My Hermes System

Chapter 244 - 244: Angela"s Wings

Chapter 244 - 244: Angela"s Wings

"This world may be a prison… but still, it is peaceful here."

Van, Angela, and Charlotte looked at Artemis with a complicated expression. Van"s mission was to send the Olympians to the Afterlife-- that was why he was here in the first place. If they were going to leave just because she said so, then everything they did here would be a waste.

"I believe that"s not possible. Mr. Evans here is on a mission to--"

"It"s fine."

Before Angela could even finish her words, Van stopped her. "If that is your decision."

"Thank you," Artemis smiled as soon as she heard Van"s words, "It seems that you and Hermes are similar with how you respect people. You may or may not be Hermes, but I am glad that you are the current psychopomp. I can rest easy knowing some of the children will be sent to the Afterlife."

"...Children?" Once again, Van"s very first question popped out.

"Ah yes," Artemis clapped her hands. And as soon as she did so, several monsters suddenly started popping out from the forests causing Angela and Charlotte to put up their guard. Charlotte knew that there were already monsters surrounding them, but she didn"t really mind since the biggest threat was right in front of them… but to think she could control them.

"There"s no need to be alarmed," Artemis quickly shook her head, "As I said, this is a peaceful place. I made sure that it would be that way. So please, if your companions continue to fight and argue with each other, even if I want you to stay, then I will ask you to leave, please."

"You… you want me to stay?" Van could not help but gulp from Artemis"s words.

"Well, yes. After all, you could be considered an Olympian. And there is also the fact that you have someone who has a Seraph"s companion. I would lie if I said I was not curious as to how the two of you gained this… peace."

"...Oh," Van cleared his throat as soon as he realized what Artemis meant. He also slightly winced as he looked to the side. What exactly was happening to him? Does he actually have a crush on her even though they just met?

"You do, boy."


Van slowly looked towards Angela, only to see her smirking at him.

"I see that one of your companions has also gone?" Artemis then looked around, "I apologize if ever you were scared of me. Please do know that I have no intention of harming any of you."

A slightly complicated feeling started to crawl on Charlotte"s throat as she heard Artemis"s words. She has never been afraid of anyone, but right now, she was like a child. If Artemis was someone violent, then she was sure that the 3 of them would have already died.

She really thought she was strong, but to think there were beings out there that could kill her, the strongest Enhancer in the world, with just one hand was… truly quite disturbing. She, however, quickly shook her head, there was something much more important to discuss right now-- Angela.

How was she truly involved in all of this? She had known her since they were teenagers, and to think she hasn"t noticed anything. Angela had always been weird, of course, but to think it was something like that. The two of them should definitely talk so--


Charlotte"s thoughts were quickly disrupted as the smell of blood suddenly entered her nose. It was too sudden that she couldn"t even react. She could only slowly look towards where the scent was coming from, only to see that… of the wildlife that appeared was beheaded.

Charlotte could not help but let out a small sigh of relief knowing that it wasn"t Van or Angela, but still, she kept her guard up.

"Why… did you do that?" Charlotte asked.

"I thought that the three of you may be hungry. After all, you are mortals," Artemis said as the beheaded creature was slowly carried by the roots that emerged from the ground.

"But I thought you said that you valued peace?" Charlotte was very careful with her words, but still, she could not help but share her thoughts.


"Then why did you just kill something so casually?"

"Peace is not synonymous to a singular life. One death may cause a war, but this is not it," Artemis said as the roots hung the creature in the air, slowly draining it of its blood.

"Besides, a meal may help cool down your heads. Then this child"s death will have the meaning of achieving peace between the two of you… that is if you prefer to still fight, then I will have to ask the two of you to once again leave."

Charlotte could not help but slightly let out a breath as she heard Artemis"s words. There was a sort of hypocrisy in her words, but still, there was also some truth. Charlotte may have been living long enough to have her own grandchildren, but the woman in front of her has lived for eons.

If Evangeline was already f.u.c.ked up with just 1000 years of life, then how more so will someone who had lived for a million years?

Angela could only furrow her eyebrows from Artemis"s statement, not really thinking much of it.

Van, however, had his mouth slightly open. It was as if a candle was lit inside his head upon hearing Artemis"s words.

"But if you prefer to stay, then please, let us have a meal. I also want to know how this kind of situation came to fruition... if you allow me to hear it, of course."

"...There is no need," Angela quickly said as she turned around, "If you are not interested in going to the Afterlife, then we can not force you. If we can not force you, then there is no meaning in staying here…

...Let"s go, Mr. Evans. We"ve already wasted enough time. Let"s just come back when you are strong enough, it would seem that there are things Master is wrong with, after all."


Before Angela could take his 3rd step, Charlotte raised her voice, "I want to know."

"There is no need for you to know anything more," Angela shook her head, "You are here because Master needs you to protect Mr. Evans, that is your only role in this."

"Maybe not," Charlotte said, "You said so yourself, your master has a plan for everything. Maybe it is her plan for your ident.i.ty to be known to us this time? Maybe the fact that she chose you to follow us is because of this."

"...Don"t be ridiculous," Angela let out a scoff as she continued to walk away.

"If not for her then at least do it for me, Angie," Charlotte then grabbed her hand, "We"ve been friends forever and you"ve even taken care of my child. Please, let me know what you"re going through."

"..." Angela turned her head towards Charlotte"s hand before looking her straight in the eyes, "...Even my friendship with you and Hans was determined by Master Evangeline."

"But still, you"re my best friend."

"..." Angela then looked towards the direction where the Portal is located. But after a few seconds, she let out a long and deep sigh, "...Fine. If it is as you say, then master Evangeline might have predicted this would happen."

Angela then raised her hand, creating a fire on the ground below the beheaded creature, roasting it.

"See?" Artemis then said as she created a set of benches from the roots,

"An otherwise meaningless life would create peace amongst friends."


Almost a hundred years ago, a very peculiar triplet was born somewhere in the world. The three were connected to each other… physically. There were three heads, all had their own thoughts.

However, there were only two bodies-- both male and female.

The two were able to move the bodies below their heads individually, they, however, share the same arm between them, seemingly connected through their shoulders. Now the third one… the third one was in between the two, extruding from their shoulders-- that was Angela.

She had no limbs to control, just stuck between her siblings. They were different. Too different that they were thrown away by their parents at such a very young age.

They were ostracized; treated as monsters, even. For years, that had to hide in the sewers. For years, they had to live like rats.

Their life only changed once two of the siblings unlocked their Systems at a very young age, both Mage-types. Starting then, they were able to fend for themselves. Life was still hard, of course, they still chose to remain hidden from the world.

Angela, however, remained powerless. She was so excited that finally, she would be able to control something that was hers. But alas, it did not come. The two were very protective of her, of course. But still, she wanted to have something that was hers.

It wasn"t until that a certain individual found them that Angela was given hope. Right at their very first meeting, that individual offered to split the three up.

They were aloof at first, of course. Not believing anything a stranger would say to them.

But with just one snap, the bodies of the two were separated, even having complete limbs of their own.

...Except for Angela, whose head was lying lifelessly on the ground.

The two were furious, in rage, angered that Angela had to die in order for them to separate.

But then…

...that very same woman gave a Feather to Angela-- allowing her to finally spread her own wings.