My Hermes System

Chapter 107 - 107: Animal

Chapter 107 - 107: Animal


...was currently in front of the Academy gates with Harvey.

"P… please, Miss Victoria, we have strict orders not to let anyone out!"

"Don"t you know who we are!? Do you want both our families to come destroy your whole family!? What"s your name, eh!? What"s your mother"s name!?"

"Harvey, don"t."

The people that were guarding the gate had no idea what to do. If it were any other student, they would have already forced these two to go back to their dorms, maybe even dragging them by their arms. But it just had to be the son and daughter of the most influential people in their country.

And they were insistent. They have been here for more than 2 hours now, asking the guards to let them out. They are used to Harvey"s screams as they have already been drilled during their training. But Victoria"s quiet and calm tone was almost too jarring to bear.

But still, orders were orders. The city guards have already taken over the security of the school, and if they did not follow, they would surely be fired this very instant.

They were, however, having reservations. The family of these two were more powerful than the city guards… maybe they could compensate them if they let the two out?

No. That was a bad idea, the guard thought as he shook his head a couple of times. The Explorer a.s.sociation was involved in this… manhunt. Not to mention that there was a rumor going around that the Circle, the government, was already aware of the sins and crimes committed by the boy.

They would surely be caught in the crossfire if these… mammoths battle it out. It was always them in the middle that are the victims of this kind of confrontation.

And so, taking all of that into consideration, it was best to play it safe.

"I really am sorry. But we are just doing our jobs." The guard said without even blinking, the thumping of his chest, however, showed how nervous he really was.

"If you-- Ugh, f*ck all of you!" Harvey rushed towards the gates and punched it, only for a disgusting snapping noise to echo through the people"s ears.

"Gah!" Harvey roared as he grasped his hand. The guards wanted to check on him, but he just pushed them away before stomping his way back to the freshmen"s building.

Victoria also followed him, but not before bowing her head to the guards.

"We"re stuck here!" Harvey once again roared as soon as he got inside of the building, his voice echoing through the seemingly dark and empty halls.

"And where the f*ck is Bea!?"


Back in the abandoned arena.

"V… Van?"

It took Van"s whole strength to just lift his head up to look at the owner of the familiar voice. Finally, he thought. After running for how long, he finally heard a voice that shaved off a heavy weight that his body ever so burdened. The chains that were stopping his feet from running, unlatched.

Finally, comfort.

"...Beatrice," Van muttered, his voice was weak, and yet it pierced the very depths of Beatrice"s body, causing her to slightly let out a stuttered breath.

"Y… you"re really here?" Beatrice said as she approached Van, her steps were slow and her hand slightly covered her face.

"Are you… and Harvey okay? What about Victoria?"

"You… don"t need to worry about us, Van. W… we"re alright." Beatrice"s tears started to fall on her face as she saw the expression on Van"s face. He was trying his best to smile but his body struggled to lift himself up.

While Van, seeing the look on Beatrice"s face, could only let out a long and deep sigh, "Do… you remember the first time you approached me? I thought it was weird that you suddenly spoke to me, when everyone else ignored me."


"I didn"t trust you at first. Because… well, you know my story. It happened here, at this very spot. In fact you"re standing at the very spot where they threw my things at me." Van let out a slight chuckle as he pointed beneath Beatrice"s feet.


Before Beatrice could even speak, Van continued his words. It was obvious that he was gasping for breath, but still… he spoke.

"But after a while, I did. I did learn to trust you. You became my very first friend in this world, Beatrice. I… I will always be thankful for that."


"And then... Harvey came, and everything I have ever known just changed. About people, about food, about life. And I thought for once, I could be with people that won"t… that won"t… Haa... It doesn"t matter now, I suppose. For what it"s worth, Beatrice. I am glad it was you."

Van"s words were filled with fettered breath, but even then, Beatrice could hear them clearly.

"That means you"ve always been true to me…

...Thank you, Beatrice."

"I… I"m so sorry, Van." She muttered, tears already fogging up the scenery in front of her as they struggled to escape her "I"m so sorry."

"...I trust you, Beatrice," Van whispered as he stood up, taking in a deep breath as his legs trembled to even keep him up. "I… am tired of running anyway. So tired. Did you know they told me I killed my father? Haa… I actually wish I rememb--"

"Why!? Why did you have to be here!?" Beatrice waved her hands as she screamed. "I thought this would be the last place you would be in! Why did you come!?"

