My Hermes System

Chapter 259 - MHS 259: Home

Chapter 259 - MHS 259: Home

"You… you did this."

"What? Did what?"

Salim"s remaining children all looked at each other as they heard their father"s words. What exactly was their father accusing their brother of?

"What are you talking about, mother? What did brother do?"

"I have had suspicions of you for a long time now. I"ve had a lot of people look into your activities ever since you"ve become President. Ishaq, you… are part of the Equalist State of Egypt."

"W… what?" Nadeen could not help but stutter as she heard her father"s words, "Don"t be ridiculous, mother. How could the President be a part of the ESE when he"s a System Holder?"

"My men have been tapping his phone calls," Salim let out a sigh of disappointment as he leaned on his throne, "Although he was very careful, we were still able to decipher the silly codes that he had been sending different people in the ESE. At first, we thought they were really just his weird way of flirting with women, but now that this has happened, I am sure of it. President Ishaq… you are part of the ESE."

"Huh?" The confusion on President Ishaq"s face could no longer be painted as his eyes scanned all of the people present, "You should listen to sister Nadeed, mother. Your words are starting to sound ridiculous. You must still be shaken up by the explosion. Brothers, bring him to a hospital to rest."

"Perhaps brother is right, mother," Nadeen said as she approached Salim, further checking his condition. Based on how much of Salim"s exterior skin was falling, his condition was worsening by the second; his previously smooth skin could no longer be seen as all that remained were cracks. "Rather than the President… it"s Mr. Mazen who is involved with the ESE."


"Mr. Mazen is part of the ESE?"

"What are you saying, Nadeen?"

The whispers of the siblings started to clamor in the air as soon as they heard Nadeen"s words.

"Mr. Mazen… bombed himself."

"Mr. Mazen did what now?"

"He bombed himself in the car while we were inside it. If it wasn"t for Mr. Evans, then I would have surely died."

"W… why?"

The siblings could not believe Nadeen"s words. Mr. Mazen had been one of their family"s trusted drivers for years and had even taken care of some of them. To think that he was actually part of the ESE.

"See?" There was a certain sadness in President Ishaq"s voice, "Why would I even agree with putting my sister in danger? Mother, please. I urge you to take a rest."

Salim let out a long and deep breath as he looked at Nadeen, checking if she was alright. He then looked towards Van.

"Thank you for saving my child, Mr. Evans."

"No need to thank me," Van said, nodding his head in reply.

Salim, however, turned his head towards Ishaq once again as his eyebrows furrowed even further. "You knew… You knew that Nadeen would be safe because she was with Charlotte and her companions. You knew that they would keep her safe."

"...Maybe you really are turning senile, Salim," Charlotte, who had been keeping quiet, could not help but snide a comment.

"I have been old for a very long time, Charlotte. My mind is clear."

"Look, even your friends think this is ridiculous," President Ishaq let out an awkward chuckle.

"I didn"t say that," Charlotte, however, just shrugged her shoulders as she stepped back a few steps, "This doesn"t involve us, however."

"Ms. Angela would have been a real help here, wouldn"t she?" Van whispered.

"G.o.d d.a.m.n right she would."

"...Should we do something?"

"What? No," Charlotte raised an eyebrow, "We did say you should take charge, but this one is off-limits."

"...Hm," Van nodded as he continued watching the scenario unfold. They have just been here for a few hours, and yet it was already proving to be more… entertaining than his whole stay in Africa. It was like he was watching one of the dramas that Angela liked to watch during their stay in the hotel back in Africa.

Every angle of the country was scenic as well. In fact, after everything was over, it would be nice to live here with the others, Van thought as he looked around even with the ongoing chaos.

This… could be home.

Artemis seemed to be quite invested as well, as her expressions change with every exchange of dialogues.

"Mother, this situation is starting to get confusing," President Ishaq once again let out a long and deep sigh, "Perhaps you should really take a rest, the crowd is also starting to gather and this would be bad for my image as the President. I am a System Holder, father. Why would I even be in the ESE in the first place?"

"How else would so many bombs have been placed inside the Presidential Mansion?" Salim quickly replied, his tone no longer holding any signs of endearment, "Only you can have that kind of authority."

"Mother, we both have that kind of authority. Do you see me accusing you of such grave misdeeds? My brothers and sisters are here, why would I even do something that would put their lives in danger? You"re not thinking straight, mother."

