My Boyfriend Is A Dragon

Chapter 260: Successfully Crossing to the Other Side

Chapter 260: Successfully Crossing to the Other Side

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

For some reason, Bai Wu made a compromise when doing it that night. Xu Lan was left to rub his own b.u.t.tocks and fumed in anger!

F*cking h.e.l.l, there was once he failed to control Bai Wu during their lovemaking session and Bai Wu transformed into a half-dragon state. Xu Lan was given quite the shock after realizing that Bai Wu’s member was slowly enlarging within him! Needless to say, the session was a stressful one. F*cking h.e.l.l, once Bai Wu discovered how pleasurable it was, he continuously pestered Xu Lan for it, but Xu Lan vehemently refused! On that night, however, the pain transmitted from Xu Lan’s backside was exactly the same as that particular session!

As soon as Xu Lan was able to get down, he immediately escorted Bai Wu to the laboratory. He wanted Qin Lao to give Bai Wu as hard a time as possible! F*ck!

“Xu Lan, are you sure you’re not going to come with me?” Reluctant to part ways, Bai Wu grasped Xu Lan’s hand and asked.

“GO! Scram! It’s not like I won’t be joining you there! MMP!” Xu Lan was erupting in anger; Bai Wu was laughing innocuously; Qin Lao was stupefied!

Liang Yu stood at the door and opened it for Bai Wu. The latter’s mouth was open as if he about to say something, but Xu Lan simply lifted a leg and kicked him into the room. In doing so, he aggravated his painful backside, and being too embarra.s.sed to let out a shriek, he grimaced in pain.

After the door was closed, Qin Lao started the process of manufacturing the dimensional crack. On that particular occasion, he specifically utilized the additional blood samples that Bai Wu provided. The experiments had been a success, but whether or not it could really be applied to the real world remained to be seen.

The crack began to slowly take shape and envelop Bai Wu. It was like a meat grinder that twisted and warped Bai Wu in it. Xu Lan rushed to enter the room, but Liang Yu got a hold of him as soon as his hand touched the door.

“The creation of a s.p.a.ce-time disorder is simply an illusion. You can take a look at the image on the computer. It’s projected by infrared rays. Bai Wu is still Bai Wu…” Just as Liang Yu brought Xu Lan up to the computer, the computer screen became blank white, and nothing was displayed.

“… He’s gone,” Qin Lao said.

“Will this have a significant impact? How will I find him again later?” Xu Lan felt an unease in the depths of his heart. “How are things now?”

“We haven’t had the chance to test it out beforehand, but if Bai Wu succeeds, it’s a good sign,” Qin Lao answered prudently.

Xu Lan nodded. His eyes were glued to the computer screen. They fitted an incredibly st.u.r.dy video camera on Bai Wu’s body, and its method of operation was not dissimilar to the Hubble Telescope. All information hitherto gathered were also obtained using the same method.

After G.o.d-knows-how-long, Xu Lan’s eyes were red from staring at the computer screen. It was only then did Bai Wu re-appeared at the fringe of the crack with a faint illumination on his body. The journey was not as smooth as previous occasions where he would have entered immediately into a parallel dimension as soon as the pressure wore off. At that moment, Bai Wu was rejected by the dimension, and he could no longer re-enter it! His movement was limited to pacing back and forth. If within a certain period of time, he neither entered the dimension nor left it, there was a possibility that he would be transported to a different place.

By then, Bai Wu had already transformed into his dragon state in an attempt to use his claws and explore the area. In an instant, a semi-transparent protective screen appeared in the s.p.a.ce. It was illuminated in a design of a beehive by a lightning-fast electric current, and it sent Bai Wu flying.

“BAI WU!” Xu Lan was feeling extremely anxious for Bai Wu.

Evidently, Bai Wu’s actions did not bear fruit. He sneered and shook his head, then fished out a drug that Qin Lao had prepared for him. The drug was administered by injection and was able to change his blood type locally. Qin Lao developed it on his own accord during Bai Wu’s hospitalization – when it was discovered that Bai Wu had no matching blood type.

One syringe, then two, then the third and fourth… A handful of syringes lay beside Bai Wu’s feet, but the protective screen was still impervious.

“BAI WU…” Despite knowing that Bai Wu could not hear him, Xu Lan still could not help but shout. His hands were sweaty and beads of sweat were dripping from his forehead.

Onto the last syringe – a red one. Bai Wu took a deep breath and inserted it into his forefinger. He rubbed the blood between his fingers and touched the protective screen. If it did not work, he would have no choice but to go back.

From one meter away to one inch away to one centimeter away, and then a bang. The thought of what might happen next did not cross Bai Wu’s mind. He also unprepared for it, but under that circ.u.mstance, he pa.s.sed through the protective screen and landed on the ground with a thud.

He saw blue skies and white clouds, clear waters and green mountains, chirping insects and singing birds, as well as fragrant flowers.

“HE DID IT! XU LAN! Let me check the red reagent to determine its blood sample. You need to get up now. As time by, it is likely that the other side will notice the hole and seal it up,” Qin Lao urged.

“Alright!” Xu Lan carried his backpack and dashed impatiently into the laboratory.