My Hermes System

Chapter 102 - 102: Sudden Development

Chapter 102 - 102: Sudden Development

A day after the Portal Exercise of Van"s cla.s.s. Van, Beatrice, Harvey, and Victoria, along with Andrea were currently in the restaurant that Van and Andrea dined in last time.

Since Ah Sahm told Andrea that they will be provided with a huge discount, she told the group that she would treat them since she has been being given a bonus a lot by Aunt May. It was also to celebrate the cla.s.s" first successful exploration.

"Bahahaha! You can also speak Chinese? Then can you understand this? Shi shui shi chong-- Ow!"

"Don"t be rude!"

Harvey could not help but burst out in laughter as he heard Van speaking a different language. But before he could finish his words, he was smacked by Beatrice"s hard palm.

"Ugh, so all that time that I have been teaching you have gone to waste." Beatrice couldn"t help but get frustrated, however. Van was a fast learner, but still, she spent weeks trying to teach him how to read and write, only for him to suddenly gain a skill that allows him to speak another language.

"I don"t think it"s a waste, Beatrice." Van quickly shook his head, "I had… fun with the time I spent with all of you."


"Why are you attacking us with feelings all of a sudden, bro!?" Harvey slightly sniffled as he heard Van"s words. With his falling out with his own brother, Harvey was momentarily at a loss. But when they got invited by Andrea to have dinner with them in the market, he also quickly realized that he still had friends.

He also wished for his brother to someday have something like this… He wanted him to return to the brother he once knew, someday. Maybe someday when their father is gone.

"Van, say Aah."


Harvey"s thoughts were quickly disrupted as he saw Victoria"s hand, holding a spoon and trying to feed Van. No, not only him, but everyone was shocked beyond belief. Van looked back and forth between the spoon filled with rice and Victoria.

This… is an emergency situation, isn"t it? Van thought as he quickly turned on his [Time Perception] skill.

Should he… actually eat it? Won"t it be rude not to accept it? But this would be the very first time that Van would ever be spoon fed by someone, so he was also mighty curious what it would feel like.

But isn"t this something that only those in a relationship do? Should he? Should he not?


Might as well, he loses nothing.

And so, Van turned his [Time Perception] skill off and proceeded to accept Victoria"s sudden attempt to feed him. But now that he accepted it, he doesn"t really know what to do.

And so, once again, he turned on his [Time Perception] skill.

Should he smile? Should he say thank you? Won"t it be awkward?

No, an eye for an eye. That is what the Relic Graveyard taught him.

And so, once again, he turned his skill off, took his spoon, and also fed Victoria.


The two moved swiftly, and after feeding each other, they didn"t really do anything. They didn"t even speak to each other as they just continued eating on their own.


Suffice to say, the others were struck by lightning. Even Harvey, who usually had a lot to say, was stupefied. He didn"t even see it or feel it, did something happen between the two that they didn"t know of?

"B… bro, are you and Victoria…?" He could not help but stutter.


It was Victoria, not Van, who answered. "W… we"re just friends, for now."

"B… bro!?"

Harvey could not help but stand up from his seat. "Y… you have betrayed me once again! We were supposed to get a relationship at the same time!"

"Relax, Harvey." Beatrice adjusted her, "If Van were to wait for you, he would have been taller than me by then."

"But that"s impossible. Van would always remain small!"


The group burst out in laughter as they continued to jeer with each other. The other tables didn"t seem to mind their nose, after all, the atmosphere of the restaurant was filled with noise in the first place.

Andrea could not help but stare at Van. Back in the Relic Graveyard, the only time that Andrea ever sees Van with a smile on his face was whenever he got something interesting in the trash. But now, he seemed to smile at every little thing.

All those years of nothing but hardships… he was finally able to grow up like a normal kid, albeit a little late in life.

And unknowingly, he patted Van"s head. "I am happy for you, Evans."


"Even if you don"t end up together, take care of Evans, okay? He can be a little wild." Andrea slightly chuckled as he looked at Victoria.


