My Disciple Died Yet Again

Chapter 304: Picking Up Beasts Everyday

Chapter 304: Picking Up Beasts Everyday

Zhu Yao felt that the forest was a little strange recently, as there would always be demonic beasts wandering nearby. Little Eighth should have already instructed the beasties not to approach this place casually, and ordinarily, with the absolute suppression of the G.o.d race"s bloodline, the demonic beasts should not actually be approaching as told. Not to mention, there"s a tenth rank toad watching over the entrance!

Zhu Yao pondered for a moment, and ended up deciding to take a look. Something might have happened, after all? Little tyrant was presently at an important point of his isolation training, and she did not want her education plan to be interrupted by anyone. Thus, she instantly walked out of the sea of flowers. The moment she stepped out, the scenery behind her immediately turned into a lake.

The forest was bustling with activities. After taking a closer look, she realized that a large number of demonic beasts had actually gathered, squeezing about, and they all had high ranks as well. Most likely, because they had intentionally suppressed their voices, she could not clearly hear what they were roaring about. The toad was presently blocking the crowd of demonic beasts with its huge figure, roaring something.  

"What happened?" Zhu Yao asked.

The crowd of demonic beasts instantly quietened down. Dozens of large sparkling eyes swept towards her.

Even someone like Zhu Yao was frightened by the stares.

Their eyes were filled with excitement and agitation, and a while later, they were dyed with fl.u.s.ter. The crowd of demonic beasts began to cause an uproar. One beast after another, be they big or small, as though they were frightened by something, began to flee in all directions.

They ran in an especially anxious manner. Some stepped on claws, some fell, and some had even crashed into large trees. A series of cries and wails resounded, and clouds of dust and sand flew about in the forest. When she regained her senses, not one beast remained in front of her.

Was she that terrifying?

"Guruguru." Suddenly, something furry came rolling over, b.u.mping onto her feet. When she looked down, she saw a little beastie that looked like a mix of a fox, cat, and rabbit. It had the size of a little puppy, and its fur colour was not really uniform either. It was clear that it was a young beast at first glance.

"Which one of you left your child here, hey?"

The forest, was dead silent…

"…" They could even forsake their own child. Just how afraid were they?

Zhu Yao sighed. Bending down, she picked the little demonic beast up. It was presently staring at her curiously with its pair of large, black and shiny eyes.

"Meow~" It tilted its little head, exuding incredible beastly innocence. "Meow~ Stroke… fur…"

She suddenly recalled the fat cat that she treated like it was her first love, even though it abused her over a thousand times back in her office in the modern era. In an instant, she was caught by its cuteness. She placed it on the ground, and then patted its head. After careful inspection, she realized that there were some bruises on its hind legs. Most likely, it tripped over during the rush of demonic beasts earlier. With a flip of her hand, she instantly cast a healing art on it.

She then lightly patted on its furry little head again, and then pointed at the forest. "Go home now, little fellow. Don"t come out here so casually anymore. The world of adults is very dangerous, alright?"

"Meow~" It approached her hand, and its little head leaned against her palm. "Stroke again… Fur…"

Zhu Yao happily stroked its little head again. Haah, her World Favourable Impression sure was a timeless treasure! It seemed like there was no need for her to worry about beasties at all. Thus, with her mind at ease, she returned to the sea of flowers.

Fifteen minutes later.

Under large trees, inside the bushes, and behind the boulders, one beast head after another slowly popped out, their eyes shining bright.

"Lord"s elder sister sure is kind. I like her."

"I like her too, I really want her to stroke my fur."

"Me too…"

"You don"t have any fur in the first place!"

"Then I want her to pat my head."

"I want her to smile at me."

"I want to bear monkeys for her."


Zhu Yao, who unintentionally raised her favourable impression once again, had no idea about this at all. However, in the sea of flowers on the second day, she picked up a ninth rank beastie whose leg was injured, and it was presently looking straight at her with large, sparkling eyes.

"Lord"s elder sister, beastie"s paws hurt…"

The h.e.l.l was "lord"s elder sister"?

Zhu Yao sighed. Seeing that it was a die-hard fan of her little brother, she decided to help heal its injuries. Then, she let it leave.

On the third day.

She spotted another demonic beast at the exact same spot.

"Lord"s elder sister, I"m hurt as well…"


Were they treating her as a hospital?

The corner of Zhu Yao"s lips twitched. Seeing that it seemed to have worse injuries, she decided to heal it as well.

On the fourth day.

