My Hermes System

Chapter 212 - 212: Advisor"s Duty

Chapter 212 - 212: Advisor"s Duty

MHS 212



"What"s wrong with her?"

"Your mother… is different than most, even amongst System Holders."

Van, Hans, and Charlotte"s family were currently inside Latanya"s house, with Latanya, Victoria, and Evangeline resting in the beds. Latanya was still not awake even though a few hours had already pa.s.sed, and seemed to have no signs of waking no matter what.

Victoria was still the same, still frozen stiff. They could not even move her hand which was still raised as they were afraid that it would hurt her. With Evangeline now also unconscious, there wasn"t any way for them to know whether or not Victoria could feel anything, or hear them for that matter.

Evangeline was awake a few hours ago, completely in tears, and was not letting Van out of her arms even as he tried to push her away. But after a few minutes of that, she fell unconscious.

Paris, Victoria"s mother, had also apologized to Van for shouting at him earlier. She even cried as she couldn"t contain the guilt when she heard the story of Van being molested by his father. But of course, Van just waved his hand from her apology, saying it was no big deal.

"I already know she is different," Van said, "She is the first System Holder, right?"

"Well, yes. But it is more than that," Hans said as he looked at Evangeline, who was letting out a smile even as she sleeps, "Her memory is… beautiful."

Hans could not help but let out a small breath as he remained staring at Evangeline"s face, "But at the same time, it is fractured. You could say she is schizophrenic. It might be her age, or it might be her System… even I who have watched her memories do not know the real reasons behind it."

"So… the one who was hugging me earlier was…"

"Your mother," Hans quickly said, "It"s not a case of different personalities if that is what you are getting at."

"…There"s something like that?"

"Yes, your instructor is one."

"Ms. Elton? So she isn"t just weird?"

As soon as Hans heard Van"s words, he could not help but let out a short chuckle. Even Charlotte, who was comforting her daughter-in-law, let out a snicker.

"She is probably the weirdest person you will ever meet in your life," Hans shook his head, "But even then, your mother is still the most special person in the world."

"And you know everything about her?" Van asked.

"You could say that," Hans said, "But out of respect to her, I will not say anything else. But do you want to know something, Mr. Evans?"


"Your mother might be the most special person in the world I have met, but for her… you are the special one."

"Pft," Van quickly scoffed as he heard that, "Then let"s hope I am the only one who she treats as special."

"…" Hans could not help but let out a sigh as he heard the sarcastic tone in Van"s voice, "I share the blame of what happened to you, Van. I am the one who made your father the way he was. If there is anyone to blame for what your father had done to you, it is me."

"You"ll all get what"s coming to you," Van said, his tone awfully calm, "I"m just… tired."

"Everything your mother has done is for you, Mr. Evans."

"She already said that."

"Because it is true," Hans continued to defend Evangeline, "I am not saying what she has done to you is—"

"The boy was raped, Hans."

Before Hans could finish his words, Charlotte left her family"s side and approached the two of them. "Whatever this woman"s end game is at the end, what she did is atrocious. I don"t even want to know what the plan of someone that would do that to her son is."

"Once all of you have known what her—"

"I don"t care, Hans," Charlotte shook her head and repeated her words, "She allowed her own son to be molested. What the f.u.c.k kind of mother does that? And you"re telling Van to forgive her? What the f.u.c.k is wrong with you? You"re the youngest of us three and you"re already going senile."

"That"s not what—"

"…Are you actually in love with her?"


"I do not!" Hans stomped his foot and raised his voice as soon as he heard Charlotte"s words.

"I don"t even need to have your System to know you"re lying, baldy."

"I… I do not!" Hans once again said before he quickly made his way out of Latanya"s house.


"He is in love with moth—Evangeline?" Van could not help but blink a couple of times as he watched Hans suddenly walking away.

"I have known him since we were teenagers, I am sure he does," Charlotte giggled, "Trust me, I would know. He had a crush on me before."

"…To you?"

"I was young once!" Charlotte clicked her tongue as she saw Van"s bewildered eyes, looking at her from head to toe, "You could say I was even more beautiful than the princess."


"The ancient motherf.u.c.ker"s granddaughter," Charlotte scoffed.


"Hm," Charlotte nodded, "Although what a twisted turn of events, the religious motherf.u.c.ker"s granddaughter is a lesb—"


Before Charlotte could finish her words, Paris suddenly raised her voice and interrupted her, "Please stop cursing! You"re surrounded by children!"

"Children?" Charlotte looked back and forth between Edward and Van, "They"re old enough to have children."

"M… mother!"

