My Hermes System

Chapter 93 - 93: A Message

Chapter 93 - 93: A Message

It was morning, a day after Van"s conclusive loss against Ms. Elton, wiping him on the floor without even as much as a fight. Van"s whole cla.s.s was currently in the Deadzone, with a White Portal completely sealed and barricaded by a Standby Unit.

And even though this was a lower-ranked Portal than what Van explored in the Relic Graveyard, it was much guarded. Probably because the students of NYSA would be the ones going inside, and danger should be always kept at a minimum.

It was time for his cla.s.s" excursion exercise. Of course, what happened yesterday was still fresh in Van"s mind. After waking up, he battled with Ms. Elton again, but alas, the result was still the same.

Of course, Van would have probably thought more of how he could have won, but right now, his attention was split because of Victoria.

She had been ignoring him ever since she let him rest on his lap. Van was ill-educated, but he wasn"t that dense. He knew the meaning behind Victoria"s words.

"I am the one that"s not calm."

Those were her exact words as she covered his eyes. And when she removed it, her face was as emotionless as usual, but her face that was like cherry showed otherwise.

Victoria likes him.

Of course, Victoria is a beautiful girl. But Van didn"t really have any experience in dating someone, much less even having something close to a romantic relationship.

After all the things that have happened to him… that have been done to him…

...Does he even deserve to be loved?

He wanted to get a chance to talk with Victoria, but alas, they haven"t exchanged a word since. It also did not help that everyone was looking at him because he was wearing a different uniform. And with the looks, once again came the gossips.

"Why do you think he"s wearing a different uniform?"

"Isn"t that the red-haired soph.o.m.ore that he rejected? Did she follow him so they could wear the same clothes!?"


"And that band on their arms… Student Council?"

"Since when did we have something like that?"

"Ehhh! So that means we have a cla.s.smate that"s part of the Student Council!?"

"So cool! And their uniform looks so good!"

"I wonder how we can join them!?"

"Isn"t the one with the gold hair the one Van beat to death?"

"Oooh… I guess only the best of the best is allowed to join the Student Council."

President Hannah could not hide the smile on her face as the feeling of pride rose up from the deepest parts of her bones. It would seem that it was the right decision to come up with a new uniform.

The Headmaster is a genius, she thought. If the freshmen came to know of their existence, then in a few years, everyone would know who they are. After all, a freshman would later turn into a soph.o.m.ore, a junior, and then a senior.

"Fufufu…", she could not help but laugh in satisfaction, not realizing that she would be long gone before that happens.

And with President Hannah"s hums of delight, were Gerald"s and Gemma"s discontent.

The rumor that she got rejected by Van is still going on? Who keeps on spreading those and why does it seem to be getting worse every time she hears it? Gemma could only close her eyes, her face was slightly red from embarra.s.sment.

As for Gerald, he was currently glaring at the student who said he was almost beaten to death by Van. He wasn"t beaten, their fight hasn"t even started yet!

"Then Van, go to your friends", President Hannah signaled Van to proceed with his cla.s.s, "I think we"ve already introduced ourselves enough."

Van only nodded in response as he approached Harvey and the girls.

"Bro, that uniform is so cool!"

Harvey quickly walked around Van and scanned the uniform he was wearing. The black and gold accent and Van"s somewhat dark blue hair covering half his face truly matched.

"If I knew the uniform would be this cool, then I would have joined the Student Council as well", Beatrice said as she adjusted her, also examining the uniform carefully. "Whoever designed this probably owns the tailor shop in the luxury market. I can feel the pa.s.sion put into it."


If only they knew it was Gerald who designed it.

"You… look good."

Victoria, on the other hand, was looking to the side, only taking slight glances towards Van as she complimented him, not his uniform.

"...Thank you."

Of course, this did not escape the sharp and inquisitive eyes of Harvey. He knew instantly that something was up, and whatever that something is… He should know.


"Gather up, fishes!"

But alas, before Harvey could even start to ask about it, Mr. Jacobs" roar pierced their ears, almost deafening them with the clap that followed. As soon as Mr. Jacobs" stepped forward, the Standby Unit quickly opened up the barricade that they set up, revealing the White Portal fully to the students.

"This one here is a Rank F Portal", Mr. Jacobs started explaining, flexing his muscles every chance he gets, "Even System Babies like you fishes can clear it."

"How do we know it"s an F-rank? Because of its color. Now, let"s see if any of you have learned anything in cla.s.s. Can anyone explain to us what the different Ranks are!?"

And like chicken seeing the light for the first time, all of the freshmen looked to the side. Except for Beatrice, who quickly raised her hand.

"You again, huh. Fine, explain to us!"

"Yes sir!", Beatrice nodded as she walked to the front and stood beside Mr. Jacobs. She didn"t really need to go to the front, but Mr. Jacobs didn"t really have the nerve to break her momentum right now.

"There are 7 Ranks in total, represented by different colors and each corresponding to how strong the monsters are and how dangerous they are!

...There"s Rank F, represented by its White and almost clear color. As Mr. Jacobs explained, even us early awakened System Holders can clear it. In hindsight, even a single explorer could venture and kill the monsters inside. But still, it is ill-advised to go alone, the Explorer a.s.sociation always requires a minimum of 2 people to enter a Portal."

"The next ones are Green, Yellow, Blue, Red, Purple, and Black. Representing Rank E to S respectively. Once you reach Rank B and above, once would need an entire Explorer Guild to clear them. As for Rank S portals, only Platinum Explorers have been recorded to clear them. Black Portals are the stuff of legends, only 2 have been seen in history, and they were enough to destroy a country in a single--"

"I think that"s enough", Mr. Jacobs quickly pushed Beatrice away before she consumed all the time that they had. It would seem that she still had a lot to say, but alas, even Harvey pulled him back to the group.

"Enough of the depressing stuff!", Mr. Jacobs slapped his biceps to hype the students up, "Are you ready to enter a new world, fishes!?"


"I can"t hear you!"


The roars and screams of the student were enough to shake the earth and barricade. Their pa.s.sion and enthusiasm traveling through the Deadzone.

"Let"s go!"

Three of the Student Council Body entered first. Harvey, Greta, and Janice. While President Hannah and Gemma made sure that the line did not break.

"Don"t be nervous, Van. You are part of the Student Council!"

President Hannah shouted, making sure that the others could hear it.


And so, Mr. Jacobs" cla.s.s would have their first taste of what it was like to be an Explorer.

Their bright future awaited them!


[The G.o.ds of Olympus have left a Message for you.]