Same place. Another beast.

"Lord"s elder sister, hurry and look at my paw…"

On the fifth day.

Another beast.

"Lord"s elder sister, both of my paws hurt…"

Sixth day.

Yet another beast.

"Lord"s elder sister, my three paws…"

Eighth day.

Again, beast.

"Lord"s elder sister, my six…"

On the ninth day.

Zhu Yao cancelled her strolling activity.

A certain eight-legged demonic beast was waiting at the patch of flowers. Heheh. Which paw will lord"s elder sister heal first? So excited, what to do?

Zhu Yao felt that the cultivation method of differentiating spiritual energy through colours was possible, after all, she was a living example. However, as a Game Master, her body possessed too many cheats, unlike a regular player. Though the theory was sound, she was still worried that it could not be put into actual practice.

This worry worsened as little tyrant"s closed-door training continued. In a blink of an eye, little tyrant had been in closed-door training for almost a year. However, she was still unable to sense any abnormal activities within the room. Little tyrant"s cultivation, though, had risen to the fourth level of Essence, but this also meant that he most likely had yet to discover the method.

Zhu Yao felt like giving up, when suddenly, she sensed abnormal movements from the surrounding spiritual energy. However, it did not come from little tyrant"s direction, but from her own cottage!

She immediately sprinted in, only to see her own master leisurely standing within a pile of spiritual energy of all five types. His surroundings were glowing with colourful lights, looking especially eye-catching.


Yu Yan waved his hand at Zhu Yao, and then swept a glance at the surrounding bunch of spiritual energy. "Yu… Yao. You"re right, the spiritual energy of this world is indeed differentiated by colours."

Zhu Yao"s heart skipped a beat. "Master, you can see them now too?"

"Mn." Yu Yan nodded. "I had a sudden thought of verifying it, so I meditated for a short while. Then, I could see them."

"That"s great!" She stepped forward to hug him out of excitement. "Since master can see it as well, it proves that it"s possible to directly take in five types of spiritual energy at the same time. People who possess the penta spirit veins can cultivate as fast a those who possess the heavenly spirit vein, and their cultivation will immediately…"

Eh, wait a minute!

The person with penta spirit veins is little tyrant, and the one who should raise his level of cultivation is little tyrant as well, then…

What"s the use if her master could see it!? -faints-


Don"t be angry, don"t be angry. If master can see it, it means that little tyrant can do it as well. Recalling the events then, she spent a whole five years before being able to do so!

"Master, how long did it take you to see them?"

A certain master pondered deeply for a moment. "Four hours."

"…" Shot in the chest!



"Tell me honestly, you have cheats activated as well, right?"


Her master was able to see spiritual energy. Looking at it from a broad perspective, it was good news. It meant that the spiritual energy in this world indeed possessed colours. Furthermore, by differentiating them through their colours, it was the fastest and most convenient method to take in spiritual energy. Zhu Yao listened to her master"s experience, and then recalled her own. Then, she once again imparted these knowledge to little tyrant, as descriptively, as seriously and as thoroughly as possible. She completely reformed her teaching policy.

Since the structure was already given to him, all she could do now was wait, and see if he could apply these knowledge.

"Little tyrant, don"t be anxious, work on it slowly. Seeing spiritual energy is a very complicated matter, and you"re still young. Spending seven to eight years is understandable." After all, I myself spent five years.

"Mn. Grandma, I will work hard." Little tyrant obediently nodded, and continued his closed-door training.

Three years later…

"Grandma, grandma! I see them, I see many spots of light!"

Zhu Yao: "…"

One used four hours, while another spent three years. Zhu Yao of the Five Years Party suddenly felt that she had retained in the same school year twice in a row! Why did she feel so irritated?

"Grandma, what should I do next?"


Geniuses like you two should leave, don"t speak to a retainee like me.

She had to admit that little tyrant was a gifted child. After truly being capable of sensing spiritual energy, his cultivation rose like a speeding rocket. Adding that he had once attained the Paragon level, he was extremely familiar with the arts at the Essence stage. After cultivating once more, there was not even a need for his meridians to expand again. In just a short one year, he returned to the cultivation level of Essence Paragon.

Zhu Yao decided to have him establish his Foundation right away.

"Little tyrant, whenever and wherever you fall, you have to lay… ah pui, you have to climb back up right there and then. Establishing Foundation isn"t terrifying, rather, the most difficult part is overcoming your fearful heart. Humans should spend more of their time looking at the future, and not dwelling within the mistakes made in the past. Remember what you"re trying to achieve at the very end."

