truly reminiscent of an evil villainess, she retorted.

[If it"s that, it was fully paid off as of yesterday.]


Viola was dumbstruck by her answer.

For what it was worth, Elizabeth took out a piece of paper from her chest and handed it over to Viola as proof of payment.

[This is the proof for the full settlement of the debt. The Topcoat family crest – you can see it here, right?]

[I-Impossible… How…? It was supposed to take ten years to fully settle!]

Hearing that, Elizabeth"s expression returned to normal. Then, with a defeated smile, she looked towards a certain girl.

[… It was because Chris lent her strength to me.]

[Chris? That Chris that you hated so much?]

[Indeed, that girl, towards someone like me who scorned her so, benevolently bestowed her tender-loving hand to save me.]

In a trance, Elizabeth gazed into the distance as if she saw a G.o.ddess manifesting there.

Seeing Elizabeth"s expression, Viola sneered.

[Ah, I see, so it"s that. You borrowed from Chris to pay off the debt owed to me, and that is why you betrayed me. In the end, you merely switched masters. What a fool.]

[I"m afraid you are wrong. I no longer owe any debt to anyone, because Chris enlightened me to a new way of doing business!]

With that, Elizabeth started describing the new source of income that Chris suggested to her. This "new source of income" wasn"t anything like a regular part-time job. Since we are talking about debts owed between aristocracy, its a huge sum of money.

To raise this huge sum, a new business had to be started. Put simply, it was "a legal advice firm aimed at merchants". As a house that was put in charge of lawmaking in the Kingdom, many of the retainers in the Topcoat house were well-versed with the law.

On top of giving merchants work, they also provided richer merchants with advice on how to pay lower taxes. Thus, the profits within Asuran territory increased for the merchants, with some of the cut being paid to the Topcoats.

Although making a business out of cutting taxes was detrimental to the Kingdom"s finances, it wasn"t too big of a deal, since said taxes were being squandered on the n.o.bles" frivolous expenses anyways. Hence, it was simply a matter of trading one evil for another.

In the grand scheme of things, the damage done to the Kingdom was negligible. Thus, by doing this and that with the merchants, the Topcoats somehow paid off their debts.

[It is not just me, but everyone here. There no longer exists any weakness you can use against them to do your bidding.]

The students around Viola vehemently agreed, saying "That"s right!". The only reason they didn"t cuss was because they were in the presence of Ariel.

[These weaknesses that you thought could never be overcome even with great effort, were resolved by Chris. Painstakingly, problem by problem, like crus.h.i.+ng ants individually.]

… It was now that the audience caught on to what was happening.

In summary, Viola used her underlings" weaknesses to force them into playing along with her scheme to destroy Chris at this graduation ceremony. What she did not expect, was that Chris would preempt this move. Thus, all the "evidence" leading up to this reveal in the ceremony was corrected one by one, and was instead used as a counter to this trap.

[H-How underhanded…!!]

[My, my, my, I wonder who the underhanded one really is! Even though Chris was considerate of your stupidly inflated ego and didn"t mess with you before the graduation ceremony…  She even worked behind the scenes to give up the post of graduate representative to you!]

Towards the matter of giving up the seat of the graduate representative, Chris made a face as if to say "Eh?" But no one noticed. If they did, they"d come to realise that she really did try as hard as usual but came nowhere close to the top.

Anyways, other than that dubious turn of events, everything else was true. All of the surrounding students agreed. The n.o.bles came to understand the truth, and started to cast cold gazes onto Viola. Among them was Edward. Feeling disappointed and resentful – both at Viola, who lied, and also himself, who couldn"t stand up against such lies – he glared at Viola.

[You…  Committing such despicable acts, are you not ashamed of yourself… !?]

Having been told that by Edward, Viola appeared agitated for just a moment. However, she clenched her teeth strongly and shot back to him in defiance.

[I-I feel nothing close to being ashamed!]

There is nothing that can be glossed over at this point.

Viola bared her feelings and let our her true thoughts.

[Losing to that plebeian from out in the sticks of Ranoa, and letting you get s.n.a.t.c.hed away is more of an embarra.s.sment to an Asuran n.o.ble!]

To her words, Edward could only gawk in response.

["A plebeian from Ranoa"? How disrespectful, her father is a sworn friend of Her Majesty! While it is true that he was not given peerage in the Kingdom, he is treated on the same level as royalty! Do you not…]

[No matter how great they are, if there are from the sticks, they are from out in the sticks! Mere neanderthals to me! Anyways, I have hated Chris since the very beginning!]

