My Hermes System

Chapter 155 - 155: Gerald Again

Chapter 155 - 155: Gerald Again

"You sure she"ll be all right on her own?"

"She should be fine. We can"t really do anything for her now. Let her mourn."

Gil and Nisha both sighed at the same time as they looked at Cynthia, who has been in front of her husband"s grave for more than an hour now. Even Gil, who was the closest to the two, didn"t think that she"ll be this affected by her husband"s death. Well, of course, she was his husband… but seeing as their relationship seemed so open, he didn"t really expect her to be this destroyed.

"So… what exactly do we do now?"

"...No idea," the two once again let out a long and deep sigh before looking at Van.

"What do we do now, Van?"

"Huh? Why are you asking me?"

"Aren"t you supposed to be our leader?"

"...No. We"re not in the Encampment anymore, do what you guys want to do." Van waved his hand as he turned around and walked away.

"Psh, why are you so shy?" Nisha followed her, her voice teasingly encroaching Van.


What Van said had merit, however. Even Rick has started dispersing the group under him. If they were to live amongst the Locals, they need to make them feel safe; and huddling up in a large group would definitely make them feel threatened.

The three decided to leave Cynthia alone for now as they walked back to the Village. And as soon as they entered, their path was blocked by someone; his long golden hair reflecting the moonlight.



"...Beggar, I have a few questions."


The three, however, completely ignored Gerald, who had his arms crossed as if he owned the place.

"W… wait! I have questions! Wait…


Seeing as they were garnering the attention of the Locals, Van could only let out a sigh as he stopped in his tracks.

"We"ll explore the Village, let"s meet here in an hour?"


There really wasn"t to explore since it was a small village. But still, it was bigger than the Encampment, not to mention there were a whole lot of normal people walking around. There was even a small market where people could trade their things. Unlike their Encampment, this was an actual community with real people.

Well, that is if the Locals were even willing to trade with the Prisoners. Gil and Nisha didn"t even have any idea what kind of currency they have here, but even if they did, they would surely have none of it.

Van could only let out a sigh as he watched Nisha and Gil"s back disappear deep into the Village. In truth, he also wanted to explore the place. But alas, an annoying obstacle blocked his advance.

"...What do you want?" Van said as he turned his attention towards Gerald, his tone not containing even a bit of friendliness.

Although he still remembered how Gerald warned him about the guards back in the Academy, he still held great hostility against him, and he was sure that Gerald was the same; made obvious by the grinding noises coming out of his mouth.

"You"re going to escape this place, right?" Gerald said, making sure his head was pointing straight so that his eyes were directly looking down at Van, "I want in."

"Who told you that?"

"I overheard it. I want in, I need to go back outside."

"Everyone here wants to go back outside, Gerald." Van let out a light scoff, a.s.serting his dominance due to his far superior knowledge when it comes to the Pit.

"I will tell everyone here that you plan to escape if you don"t let me in."

"I should just kill you right here."

"If you can. Last I remembered you didn"t even leave as much as a scar on me."

"Only reason I am not doing it is that you"re Harvey"s brother."

"Really? How"s the hand? I remember it almost breaking when you tried to punch me."

"Tch. You think I am still the same as before?"

"...And you think I am the same as well?" Gerald stepped forward, and the ground beneath them slightly trembled, "Why don"t we try it right now?"

Van"s eyes started to spark and Gerald"s muscles started to contract as the two continued to stare at each other.

"M… mother! Look! These two are about to fight!"

However, before they could do anything, a small child approached and started pointing at the two of them. Of course, the little girl was quickly dragged away by her mother, who quickly ran towards a nearby guard.



The two relaxed their body as they backed away from each other. Van was about to walk away, but he could not help but stop as he heard Gerald"s next words.

"...Harvey is missing."

"What?" Van quickly turned around and looked Gerald straight in the eyes.

"Yes. That"s why I need to get out of this place."

"...I am afraid the window to escape is gone," Van then let out a small breath as he answered Gerald, "We can"t escape without Miss Latanya."

"Latanya? That big t.i.ttied black woman?"


"Then let"s just drag her!"

"If you can," Van let out another scoff, "What makes you think she will heal either of us if we force her out? And why are you even talking to me?"

"...Whether I like it or not, you"re my brother"s friend," Gerald clicked his tongue, "Also, don"t you want to know more about what is happening outside?"

"...Let"s walk," Van said, not waiting for Gerald to follow him as the guards were already starting to gather around them.


The two walked towards an isolated part of the Village before continuing their talks.

"Your other friends are also missing."


"What!?" Van"s frown quickly turned into expressions of shock as he heard Gerald"s words.

"And last I checked, no one is living in your house anymore."

"...what?" Van"s eyes trembled as he heard Gerald"s words. Just what exactly is happening out there? But if all of them were missing at the same time, could it be that they are all together?

"It is chaos out there," Gerald continued as he let out a light breath, "Even the Headmaster of the Academy and some instructors are missing.


"We need to go out, Van. Please, I need your help. I don"t care about the others, but my brother could be in danger," and suddenly, Gerald"s haughty tone turned mellow as he looked Van straight in the eyes, his head slightly turned downwards.


"...Please. We can kill each other afterwards, but I need to know my brother is safe first," Gerald once again repeated. Van could only slightly back away as he heard the last words that he expected coming out from Gerald"s. It was not like he couldn"t understand him, it is his brother after all… but to think Gerald is capable of showing something like this…

"...What are you even doing here in the first place?"

"I killed my father."



"Congratulations," Van said before he started walking away. "I"ll talk to Miss Latanya when I pa.s.s by her, be sure to stay within the area so you can meet her, she sort of owes me."

"Wait, where are you going?"

"My frien-- my group is waiting for me."

"...Can you introduce me to them?"

"...No," Van smirked before disappearing and running away. Gerald could only click his tongue as he watched Van"s back disappear into the distance. He then looked around, only to see that there were children looking at him, hiding within the houses.

"...f.u.c.king natives."