My Daughter Is The Family Head

Chapter 15

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Ying Xue Wen used his sleeve to wipe his tears and rushed to the stable.  Just as he was about to take the horse out, he found Uncle Huang blocking his path.

"Second Young Master, Dangjia said you are not allowed to go out."

"I just want to go out!"  Using his martial arts skills, he loosened Uncle Huang"s grasp on the reins and with a flip, he turned his body and jumped on the horse.

"Someone come, ah!.......  Second Master is making an escape!"  Uncle Huang shouted loudly towards outside the stable.

Immediately, several guards rushed over.

Ying Xue Wen looked at the situation and felt even more annoyed!  If today, he does not exert his strength, this group of people really thinks he is a sick cat*!

(Sick cat describes someone who is weak.)

All these years, the only skill that he had continuously learned is martial arts and it came in handy at this time.  Because his anger had surged up in his heart, it gave him the strength to fight against three men at the same time.  Anyway, the guards did not really dare to fight with their Second Young Master and so they allowed him to rush out of the stable.

Ying Xue Wen, who was successful in seizing the horse and leaving the stable, did not notice that a guard had secretly sprinkled a kind of powder on the horse"s hoofs. 

Riding the horse, Ying Xue Wen went out the back door but there was no trace of joy on his face because once he left the Mansion, he did not know where he was supposed to go.

Without any money with him and since his Elder Brother had instructed that no one should allow him credit, how long can he stay outside?  The more he thinks about this, the angrier he became but he was not ready to admit defeat yet......

Since Elder Brother and his Mother insisted he should wed Hua Ming Zi then he will just hide in the deep forest and starve to death!

Quickly, he rode the horse out of the capital city towards the nearest low mountain and after riding on the mountain trail for about a quarter of a sichen, he vaguely heard some voices ahead of him. 

Such bad luck!  Even when riding in such a remote area, there are still people bothering him, Ying Xue Wen muttered in his heart.

Initially, he wanted to leave and was about to turn around when he heard someone say.

"Laoda*, this kidnapping was done beautifully!  This woman was s.n.a.t.c.hed right off the street and her reputation is now ruined.  In future, we will follow you!"

(Laoda means Big Brother or Big Boss.  This term is usually used by gangs or triads to address their leader or commander.)

"Huh!.......she asked for this!  Now, how I want to touch her all depends on me!" 

Another male voice laughed and then he spoke again.

"I told you to marry me obediently but you didn"t listen to me!  You refused to accept a gracious toast of wine and instead chose a penalty toast!   Why are you glaring at me?!  In future, I want to see whether you still dare to disobey me!"

(Refuse a gracious toast of wine and chose a penalty toast is actually a threat that means one who refuses to accept an amicable treatment now has to accept a harsh one instead.)

When Ying Xue Wen heard the men bullying a woman, he quickly got off the horse and led it to a darker part of the forest.  After tying up the horse, he tried his best to move silently towards the voices.  In order for him to see more clearly, he used the qinggong ((flying) skills he had learned by paying for the lessons and leaped onto a branch.  Then he saw......

In an open s.p.a.ce several steps ahead, a woman was lying on the ground surrounded by three masked men.

He looked at the scene and felt a surge of anger rose up in his heart.  He wanted to rush forward as a hero to save the beauty* but when he looked at the three men, he hesitated for a moment.  In case he could not save the woman and get himself trapped instead, it would not be worth it.  Or, he should leave first to get help..........

(As a hero to save the beauty does not actually mean he is a hero or the woman is a beauty.  It just simply means the act of a brave man saving a woman.)

"Luo Ji Cai, I advise you to let me go as soon as possible, lest when I go back, I will report this to Yamen*!"  The woman said.

(Yamen is a magistrate"s court or a place similar to a police station.)

When Ying Xue Wen heard the name "Luo Ji Cai", his eyes immediately widened.  It turned out that it is Luo Ji Cai that rotten worm!

Ying Xue Wen all along held contempt for this person who always harbors bad intentions and always bullies others because of his status.  He just did not think Luo Ji Cai would actually dare to commit a crime like kidnapping a woman.

"Report to Yamen?  You are now lying at my feet and you still act so arrogantly?"  Lou Ji Cai pulled down the black cloth that masked his face and with a smile, he stood in front of her.  "Do you think I don"t know it was you who informed my Father about the gambling debts I owed outside?  You caused me to be severely reprimanded by my Father and I was forbidden to leave the house!"

"If you dare to do it, then you must dare to take responsibility!"  The woman managed to sit up and said in a loud voice.

Ying Xue Wen looked at the woman"s face under her messy tangled hair and his heart suddenly jumped erratically.  Such a bright and captivating face!  Such a pair of brilliant mesmerizing eyes!

"After we have become husband and wife, I will immediately go back to the city to marry you as my concubine.  In this way, I should be considered as daring to do and daring to take responsibility, right?!"  Luo Ji Cai threw back his head and laughed loudly.

"Did I say I will marry you?  If you really have the ability, then you should kill me right here!  Otherwise, the first thing I will do when I return to the city is to make a report against you to Yamen!"  Then she spat at Luo Ji Cai.

Luo Ji Cai did not avoid her and instead kicked her in anger. 

"You s.l.u.t!  You don"t know what is good for you!  I gave you face but you refused me!  You are about to become a fallen woman and you are still clamoring for death!" 

Ying Xue Wen was so angry that he clenched his fists and he wanted so much to rush forward to give Luo Ji Cai a punch.

After she was kicked, she curled up her body.  Then a while later, she lifted her head up again to look at the other two masked men.

