My Hermes System

Chapter 145 - 145: The Promised Leader

Chapter 145 - 145: The Promised Leader

The Prisoners started to slightly and slowly back away one by one as they stared at the sudden blockage of Locals in front of them.

They didn"t think that they would discover the Locals" home so soon… and what"s worse is that they even seem to be ready for them. Could this be why no one was guarding the Wall? They were getting ready for them here?

If so, then there should be a lot more waiting for them. Were they actually surrounded by Locals by now!? Could they have been following them quietly ever since they pa.s.sed through the Wall!?

"I… I told you this was a trap!"

"We"re dead, we"re all dead!"

"I knew this was too good to be true! An impenetrable Wall just going brr all of a sudden!? This is definitely a trap!"

The Prisoners" screams started to echo each other, as well as their steps as the ones in front slowly backed away. Their eyes alert, not even leaving the Locals that were in front of them even just for a second.

The Prisoners continued to move, and yet, the Locals remained still, protecting their village and standing ground without saying a word, not even a whisper. It was almost as if they were the ones that were wary… as if they were the ones filled with fear.


"Wait…" and this fact did not escape the Prisoner farthest to the front as he squinted his eyes, "There seemed to be less of them than I imagined," he muttered.

"What? Are you sure?"

"Wait… you… you"re right."

"Where are the others?"

"There might be on our sides planning to catch us off-guard!"

"No, some guys already checked, there aren"t any Locals besides them."


The Prisoners all held a crippling fear of the Locals. They feared their numbers; they feared that they would not be any match against them and would just trample them if they so desired-- that is why none of them even attempted to rally against them.

It wasn"t even an exaggeration to say that they almost treated them like G.o.ds. But now, seeing the population that laid before their eyes, the numbers that they were so afraid of were nowhere to be found.

Their numbers might even be equal to them. They always thought there would be hundreds of thousands of them just lying in wait for them, but this?

This was nothing.

And so, with that unified thought, the Prisoners that were currently backing away in fear stopped. If it was like this, then don"t they have a chance of winning against them? It no longer mattered if there were many of them out there, once their reinforcement arrives, they would already be too late.

They would already have hostages.

They had strong people by their side. The two leaders, Rick and Grant, Solomon, Reed, Boss, and not to mention the murderous little boy.

They have a chance to win this battle if they work together.

"E… everyone, let"s kill them all!"

And soon, the Prisoners started to rally.

"Let"s wipe that ugly smug off their faces!"

"Rape their women in front of them! Take their children hostage and put the men"s head on pikes!"

"Fight! It"s our chance to fight back!"

The roars of the Prisoners were enough to make the leaves even far away shudder, with even the dust on the ground starting to tremble; a certain frenzy was coming alive in their eyes as they readied themselves for battle.


However, once again, Latanya stood in front of them, her palm pointing towards them, telling them to stop. "Do not rape the women and leave the children out of this!"

"W… what?"

"Did we just hear you right!?"

"The rules no longer matter here! We"re no longer under your reign and we can go as we please!"

"Get out of the way, Latanya!"

"That"s right, just join us! Let"s kill them all!"

"No!" Once again, Latanya shook her head, "You may do with the men as you please, but the women and children have nothing to do with your suffering."

"What… are you trying to say!? Are you actually sympathizing with them!?"

"These are people from the Portal! Even if they don"t drop Crystals, they might just be monsters themselves!"

"That"s right! Let"s just get rid of them, Boss! With you leading us, they won"t have a chance!"

"Are you siding with the Locals!?"

Numerous thoughts lingered and echoed in the air as the Prisoners all looked towards Boss, who was adamant in stopping them, even to the point of literally turning her back against the Locals.

Reed was also confused as to why Boss was currently saying whatever it is she was saying. She thought that she would be the one to tell them to ransack their Village, to tell them to have no mercy against these people.

He knew the deep hatred she held for the Locals; that much he was certain of. So why? Does he actually really know Boss?

Everyone was confused as their whispers soon drowned their shouts. There was one, however, who held a different expression than the rest-- Van.

So, that was it, he thought. So that was why Boss was so desperate in stopping the other Prisoners from leaving the Wall.

Out of everyone in the Encampment, he was the only person who knew that Boss was a Local. She told her in one of their meetings when he asked why Boss seemed so eager to see the outside world; as if a baby wanting to walk for the first time.

Boss was so adamant and desperate in stopping them because in truth… She had always been…


One word, Boss just said one word, and it made all of the Prisoners shut their mouths, with only the sound of their gulp and the beating of their heart now clouding the air.

"If you insist on raping the women and harming the children-- Then yes...

...I am on the side of the Locals."