"Speaking of children, how many kids are you and my granddaughter going to have?"





"Where were you?"


"What did you find?"


"I see."

"See you later."



"Did the two just talk to each other like that?" Harvey could not help but look at Angela with a weird expression. She already knew how weird Angela Elton was from meeting her occasionally back in the Academy. But to think that her brother was as weird as her-- and it wasn"t only that… they were almost identical. Harvey, along with the others, were currently in the middle of the Encampment, waiting for Van to finish his conversation with their former Headmaster.

"Why are you even listening in on someone else"s conversation?" Beatrice pulled Harvey away.

"I got distracted by Ms. Elton"s male version," Harvey said.

"We need to plan on how to come with Van!"

"Oho," Harvey let out a hum, "I see you"re trying to compensate for having betrayed Van."


"I… I was kidding," Harvey let out an awkward chuckle as soon as she saw Beatrice biting her lip, her eyes almost finding their way towards the floor, "A… anyway," Harvey then cleared her throat, before turning around… towards his brother.

"What do you think, brother?" Harvey said, "Do you think we can secure one of our ships in the pier?"

"Maybe," Gerald said as he quickly left his conversation with Xinyan, "But why do you even want to come with that beggar?"

"He is not a beggar, Gerald," Harvey furrowed his eyebrows as he looked his brother straight in the eyes, "You could even say he"s even the highest authority here, he"s the President of the Locals."

"Tch," Gerald clicked his tongue, "A President of Beggars."

"…" Harvey could only shake his head. It would seem there was no longer any hope for his brother. If unwatched, he and Van might just kill each other out of nowhere.

"Last I checked…" Gerald then continued to talk, "The others from the board have been scouring to seize our old man"s a.s.sets. Since I killed him, my status as an heir is pretty much gone."

"d.a.m.n it," Harvey shook his head, "Why"d you even get caught?"

"I did it in public."

"Wish I could have seen it."

"…" Beatrice, who had her head down, could not help but be perplexed by Harvey"s words. Was this really the Harvey she knew? The Harvey who always hesitated to even kill a Portal monster?

Come to think of it, they"ve only been visiting either Van"s house or Victoria"s estate. Whenever it was opened up that they should go to Harvey"s, he always changed the topic. She knew how much their father mistreated them, but to think it was to the extent that even Harvey didn"t treat him as human is surprising.

"Technically, Harvey, you"re the heir now," Gerald then followed, "I am the old f.u.c.kers would shut their mouths as soon as you make an appearance."

"Hm…" Harvey placed his hand on his chin, "Then shall we—"


Before Harvey could finish his words, Van suddenly appeared in front of them.

"Van! We were just talking about how we can come with… did you say no?" Harvey"s strenuous tone quickly dissipated as soon as Van"s word registered in his mind, "We"re going to come with you, bro! We"re already planning to get a private ship."

"Me and Miss Charlotte will be leaving tonight," Van shook his head, "And we don"t know what Evangeline would do if I took any of you with me."

"But Victoria is also our friend," Beatrice interjected, "Please let us help you in whatever this is you will be doing. We just reunited again and you"re already going away."

Van could only smile towards Beatrice before letting out a short sigh.

"Is that woman really your mother?" Harvey said, his tone somewhat agitated, "I remember my mother being the sweetest person in the world."

"You were only a child when she died," Gerald commented.

"Still," Harvey crossed his arms, "And she is tall too, even taller than Master Charlotte. How can someone like that be your mother? I don"t think she"s your mother, bro."


"Look at Ms. Elton, her brother is almost as short as her," Harvey then pointed towards Angela, who seemed to be talking to herself now, "They even—"

"I heard that, boy."

Before Harvey could finish his words, Angela slowly turned her head towards him, looking at him straight in the eyes, her expression completely emotionless that it almost made Harvey back away.

"T… It wasn"t my intention to—"

"I don"t care," Angela said as she approached the group. She then stood in front of Van, looking at him, their eyes almost at the same level as each other. "You"re growing tall, boy. I am a bit envious."


"Now since you are here, we might as well do the formalities."


"You were forced to quit the Academy before you can even finish our," Angela nodded her head, "…Although since the Academy is already in ruins, I don"t think it"s even relevant…. Or is it? What do you think? I think it is."


"I feel like it is my duty as your advisor to give you a proper send-off, Mr. Evans," Angela then slowly backed away, gesturing for Van to follow her.

Not only Van but also Harvey and the others were looking at each other in confusion.

"…What are we going to do?"

"Evans of Unique Cla.s.s-1…

…It"s time for you to graduate."