Little tyrant was silent for a short while, and then he nodded his head. The worry in his eyes instantly scattered away. He failed once before, causing a knot to form in his heart. Without untying this know, he would most likely be stuck here for his entire lifetime.

He spent a full five days before he walked out of the cottage. Though he looked entirely fatigued, and that there were even traces of his meridians being damaged, he did not disappoint her and was able to successfully establish his Foundation.

"Grandma." His eyes clearly carried dazzling lights that were never there before. Only today, ever since he turned even a penta spirit veins holder, did that strand of gloom hidden at the depths of his eyes finally disappear for good.

"Not bad! As expected of someone I taught." Zhu Yao stroked his head as she praised. In four years, he had already turned from a childish looking youth into a tall and st.u.r.dy young man with a manly demeanour. Now, whenever she wanted to pat on his head, she even had to tiptoe.

Little tyrant scratched his head out of embarra.s.sment. On his slightly resolute face, he revealed a simple and honest smile. "Grandma, do I still have to continue my closed-door training and raise my cultivation?"

"There"s no need to rush!" Zhu Yao shook her head. She had him establish his Foundation quickly because his mental state had already reached that level in the first place. If he were to cultivate blindly forward, and if his mental state could not keep up, it wouldn"t be good either. After all, working behind closed doors was not something good. "It"s time to put things into practice now."


Zhu Yao signalled him to follow her, and then brought him to that "demonic beast collection point". As expected, there was already a seventh rank beastie waiting there with its limbs injured due to some unknown reason. The beast looked like an ape, but it had six limbs. Pinching onto one flower with one paw, it was presently plucking out one petal at a time, and it was even murmuring softly.

As it pulled one petal out, it spoke.

"Lord"s elder sister will come…"

Pulling out another one, it then said.

"Lord"s elder sister will not come…"

Chapter 305: Towards Wandering City

Question. What was the best method to raise one"s skills? Answer: Practical experience!

The training method which Zhu Yao had taught of, was through actual battles. When she recalled the time she was training her sword techniques, she refined her skills through the daily abuse of her master, where even her face would swell and her nose would turn green. Now, it was little tyrant"s turn. Naturally, it would only be fair if she were to beat him up till he had a greener nose and a more swollen face than her.

Then, she invited a bunch of thugs… ah pui, partners. Just who was more suitable as sparring partners than demonic beasts which had lived in the forest since they were young, and had lived their lives just for battles? After she had treated the injuries of quite a bit beasties, so she should receive some visiting fees, right? Though, a large part of their injuries came from themselves trying to cripple… themselves.

With helpers, Zhu Yao officially turned into a spectator. Every morning, she would head over to the "demonic beast collection point" and heal a beastie. Then, she would task them to be a sparring partner for little tyrant. After completing it, she would reward them by stroking their fur, before bringing the lifeless little tyrant back home.

Thus this continued on and on…

Three months later, she was rewarded with an undying little tyrant, and  a crowd of loyal beastie fans.

"Grandma…" A certain youth who had already been cruelly treated by the beasties, felt like crying.


"Do I really have to defeat this beastie?"

"Of course!"

"Can"t we change it with another one?"

"This is to train you, young man!"

"But, this… is a third rank Weeping Spirit Beast."

"Don"t underestimate your enemy, young man!"

"…" This was not a problem of underestimating it, this spirit beast did not have any offensive abilities at all, alright?

"Don"t hesitate, defeat this monster! Go, all in order to save Earth! Ultraman!"

The h.e.l.l is an Ultraman? Little tyrant had no choice but to take two steps forward, and then, threw a punch straight at the furball that was looking at him with watery eyes. His fist, instantly sunk into the furball.

A moment later…

"Wuaahhh…" An earth-shaking cry resounded through the skies.

This Weeping Spirit Beast was indeed a spirit beast with no offensive capabilities, it"s only unique trait was… it was great at crying! Known as the proudest demonic beast in history, it would cry if it was cold, would cry if it was hot, and would cry if it was in pain. Just offending it a little would make it cry in front of you!

Furthermore, its cry was certainly the sound of a devil to one"s ears, with its reverberations being capable of lingering for three days, no matter how cute or how frail it looked. Furthermore, it had a pure personality. Just by being slightly nice to it, it would cheekily follow after you. However, it was a beastie that neither pract.i.tioners nor demonic beasts would dare to offend the most. Without a single exception.