"You knew I would save them!"

Salim"s voice thundered as he stood up from his throne. And as soon as he did so, the exterior skin that still clung on him lost all of its strength, bursting everywhere and revealing Salim"s true physique.

His beautiful long hair that reached the floor was completely gone, replaced by plucks of white thin hair that could fall with even the tiniest of whispers. There was also no portion of his skin devoid of cracks as the wrinkles completely showed how many years he has been walking in this world.

His eyes, however, still held all of their previous dignity as they stared down at his son.

"I am a System Holder!" President Ishaq did not back down, "And I am also your President, why would I even join some… some f.u.c.king cult!?"

"Because you"re not really a member of the ESE!" Salim roared. And as soon as he said that, the faces of his sons and daughters could not help but askew.

"...You"re no longer making any sense, mother," President Ishaq could only shake his head, "Brothers, please take General Salim away."

As soon as the others heard Ishaq"s words, they proceeded to carefully approach their father. Salim, however, stared all of them down causing them to stop.

"You are just posing as a member of the ESE," Salim then turned his head once again towards Ishaq, "You penetrated their ranks, lured them into thinking that you are one with their cause… because you want to spark an all-out war between us and them."

"Starting to sound like paranoia, moth--"

"Your real parents," Salim raised a finger to interrupt his son"s words, "They were killed brutally by normal humans right in front of you. This… this is revenge."


"Except for your brothers and sisters, you want every other normal human in this country to die," Salim let out a long and deep breath as he returned to his throne, "Did you really think that I wouldn"t notice? I have eyes all over the country. As long as there is earth, I can feel and hear everything going on in this country."

"Mother, I am not--"

"If you do then why are you not doing more!?"



Before President Ishaq could finish his words, Nadeen"s sudden screams and her actions completely shook him.

Without even any warning, Nadeen suddenly thrust a knife through Salim"s chest.

"What have you done!?" President Ishaq and his other siblings rushed towards Salim"s aid. Charlotte, on the other hand, stood behind Nadeen and tapped her right on the head, throwing her almost a dozen meters through the air.

"W… what did you do!? What"s happening right now!?" The other siblings could not help but tremble in fear as Charlotte suddenly made a move. Their fears, however, did not last long as Nadeen stood up from the ground even as blood was oozing from her nose.

"Secure father!" President Ishaq ordered his other siblings to take General Salim away.

"You… you were a System Holder?" President Ishaq then turned his attention towards the bloodied Nadeen. Even though it was just a light hit from Charlotte, there was no way a normal human could have survived that. There was also the fact that she was able to lodge a knife through their father"s chest. Nadeen… was probably an Enhancer-type System Holder.

"Why… Why would you do something like this?" President Ishaq said, "Don"t tell me… all of this is your doing? You… you"re part of the ESE?"

"You think you"re the only one whose parents were brutally killed by these… these f.u.c.king Normies!?" Nadeen"s previous strict but endearing demeanor could no longer be seen as she waved her hands erratically, the blood coming from her face spewing everywhere. "My… My parents were also normal people, but they killed them. And you know what they did after? They raped me!"


"Mother came but she was too late! Everything already happened!" Nadeen continued to scream and flail her arms, "And you know what the ESE did when they found out I was adopted by the great General Salim? They came to me, forced me to join them. But what they didn"t know is that my System had already woken up."

"It really was you all along?" Ishaq could still not believe it even though it was already coming straight from Nadeen"s mouth, "You… you were planning to commit genocide?"

"You should join me, brother! Mother was suspicious of you because you also had every right to be mad at these... these germs. Join me and we will eradicate this country of--"

"Sorry, excuse me."

As the two were exchanging heated words, they could not help but turn their heads at the unexpected voice that suddenly interrupted them.

It was Van, stepping in between the two.

"I am learning how to take charge these days… and this is really starting to drag with all the twists. So can you two resolve this so my companions and I could have the permission to go to the Pit already?"

"This isn"t something that could be resolved easily!" Nadeen screamed, "Just go and do whatever you came to this country for!"

"...I can solve this for you guys if you want?" Van then said. Both Charlotte and Artemis could not help but look at each other. Just what exactly was this boy suddenly doing now?


"Yes," Van nodded before letting out a smile, "Starting from today…

...This country belongs to me."

"...Kid, that"s being too much in charge."