Viola had detested Chris ever since the first day of school. Entering the school as a friend of the outstanding Elizabeth (though the surrounding people thought she was a mere follower) and being able to make friends with Prince Edward whom she had always admired, she was looking forward to a dazzling school life fit for a high aristocrat.

And then Chris came and ruined everything.

That airheaded brat who emerged from the boonies, reeking of soil and dirt.

Getting the attention of Edward, orchestrating Elizabeth"s downfall, and thanks to all that, even putting Viola"s own status at risk. It was h.e.l.l since then. The days where no one would respect her continued. While her family name had gone to the trash, Elizabeth was still as competent as ever. So by using her effectively, Viola was finally able to graduate at the top of the school.

Yet, she still couldn"t forgive Chris for s.n.a.t.c.hing away Edward. It didn"t matter if it was all untrue. She wanted a story to frame Chris and make Edward hate her. Even better if she could be expelled from the Academy and erased from history forever…

[To think… that you are this foolish…]

Hearing Viola"s words, Edward clenched his fist tightly.

Just as quickly, he relaxed his fist. There was no longer any anger left in him. Beyond that, he was simply amazed and finally understood Viola.

Hearing her words, Edward"s patience had exceeded its limits.


In all honesty, Edward was never interested in the girl named Viola. There was nothing to gain from being with her, and she wasn"t particularly competent in anything. Furthermore, everything that came out of her mouth was heard elsewhere before. Even after she enrolled in the Academy, she only got close to the excellent Elizabeth so she could join the school"s socialites. Someone who thinks that she is superior just because she"s part of that group.

From Edward"s point of view, out of 100 ladies that come from Asuran n.o.ble houses, 99 of them are the same, boring archetypal girl like Viola. Yet, she was his fiancée. Even if it was just something decided on by their parents, therein laid the duty of a royal. He had intended to give Viola special treatment, appropriate to the arrangement.

Now, however… at this very moment, Edward"s perception of her had changed. Viola was not a run-of-the-mill n.o.ble girl. She was a person that wouldn"t think twice about kicking someone down just to achieve her objectives. A cold, calculating fool that didn"t treat people like human beings. Edward had come to hate Viola.

Therefore, as a prince, fulfilling his duty as a royal, he raised his head. In a voice loud enough to be heard by everyone around, he announced:

[I am someone who will be interacting with foreign powers in the future. I cannot possibly marry  someone who would publicly disparage an important figure from a foreign country as a country-b.u.mpkin… I hereby request that our engagement be annulled!]


All the blood left Viola"s face when she heard the sudden declaration.

Annulment of engagement.

"He wouldn"t do something like that right?" Was what she thought in the bottom of her heart. "He doesn"t have the power to", was what she thought.

However, this was a public setting.

Yes, a public setting…

A place with individuals from all sorts of backgrounds and statuses, the absolute best stage to completely destroy Chris. A place she personally picked herself.

And ironically, this exact place was where all her escape routes were sealed.

[Ah… that… can"t be… about that matter…]

And so Viola tried to steer the conversation in a way that she could escape from.

Using the excuse she thought of just in case this matter got brought up.

[T-This is not something that we can decide on our own… that"s why…]

Indeed, strictly speaking, anything concerning marriage is not something that they can decide on their own. That is because the engagement was decided between their parents… in other words, the current heads of their houses.

The house heads, with the future in their minds, decided that the marriage would bring both families to greater heights.

Unless valid reasons were presented to the house heads through proper channels of discussion, and provided they are convinced by the reasons, annulment would not be allowed.

Moreover, one of the house heads involved this time was the Queen of the Asura Kingdom. As the Queen"s schedule is constantly packed, even a house from the high aristocracy governing financial matters of the country wouldn"t be able to get a meeting with her at a moment"s notice. Time would be required to execute or call off any plans.

Viola was a cunning girl. As long as there was time, she could move to push circ.u.mstances in her favor and make the annulment void.

She was confident that she could do that.

As long as it wasn"t now.

As long as it wasn"t here.

As long as it wasn"t right after the moment she failed.

[I see, you make a convincing point.]

Here, at this very place and time, all the key individuals were present.

The two parties involved in the engagement, Edward and Viola.

The current head of the Yellowsnake house, Carter Yellowsnake.

And finally…

[Is that fine with you, Mother?]

Queen of the Asura Kingdom, Ariel Anemoi Asura.


Ariel, in a rare display, gave the surrounding people a soul-chilling gaze. Without her barely lifting a finger, she exerted so much pressure on the auditorium that all the chattering died down into a solemn silence.