"These two gentlemen, are you sure you want to be involved in a murder crime with him?  Why not listen to me.......since I have been kidnapped and brought here, I can only put everything into this fight.  I am willing to give each of you a hundred taels* of silver and capture Luo Ji Cai for me.  I promise not to report you to Yamen.  You should have heard of my reputation and I never speak empty words."

(A tael = 37.79gms.  Silver and gold are measured in taels.)

The two masked men looked at one another and for a while, both to them did not reply.

"Do you dare to betray me?!"  Luo Ji Cai grabbed one of the men closest to him and roared.  "Do you believe me when I say I will immediately report to the government officials about the crimes you had committed?!  Isn"t this the easiest way to die?!"

"All the crimes that you had committed, were they not instructions from Luo Ji Cai?  In future, if he is to land in prison, will both of you be willing to follow him to prison and be ruined for the rest of your lives?  One hundred taels of silver are enough to let you start a new life!"

When Ying Xue Wen saw the woman speaking in a calm voice even while she was still in such a dangerous situation, he thought of his Elder Brother.

"Why are the two of you distracted?!  This woman"s mouth is laced with honey but hiding swords in her belly.  Once she leaves here, she will definitely send you to Yamen!"  Luo Ji Cai said.

(Mouth laced with honey, sword hidden in belly means a person who is good at sweet-talking but is actually an evil person.)

"My reputation in the business arena is well-known to everyone.  You are the one who is not credible!"  She retorted.

"It seems you really want me to shut you up!"  Luo Ji Cai gave her a slap and when she curled up her body in pain, he tore at her clothes.  "Soon I will show you my benefits......."

Ying Xue Wen sucked in a breath and was about to jump down from the tree to save the woman when Hua Ming Zi quickly took out something from her waistband and put it into her mouth.  Immediately she swallowed it........ 

"This is ice poison."  She said and hoped that Luo Ji Cai believes in the lie she fabricated in a moment of desperation.  "After taking this poison, I will vomit blood within twelve sichen and I will die.  Tomorrow when the people come in search of me, they will only find my body and the murderer will be you.......Luo Ji Cai.  Now if you want to do any heinous acts to me, it is best you don"t leave any trace so that others will not find out you are the culprit......"

"Laoda, you never mentioned a murder will be committed......"  The black-masked men took a step back.

"Shut up both of you!  Wait until I have taught this woman a lesson then I will deal with both of you!"  Then Luo Ji Cai stooped down to punch and kick her.  "You even dare to scheme against me!  If you are going to die within twelve sichen then during this time, I will make your life so miserable that you wish you were dead!  After that, I will burn your corpse and destroy all the evidence!"

Luo Ji Cai lifted up his robe to loosen the drawstrings of his pants and then lay on top of her body.  He started to pull off her waistband and as long as she gave a little resistance, she was punched and slapped. 

She was so badly beaten that her nose bled and her face was swollen but she still fought with him until she had no more energy to fight back. 

When Ying Xue Wen saw the situation, in a spurt of energy, he went back to the place where he had tied his horse.  Then he started to run on the spot, stamping hard on the dry leaves to create an atmosphere as if a lot of people were present and used all his strength to shout out.  "My Lord Officer!  I saw the kidnappers went in this way!  They also kidnapped a girl wearing a green colored dress!"

"Alright!  Guards, come!  Hurry up and surround this place!"  Ying Xue Wen lowered his voice then imitated another person speaking and shouted again. 

"The criminals must be captured!"

On the other side of the forest, Luo Ji Cai"s face sank and immediately got up from the body of Hua Ming Zi. 

"Quick, withdraw!"  Luo Ji Cai ordered and took out his dagger.

"What should we do with her?  She knows who we are!"  The two masked men anxiously said.

"Kill her!  The dead will not tell tales!"  Luo Ji Cai said.

"Luo Ji Cai!  Even if I become a ghost, I will not let you go......."  Hua Ming Zi screamed loudly.

"Stinky woman!  I will kill you!"  Luo Ji Cai lowered his voice and raised his dagger over her body.

"I heard someone calling the name of Luo Ji Cai!  If you can catch him then it must be him!  Start surrounding the area on the other side before they leave!  Hurry!"  Ying Xue Wen shouted.

"Lady!  We"re here to save you!  Don"t be afraid!  Once again shout out the name of the person who is threatening you........."  Ying Xue Wen, who was running around in the forest whilst he was shouting, was now running towards them.

"Ah!........"  A woman"s painful screams drifted in the air.

When Ying Xue Wen ran out to the open s.p.a.ce, he saw the retreating backs of Luo Ji Cai and the two blacked-dressed men disappearing in the distance.

The woman had several vicious stab wounds on the front of her body and blood was splattered all over the ground.

"My Lord Officer, I see them!  They are just in front......"  To make sure Luo Ji Cai and his men would not return, he shouted loudly.  At the same time, he fished out a blood-coagulation pill from his sleeve that his Elder Brother had given him to save her life.  He took out the "Nine Returning" Pill and fed it into the mouth of Hua Ming Zi. 

She opened her eyes wide and looked at the man in front of her.  She struggled and barely managed to squeeze out the three words.  "Luo.....Ji......Cai........"

"I saw him!  You can rest a.s.sured that I will not let him go unpunished!"

She smiled faintly and soundlessly mouthed the words "Thank you".  Then her body shook violently with pain and very quickly she closed her eyes.  After she had fainted, a trickle of blood flowed from a corner of her mouth. 

Ying Xue Wen was so scared that he broke out in cold sweat.  He pressed a hand hard on her chest and another hand was pressed on her abdomen to help stop the bleeding.

"Forgive me for this discourtesy!"

When he saw that the blood had stopped a little, Ying Xue Wen immediately picked her up and ran out of the forest.  Quickly, he mounted the horse with her and left the forest.