If other demonic beasts were hard to handle, there would still be methods to deal with them. However, the moment a Weeping Spirit Beast were to cry, its tears of sorrow would definitely be capable of reversing the flow of a river. It would not stop till it was satisfied. Yet, it just had to possess defensive capabilities that other beasties could never have, resistant to all type of attacks.

The Weeping Spirit Beast"s ultrasonic wave attack was still persisting…

Shaking the two surrounding audience.

"Grandma…" What happened to the promise of beating demonic beasts?

"Uh…" It seemed like she had gone too far this time. "Ahem… Little tyrant, I say!" Zhu Yao patted on his shoulders. Mustering a stern and heavy tone, she said. "You must understand that there always many accidents in one"s lifetime. You must learn to be firm and strong. Just treat this as a test. I shall leave this Weeping Spirit Beast in your hands. Gambatte!" It was definitely not because she wanted to experience the cries of a Weeping Spirit Beast due to her utter boredom, it definitely wasn"t!

After saying that, she ran out with dust clouds trailing behind her. Mn, she went back to place down noise cancellation formations.

Little tyrant: "…" He was fooled, right!? He definitely was.

Turning his head back, he glanced at the furball which had already turned red from the crying.

"Don"t cry, okay?"


"I was wrong, alright?"


"I won"t hit you anymore."



The Weeping Spirit Beast"s cry lasted for an entire day and night. When Zhu Yao went to check up on little tyrant again, he was already hugging onto white furball. With a face that looked like he wanted to cry to death, he was waiting at the courtyard for her.

"Eh? Little tyrant. Is this the spirit beast that you just took in? You have great taste!"


A certain youth who sold his body to stop the wails of a beast: "…" Can I overthrow my master?

A year later.

Through the cruel acts… ah pui. Through the enthusiastic spars of the crowd of demonic beasts, little tyrant"s actual combat capabilities had improved leaps and bounds. He was already capable of dealing with a fifth rank demonic beast. Though he might not be able to beat one, at the very least, protecting himself from one was no problem at all. Back then, she was once thoroughly abused by a fifth rank fox demon when she was already a Foundation Paragon pract.i.tioner, which directly resulted to her first disconnection.

It could be seen that little tyrant"s comprehension abilities and IQ were really high, far surpa.s.sing hers. When she thought about it, she really felt a little… envious!

Haah, the radiance of a genius was definitely far out of her reach.

In order to calm her heart… ah pui. In order to ensure the peace of the world, Zhu Yao decided to begin her role model raising project.

"Going to Wandering City?" Little tyrant was startled. Keeping the sword in his hand, he said with a puzzled look. "Why?"

"Little tyrant, I say!" Zhu Yao began to lead him on. "You have already cultivated for so long, it"s about time to check on your results. It all boils down to this, in order to see if you"re able to apply what you have learnt."

The corner of little tyrant"s lips twitched, his face was cold. "Grandma, are you certain it"s not because you want to head out and play?"

"Uh… Little tyrant, how can you say that about your grandma? Do I look like someone that playful?"


"…" She was actually unable to refute it. As expected, the older a child was, the less cute he would become. "Nonsense, grandma is doing this for you."

"Yesterday, you were even talking about trying out the spirit fruit which Wandering City is known for."

"Uh…" Why did you remember something like that so clearly? Where did that obedient and cute little tyrant go? Why did every single disciple she raise end up having such cold faces?

"Haah!" Little tyrant let out a long sigh, and with a helpless look, he said. "Forget it, let"s go then. Let me make some preparations…"

"What"s there to prepare?" Zhu Yao asked on reflex.

Little tyrant stopped, and then he looked at her with a "when will she ever learn" face. "Grandma… Do you know where Wandering City is? Do you know how many spirit stones it costs to stay a night there?  Do you know much a kilogram of spirit fruits costs?"

"Uh…" She was stabbed in the chest.

"Haah… Let me prepare." Little tyrant turned around and left with a sad look.

Zhu Yao: "…"

Why did she feel like the disciple she raised was looking down on her? It was as if her forehead was plastered with the word "Useless"!

Her position as a parent was in danger of crumbling, what to do? Emergency, I"m waiting online for an answer!

Zhu Yao pondered deeply for a moment. In the end, she found the answer. Mn, it was definitely because her master did not teach her well.

She then silently turned to look at the white-clothed figure next to her with a resentful look.

Receiving the resentful lightwaves, light swirled within a certain master"s eyes, and then, he lowered his head. Smooch! He sealed his disciple"s lips.