Hearing that voice, the once heated atmosphere instantly froze over.

[Do you have anything to say in your defence?]

It was Ariel.

Those were words from Her Majesty, the Queen of Asura.

Spoken in that powerful voice that had mesmerised people since her youth.

[Ah… uh… I-I….]

Viola"s face had now gotten so pale that she was on the verge of pa.s.sing out. Her face bore a mess of emotions, making her eyes spin. Anxiety, confusion, anger, resentment, sorrow, pity, entreaty, disgust, worry, fear, self-blame.

Perhaps, if she were a stronger person, if she had the heart to honestly admit that she was wrong, or if she had the guts to look for a way out even when cornered, things might have turned out differently. Even if she was being fired upon, if she focused on minimising the damage taken, she might have been able to escape.

However, making a move while being in such a predicament was something Viola lacked the experience to perform. Born into high n.o.bility and without any talent, she was pampered even when she did not put in effort. Nearly all of the people she met were of lower social status. It did not matter when she got into trouble, because things would go her way if she were to just complain a little. Having lived most of her life having things served to her on a silver platter, it was impossible for her to find a way out of this quagmire.

The words that came out of her mouth next were simply painful to listen to.

[I have done nothing wrong! I was framed by Christina! So that I would be publicly shamed at this ceremony! She abused their weaknesses and made them spout lies! DESPICABLE! I do not approve of such dirty tricks! Christina is the evil one! I have done nothing wrong!]

What followed was an incoherent jumble of words. Lines like "they are all spouting lies" were repeatedly and hysterically shouted. Outright denying what she just said. Piling lies on top of lies, like how Chris" atrocities were so numerous that it was hard to talk about all of them. That her own actions were righteous in comparison. "I am guiltless!", she continued to scream in a shrill voice.

In any case, it was outrageous that mere low n.o.bles and commoners would dare to frame a high n.o.ble like her. They should be punished for lèse-majesté1 – was what her arguments devolved into.

Viola"s pitiable state was unsightly from anyone"s point of view, and definitely inappropriate for a graduate of the Asura Royal Academy.

That brilliant demeanor which everyone recognised as fitting for a graduate representative had disintegrated into the air.

It goes without saying that in Ariel"s eyes, such was also the case.


Ariel did not entertain the likes of Viola. As no words could get through to her, she shook her head and summoned two individuals before her.

[Have the and Carter come over.]

Immediately, two men emerged from the audience.

The of the Asura Royal Academy and the current head of the Yellowsnake house, Carter Yellowsnake.

The was drenched in cold sweat, and Carter had his eyes wide open, his body audibly trembling. Both of their faces had lost all their color.

Looking at both of them with a piercing glare, Ariel turned over to the and opened her mouth.

[ of the Asura Royal Academy.]

[Yes, Your Majesty!]

[A person such as this is not fit to be deemed a graduate from our Asura Royal Academy.]

[I-It is exactly as Your Majesty states.]

[I declare in my name of Ariel Anemoi Asura, that this person shall have her graduation annulled and given the punishment of expulsi-]


The moment Ariel made that declaration, Viola gave off a thundering scream so loud that it cut off Her Majesty Ariel"s orders. It was an act that no student who learned about etiquette in this school would have done. On top of all that, she started charging towards Ariel with both her hands raised in the air.

Of course, she was immediately subdued by Ariel"s guards. Viola was pinned to the ground in an instant and had her hands pressed towards her back. Completely ignoring that, Ariel s.h.i.+fted her gaze to the Yellowsnake house head.

[Carter Yellowsnake.]

[Yes, Your Majesty!]

[I have planned to let Edward represent the royalty for diplomatic matters after his graduation. Main focus being the Northern Regions, with the Magic Triumvirate. Would someone who disparages the Ranoa Kingdom, one of the Magic Triumvirate as "the sticks", be fit as wife of this representative?]

[As a matter of fact, I would think that she would not be suitable.]

[Then, as per Edward"s wishes, the engagement between Edward Anemoi Asura and Viola Yellowsnake shall be annulled. That is fine with you, yes?]

[Yes, Your Majesty!]

Carter"s head remained lowered.

Unlike his daughter, he was a sincere and loyal man. Whatever his daughter did was also the responsibility of the house head. Throwing mud at the prestigious graduation ceremony of Asura Royal Academy, causing a huge ruckus and being arrested in public.

It was the ultimate shame and humiliation.

So much so that he honestly wanted to act as if she was not his daughter.

But Carter was an honest man. He intended to bear full responsibility for any transgressions committed by his daughter. Now, at this moment, he was prepared to serve any sentence pa.s.sed onto him.