"It… it"s alright." Van slightly chuckled as a tear also started to trail on his face. "I"m tired of running."

"They… they told me… they... they would support my family"s guild… I"m so sorry." Beatrice removed her, dropping it on the dirty ground without any care,

"And… and if I didn"t… they will… kick them out of the city… because… because I was friends with you!"

Hearing Beatrice"s words, Van let out a stuttered chuckle, the tone of his voice unusually high as his lungs lacked the air it needed to live… and yet, the tears on his face continued to fall.

"I"m so sorry… I… I"m so sorry, Van. P… please… please don"t hate me. I didn"t really know that you would come here!"

"...Oh, I believe you. But hey…" Van placed slightly raised his hand and pointed two of his fingers towards his eyes, "At least you poked me straight in the eye."


As soon as he said that, 6 people, that seemed to be hiding beneath the seats of the arena, suddenly jumped out. All landing on the stage and circling around Van, surrounding him completely.

"Good work, little girl. We will make sure you will be heavily rewarded for helping us find this filth."

"He"s not filth!"

"Careful now. You don"t want us to think that you"re colluding with this criminal, do you? I wonder what your parents would think of this?"


Van looked at the man that entered the arena, slowly walking inside and casually patting Beatrice"s shoulder. Of course, if anyone could offer that kind of deal to Beatrice, it would be the Explorer a.s.sociation, Chris.

He then scanned the people surrounding him, all of them looking at him with hostility and contempt in their eyes.

Van let out a short breath and closed his eyes, and without even a short pause, he quickly swallowed another Crystal.


"Are you crazy!?"

Even Chris, who was previously calm and collected, could not help but bellow as he saw Van suddenly swallowing a Crystal. They didn"t waste all this time trying to find and chase this boy only for him to commit suicide.

"I thought you would have figured that already!" Van screamed, his words disgruntled as blood oozed from his mouth due to the sharp edges of the Crystal that mutilated his throat.

He had come this far… ran this far. He won"t go down without a fight. Never. If there was something useful he learned from the slums, it was to never surrender to your fate. Live at all costs.

Because fate…

...Fate can go f.u.c.k itself.

"No!" Beatrice rushed towards Van as her voice cracked, only to be blocked by one of the Explorers on the stage. The Explorer quickly covered Beatrice, waiting for the explosion of guts that was about to come.

But even after a few seconds, it didn"t.

The only thing that changed was that Van"s whole body started to blur, a golden sparkle glimmering from the edges of his eyes.

"He… he"s still alive!?"

"He is going to run again! Quick, seal his movements!"

"No. That will not be necessary."

One of the Mage-types was about to lock Van"s feet on the stage, but before he could do so, Chris raised his hand before jumping up on the stage. He then slowly walked towards Van, looking at him straight in his eyes, which were now only showing white.

"He… is already unconscious." He muttered. But still, even as the calmness on his face returned, Chris" heart still beats wildly. He truly did not expect Van to swallow a Crystal, and even more that he survived.

Was it really the right choice to arrest him? Maybe Sarah was right and there was something different with… No.

It is done. The boy is a Unique-type, Chris was sure that it"s just one of the quirks his System had and there was nothing special beyond that. What he is… is a sinner, nothing more.

It is done, he once again thought.

"Tie him up. Break his feet first, then tie up his whole body so he won"t be able to move. Cover his eyes as well, we don"t want him to think he has any hopes of escaping us again."

"Y… yes, sir!"

One of the Explorers waved his hand, and the marble beneath Van"s feet started to crawl on his legs.

"What!? You said you wouldn"t harm him!?" Hearing Chris" words, Beatrice struggled to free herself from the Explorer that was currently pinning her down.

"We"re not. He won"t feel anything."

"Van! Van, wake up! I"m sorry! I"m so sorry!"

"Can you shut her up?"


Before Beatrice could continue her pleas, the explorer pressed something on her neck, knocking her out almost instantly. The last thing that she heard was the sound of chains… and the sound of Van"s feet being crushed by a stone.

"Finally. We can all go home."

And so, Evans, after what seemed like 10 hours of a continuous chase, of continuous hiding, was finally caught. His feet crushed, his whole body wrapped in chains, his eyes blindfolded and his mouth gagged.

He was a student of the Academy. But now, he was being dragged around like an animal for everyone to see.