Alright! Her master taught her really well!

In the morning of the second day, without knowing where and how little tyrant managed to gather a pouch of spirit stones, he prepared all the required items needed for the trip and then informed her that they could depart.

The few people gathered at Zhu Yao"s courtyard, and little tyrant"s furball spirit beast was responsible for the headcount.

It first leapt in front of Zhu Yao and obediently called out. "Meow~"

"Good boy!" Zhu Yao stroked its head.

It then leapt in front of Little Eighth, and called out. "Looord…"

"Ou." Little Eighth who had successfully grown out all his feathers and finally had the look of a bird, responded in a proud manner.

It then leapt in front of her master. "…" It did not dare to let out a sound.

Finally, it leapt back to its own master"s side, and looked away. "Tch~"

Little tyrant: "…"

Was this really his spirit beast? What happened to the promised contract between master and servant?

The lot of them then flew in the southern direction. After flying for an entire day, they managed to arrive at Wandering City.

Wandering City was where most wandering pract.i.tioners were gathered at, and it was also the biggest city for them. It was bustling with activities. There were rumours that the city lord was a DemiG.o.d Sovereign, and he was the only person among wandering pract.i.tioners who had managed to become a DemiG.o.d. Though his lifespan was approaching its limit, it was still because of him living here that no one dared to easily offend Wandering City. A long while after that, this city became the largest gathering site for wandering pract.i.tioners.

Over here, birthright was of no importance, only strength and abilities mattered. Wandering pract.i.tioners and regular sect disciples did not discriminate against each other. Let alone heretic pract.i.tioners, even the various clans and sects were unable to exert their influence here.

However, the reason why Wandering City was famous was not just because of this. This city was the only place where the "Scentless Fruit" could bear fruit. It was said that this fruit was formed by chaotic spiritual energy. No matter what spirit veins one possessed, after eating it, the fruit would turn into the person"s corresponding spiritual energy. Compared to spirit fruits of other types, this fruit could be eaten by anyone of all ages. Though the spiritual energy improvement it provided was not large, it was still a rare fruit that many pract.i.tioners would fight over for.

It was unfortunate that the Scentless Fruit Tree could only grow within Wandering City. Even if one tried to forcefully move it, the fruit tree was unable to survive outside the city. Thus, this fruit became the specialty of this place.

Of course, the reason why Zhu Yao was here in Wandering City was for this fru… Ah pui, it was of course not because of this fruit.

A mere fruit was naturally unable to allow this city hold the t.i.tle of number one city for wandering pract.i.tioners. What pract.i.tioners are truly excited about, was the Great Wandering Pract.i.tioners" Tournament held here once every ten years.

That"s right. The various sects had their sect tournaments, while wandering pract.i.tioners had their own tournaments as well.

Similarly, they were split into three groups – Essence, Foundation, and Azoth. The difference was that the Great Wandering Pract.i.tioners" Tournament was a sports compet.i.tion completely, and purely for the common Though the scale was not as huge as the Great Inter-Sect Tournament, it was still very popular among many wandering pract.i.tioners.

Zhu Yao felt that compared to idols that experience regular growth paths in clans and sects, these heroes of the common people were much more able to engrave themselves in people"s hearts.

"Little tyrant, good luck! Don"t be careless, become the champion of the Foundation group!" Zhu Yao patted on Little Bai"s shoulders. "The champion"s prize awaits you!"

Little tyrant"s face darkened. "Grandma… You"re not just thinking about obtaining that "Scentless Fruit", right?"

"Hohoho…" Zhu Yao rubbed his head. "How can you think of your grandma that way? It"s a very important event. Something like the "Scentless Fruit" or whatever… it"s not like I really want it that bad!" Geez~!

"…" She clearly wanted it really bad.

"Go, Pikachu! You must become the champion, alright?"

"…" What"s a Pikachu?

Little tyrant let out a long sigh. Forget it, he indeed needed to test out his abilities, after all. He handed over Little Eighth and the furball, who had gotten used to lying on his shoulders, to his grandma. Then, with a light push from his feet, he flew into the partic.i.p.ants" venue.

Because there were simply too many wandering pract.i.tioners, and that this was also the most authoritative tournament among wandering pract.i.tioners, the degree of enthusiasm people had was no less than the olympic games. This was why the preliminaries of the tournament were very easy, and no registration was needed either. The partic.i.p.ants simply had to head over to the corresponding compet.i.tion stage. The way to advance? A battle royale!