Of course, Ariel was well aware of Carter"s personality. It was the reason why she arranged the engagement between their children in the first place. Although the engagement was annulled due to the daughter"s foolish actions, the father was sinless. If anything, it was his failure in her upbringing…

Either way, no matter how one was brought up, children like Viola – who grow conceited and try to control all of their surroundings due to their peerage – would still appear. Even with extremely thorough education, issues such as this will remain unavoidable as long as there exists differences in social status.

To berate someone for something that is unavoidable goes against Ariel"s pride.

For the loyal, rewards should be given out over punishment.

As thanks for the undying loyalty they have shown till now.

[I do not intend to lower my opinion of the Yellowsnake house based on this one isolated case.]

Speaking of which, there was another person here that needed mentioning.

A girl who lost everything because out of nowhere, she was blamed for crimes she did not commit. And that girl"s father was someone Ariel knew very well.

His face is still blank now, but malice was seeping out of his facial expression. Once he understood the situation, his face was dyed in intense anger. It was very possible that he would draw closer towards Ariel in rage and grumble to her with an unpleasant look.

I"m okay with complaints, but I have to hand out some punishments even in name or it"ll be a disservice to him…


[However, I forbid any resentment on the partic.i.p.ants of this revenge plot. Accept it as an insult to your family name and live with it.]

[I am grateful for your extreme leniency and consideration!]

[In addition, you are to re-educate your daughter thoroughly.]

[…Yes, Your Majesty!]

The one deserving of punishment is not the family head, but the daughter. And it is not to the extent that the Queen herself has to deliver the punishment onto the daughter.

Thinking like that, Ariel left the responsibility of his daughter"s punishment to the house head.

If it was the honest and loyal Carter, any punishment he gives would be appropriate.

[That is all. You may step down.]


After giving a bow to Ariel, Carter took his daughter from the guards and promptly left the venue.

As one would expect, the looks of pity given to his back were piercing.

A graduation ceremony where his daughter was the representative. He must have felt extremely proud. In fact, he was even showing off a little, talking to people who sat beside him.

Even to Rudeus, he was like…

[My daughter was a sore loser who didn"t have any drive before enrolment, but it seemed like she gave her best in school. And you know what, in a happy turn of events, she even got the post of graduate representative!]

While he was sheepishly talking about his daughter"s success, she suddenly self-destructed and made a fool out of herself.

There was a need to find out exactly what she was thinking in the depths of her heart.


After seeing off Carter, Ariel shrugged her shoulders exaggeratedly.

[For our much awaited special occasion, to suddenly have our graduate representative go missing… is unprecedented, isn"t it?]

With a somewhat comical demeanor, she surveyed the area with her eyes. She posed as if she was saying, I am not mad that an incident happened, let"s continue the party.

It was quite out of her character, but if she didn"t take that pose, it wouldn"t have been strange for the entire ceremony to get cancelled.

It is the graduation ceremony today.

Most of the students here were merely bystanders. She couldn"t let the ceremony get called off because of an isolated incident.

[Without our graduate representative, who in the world would give us a toast?]

Hearing that, Luke, who hid himself beside Ariel suddenly came forth and gave a proposal.

[Perhaps the next in line for the cohort?]

[I see. The next in line for valedictorian position, come forth.]

And right in front of Ariel, someone took a step forward.

It was Edward.

[Mother, I am the next in line for the role.]

[I see, it was you. As expected of a prince of our Asura Kingdom. I shall give you praise for that.]

[A blessing I gratefully accept.]

[Then, graduate representative Edward, a word as the valedictorian our graduating cohort.]

Ariel said in a slightly dramatic fas.h.i.+on.

That little hint of happiness in her tone might have been because there weren"t many "accidents" like these happening in the palace recently, or maybe… because the plan she had given up on ages ago had unexpectedly gotten back on track to success.

[Understood! However, Mother, there is someone who is more fitting to be the representative than me. That person had saved countless students from various circ.u.mstances, and even turned past enemies into her comrades… someone that embodies the very ideals of our Asura Royal Academy.]

[Edward. That person that you are talking about, the one that had saved so many of our students, who exactly might that be?]

Acting like the answer was so obvious that it goes without saying, Edward pointed his finger to a single girl.

[Of course, it is her.]


Exposed to the laser pointed looks from the entire auditorium, she only showed a blank face.

Some translator notes:

1. An offense towards the dignity of a reigning sovereign or against a state. E.g. Insults/Accusations against royalty or n.o.bility in this case.↩