My Hermes System

Chapter 162 - 162: Curtains

Chapter 162 - 162: Curtains

"My name… Hercules."



"That"s a weird name."

All of the people that heard the Stranger introduce himself could not help but look at each other. Why did he emphasize his name like they were supposed to know who he was?

"...I suppose it doesn"t matter who I am," the Stranger, Hercules, could not help but let out a short sigh as he looked at the expressions of confusion of the people, "I do have business with you, Messenger…

...Away from prying eyes, if possible."

Hercules looked around, causing the Locals to flinch as soon as his eyes stray towards them. Most of them have seen what this man is capable of first hand and they knew… That most of them will die if he makes a move.

"Why can"t we talk here?" Van said, pulling Gil back and slightly pushing the others to the side as he stepped forward. Although he really would prefer to talk to this freakishly tall man alone, he doesn"t know what he was capable of.

"I am afraid I prefer for us to talk alone," Hercules quickly shook his head as he heard Van"s words, "I do apologize, Messenger. A thousand years of being stuck in this place have taught me the value of privacy."

A thousand years? What is this guy saying? He has been here for a thousand years?

"But if you are busy, I respect that," Hercules then said as he took in a deep breath, "Let us talk some other time. Just do not make me wait too long, I can get…

...A little bit impatient."

He then turned around to look at Eugene, "You do not need to worry about me anymore, citizen. I have already confirmed what I needed."


"I will not harm you or any of your folks… as long as you do not provoke me, that is. My temper can be a bit…


And with those words, Hercules turned towards the gates and started to walk away. But before the Locals could breathe again, he stopped on his tracks.

"Before I forget…" Hercules then raised his hand before his whole body turned into a blur.

"!!!" Van"s eyes widened as his [Time Perception] skill activated in instinct. But it would seem that it activated too late, but from the few moments that Hercules moved, Van realized how fast he was.

Is he… faster than Charlotte? Van thought as he turned off his [Time Perception] skill.

"I caught this snooping around," Hercules then said as he shook his raised hand, which now held something, "I told you I value my privacy."


In his hand was a bundle of hair. The people all slowly looked down to see where the hair led to, only to see Reed"s whole body hanging like a puppet at the end of it.

"R… Reed…" Latanya"s stuttered whispers trailed through the air.

"This isn"t a friend of yours, is it, Messenger?" Hercules once again looked at Van, "If so, I deeply apologize."

Van only squinted his eyes as he looked at Reed before returning his eyes to Hercules.

"I take that as a no, good." Hercules let out a slight sigh as he nonchalantly dropped Reed on the ground.

"He should still be alive. You have a witch among you, you can heal him." He then glanced at Latanya before finally leaving the Village.

The breaths of the Locals which they were trying to hold back quickly drowned the air as they could finally find themselves able to breathe. They didn"t notice it, but the whole time, almost all of them were holding their breaths.

Even though Hercules" tone was calm, they could not help but feel threatened with every word that comes out of his mouth.

Latanya quickly rushed towards Reed to check on him. But a few meters before she could reach him, she slowed down.

"...He"s dead," Latanya muttered, closing her eyes as she took in a deep breath. "Bury him with the others," Latanya ordered some of the men to retrieve Reed"s body.

"You," she then turned his attention towards Van, "Come with me." She said before turning away, not even waiting for Van to follow her.


Van could only keep quiet as he followed Latanya back to her quarters… and as soon as they reached it, Latanya grabbed Van"s collars and lifted him into the air.


"What are you not telling me, Van?"

"What do you--"

"I am not in the mood for your lies," before Van could finish his words, Latanya dropped him on the ground, "One of my loyal aides just died… if you and your group wish to stay here, you will tell me everything you know about that man."


"I have told you everything about my past, boy." Latanya muttered as she took a seat, "...And yet I barely know yours."


"I need to know I can trust you, Van."

"..." Trust… isn"t that what got him thrown to the Pit in the first place? He could only look Latanya straight in the eyes as the thought surfaced in his mind.

But it is true that Latanya has been true to him and open about her past for some reason.

"...I can only tell you what I know," Van breathed.

"That is fine."

"...But help me go back to my world."

If trust is what put him here… then it was just right that trust will also be the thing that gets him out.

"...Fine." Latanya said as she slightly leaned closer as she adjusted her seat, "But not after we deal with the City."

"...No. I have wasted enough time as it is here."

"If we are going out, I need to know that my people are safe. As long as the City stands before us then my people will continue to be oppressed." Latanya stood up and walked closer to Van, "I can"t go with you knowing that, even if I wanted to."



"How will we deal with this so-called City?"

Latanya placed her hand on her chin as she heard Van"s words. She had always just been thinking of defending her borders… attacking them in the first place was suicide. They have an army… that alone was enough to defeat them.

Latanya let out a long and deep sigh as different thoughts surfaced in her mind. And finally, after a few seconds, she opened her eyes, her fingers slowly moving and landing on Van.


"A Ghost."