"Don"t worry, Miss Andrea. If anyone could handle Van, it would be Victoria. She literally has a brother that lived in the wild. Bahaha-- ugh!"

"I told you not to be rude!"

Once again, Harvey was met with the hard palm of Beatrice. The group once again burst out in laughter. Spending the rest of the night chatting with each other about every little thing that happened before bidding their farewells with each other.

"See you in cla.s.s tomorrow?"

"Take care on your way home, Victoria!"

"Why not spend the night in Van"s room, Vicky? Bahahaha!"

"Why not spend the night in Beatrice"s room, Harvey?" Victoria suddenly imitated Harvey"s words.

"V… Victoria!?" Hearing Victoria"s tone, Beatrice didn"t really know whether she was serious or just joking.


"..." Harvey, on the other hand, could only shut his mouth. That"s right, even now, he still couldn"t handle Victoria"s sudden comebacks.

The group once again bid their farewells as they all split in front of Van"s house, with Albert already waiting with a coach for Victoria.

"Your friends really are something." Andrea could not help but giggle as she watched Harvey and Beatrice still bickering with each other as they disappeared into the distance.

"Maybe I can meet your friends next time?"


"Sure, I would love that."

"And Andrea…"


"I am happy for you too."

"...Thank you."

"But please don"t sneak Miss Sarah in the night, it doesn"t feel right."


"In front of me, you can live like a normal couple."


"Thank you."

"She left her underwear the other day, by the way."


"Just kidding." Van said before running into his room.


The next day, cla.s.s was the same as always. Sometimes fleeting, and sometimes filled with information. He and Victoria kept sneaking glances at each other for some reason.

And of course, it did not fail to catch Harvey"s ever nosy eyes as he raised his pinky finger and wiggled it towards Van whenever possible. And of course, in turn, Beatrice saw Harvey and quickly threw a pen straight to the back of his head.


All of this happening without even the instructor noticing.

As for Van, he didn"t really know what to feel about it, or how to even feel about it. In truth, he… was just going along with whatever that"s happening. A relationship? He wouldn"t know if it was possible until he tried.

But still… the question once again pested his mind. Was someone like him, bruised and damaged in every way possible… deserved to be loved?

Van shook his head. This wasn"t really the time to be thinking of something like that. He was in cla.s.s, he was barely even learning anything since he has been so preoccupied with the so-called message.

"Student Evans, you"re being called by the Headmaster."

"Oooh. You in trouble now, boy!"

Van quickly stood up, taking another glance towards Victoria as he pa.s.sed by her. Victoria, in turn, nodded and smiled at him before returning to look at the board.

"Student council?" Beatrice asked as she slightly adjusted her when Van pa.s.sed by his desk.

"Most probably."

"Pft. Do your best, sir."

Van let out a tiny chuckle as he left the room, looking at his friends again as he gently closed the door.

Friends… who knew that one day he would have people he would call that.

If he had friends now… then maybe a family besides only Andrea was possible? His mother could still be out there, and the Headmaster seems to know her.

That"s it. Since he was meeting the Headmaster anyway, he might as well ask him about his mother.

And so, Van made his way to the Headmaster"s office.

"You called for me, Headmaster sir?" Van gently knocked on the door before entering. He was about to close the door, but before he could do so...

"...Hm. Keep the door open, we need the fresh air since there are a lot of people inside."

Van then looked at the people inside the office. There were city guards, and also people who seemed to belong in a Standby Unit. Seeing the serious expression on the Headmaster"s face, Van could not help but feel a sense of dread inside of him.

"D… did something happen in my house!? Is Andrea okay!?"

Van roared as he rushed in front of the Headmaster. The Headmaster, however, could only shake his head.

"W… what happened? What happened to Andrea!?"

"Are you Evans?"

The person that spoke to him, however, was not the Headmaster, but a man wearing a black suit.

"Y… yes? Is Andrea alright!?" Van once again asked.

"I see…"


"Then in accordance with the Law of the Circle. Evans, Unique-type System Holder, with the sin of killing your father, and two other accounts of murder…

...You are hereby placed under arrest."