My Hermes System

Chapter 273 - 273: Back To The Land Of The Free

Chapter 273 - 273: Back To The Land Of The Free

"Time for round 2, then?"

Athena spun the spear on her hands, masterfully controlling it across her arms before proceeding to point it towards Charlotte.

"Using a weapon now, are we?"

Charlotte had a wide smirk on her face as she slowly approached Athena. She was stretching her arms, almost to the point that they looked soft.

"I feel it is only fair now," Athena looked Charlotte straight in the eyes, "It would seem that your body itself is a weapon, even more, ridiculous than Hercules when he was still living amongst the mortals."

"It"s one of my Pa.s.sive Skills, so I suppose you"re right for calling it a weapon," Charlotte shook both her hands as she hopped a couple of times on her spot, "I have full control of my body."

"Does that mean you can also change the way you look? Become ageless?"

"Maybe," Charlotte said, "But I like the feeling of getting old. Not flying anymore?"

"I may have the advantage in air combat, but I too am more versed in fighting while my feet touch the ground."

"I see. Well, let"s get to it then."

As soon as Charlotte said that, she disappeared from her spot, creating another crater within the already colossal crevice that they have made. Like what she had been doing from the start, Athena was still not moving from her spot, only dodging and blocking all the attacks that were being thrown at her, occasionally counter-attacking when she gains the chance to do so.

The only problem is, even though Charlotte"s only power was being abnormally strong, she knew how to fully utilize her abilities, even using the terrain to her advantage and throwing the whole ground itself towards Athena to confuse her.

But even then, Athena managed to keep her spot, even when Charlotte was causing the earth beneath her quake violently, she was managing to change footholds or creating one herself with her spear.

This continued on for almost half an hour, with the two just exchanging and dodging each other"s blows. Athena was getting in more hits, grazing Charlotte as she was just using her own body to block her attacks. But still, Charlotte"s body was flexible, to the point that it was almost as if she didn"t have any bones, it was like Athena was fighting Medusa herself… except with the strength to level a whole city with a single punch.

When Athena thought that she had already dodge her fist, it would suddenly pivot and threaten to smash her head in. Of course, those strikes were not as strong as her usual ones, but it was still enough to make Athena"s arms numb from blocking them.

Even with her extremely high foresight, it was hard to block every attack.

Another half an hour pa.s.sed, and Dionysus had already fallen asleep on the side. Athena still had her eyes wide open as she watched the fight, similar to Van, who was not even blinking as he watched how veterans fight each other.

Charlotte had the upper hand in sheer force and technique, but Athena was able to intercept all of her attacks, even redirecting it and using it to her advantage. Right now, the two were on equal footing-- which was insane now that Van was thinking about it.

Athena already had her G.o.d Soul absorbed, making her a speck of what she was before. If one uses their battle with the Seraph as the basis of their strength, then Charlotte wouldn"t have probably even lasted a minute against Athena.

Now, Van could not help but slightly turn his head to the side in shame as he won against Athena with a ridiculous method. No, he couldn"t even call it a win now.

His speed now was ludicrous. If Athena was right, then he could run at 5 kilometers per second. If it was now, he could probably run from NYSA to the Relic Graveyard in a minute. It was insane… and yet Athena still managed to predict where he was coming from.

He was faster than any people here, and yet it felt like he was still the weakest one in the three, and looking at Athena and Charlotte"s battle, he knew why-- he didn"t even know how to really fight. The only thing he has been doing was push people away with his insane speed, a tactic that doesn"t work against someone who can predict your every move, and someone who overpowers you in sheer brute force.

He thought that he would be able to at least be on equal footing with Charlotte now, but if she fought him seriously, then he probably wouldn"t stand a chance. Charlotte would probably just mow her down as soon as they make contact with each other, bursting him into pieces.

"Are you going to continue being pa.s.sive in our fight?"

Back inside the crater, Charlotte leaped away and stopped her barrage of explosive attacks, the wound acc.u.mulated on her body already completely healed before she even landed back on the ground.

"Perhaps," Athena said as she let out a small breath.

"I will save you the trouble," Charlotte let out a sigh as she shook her head, "If your plan is to tire me out, it won"t work… body doesn"t get tired."

"Oh," Athena blinked a couple of times before tapping her spear on the ground, "I was about to deduce that."

As soon as Athena said that, she finally actively moved from her spot, rushing towards Charlotte.

"Finally," Charlotte said as she also rushed towards Athena. The two met head-on, with Charlotte kicking the ground beneath her and causing it to shoot towards Athena. Athena managed to deflect all the rocks that threatened to make holes in her body, even redirecting them towards the rushing Charlotte.

Charlotte, however, did not even dodge as she just allowed the rocks to hit her body.

"Let"s go!" Charlotte let out a wild cackle as she propelled herself even faster, her arms, however, were flailing in the air like they were some kind of rope… or perhaps it was better to say there were like a whip as a loud crack in the air erupted as soon as Charlotte waved it towards Athena.

"!!!" Athena was still able to block it, but due to the extreme impact, her hand was no longer able to hold her spear as it flew dozens of meters away. However, instead of panicking, a smile slowly appeared on her face as she leaped back, using the force that was transferred to her.

She then stretched her left arm towards Charlotte, while pulling her other hand back as if she was holding a bow. No, with that action, a bow did suddenly appear in her arms, with its arrow already drawn.

And without even slight hesitation, the arrow shot straight towards Charlotte"s torso. The tip of the arrow managed to slightly graze Charlotte before she could catch it. But with one of her hands busy, Athena used this chance to summon even more weapons.

Spears, swords, daggers, axes… all sorts of weapons appeared in the air. And before some of them could fall to the ground, Athena stretched her hand, calling two daggers to fly to her. She then rotated her body, quickly throwing the two swords straight towards Charlotte.

Charlotte quickly jumped to the side, even catching one of the swords that littered the air before rushing towards Athena. Athena also called two swords in her hand, quickly deflecting Charlotte"s attack and even grazing her in the process as she gently rotated her body.

Athena then once again threw her weapons towards Charlotte before instantly picking up another, not giving Charlotte any chance to attack her.

"...Well s.h.i.t," Charlotte shook her head as her attacks started to slow down. And after a few seconds, she stopped completely.

Charlotte then raised both her hands as she let out a long and deep sigh, "I lost."

"But I feel like we are only starting?" Athena said as all the weapons that littered in the air suddenly disappeared, "Granted, it had been more than an hour since we started."

"This battle was to get to know how strong we are in the first place. You know how strong I am already," Charlotte shook her head as she looked Athena straight in the eyes, "The longer we fight, the more you"re learning how to predict my attacks. Even though I don"t get tired, I will still ultimately lose the battle of endurance."

"That is very perceptive of you," Athena nodded her head as she approached Charlotte, "It is true, I have already memorized every inch of your movements."

"You remind me of a friend of mine," Charlotte then stretched her hand, shaking Athena"s hand as they reached the conclusion of their battle, "Now I am kinda excited for the two of you to meet."

"Do not be disheartened, human. You are the strongest human I have ever met, and it will probably remain so until the end of time," Athena once again nodded her head as she smiled, "I am glad to have you in our ranks."

"Well, let"s not get ahead of ourselves. If the boy continues to court other women, I might just beat him up."

"...You have feelings for King Evans?"

"What, no. What the f.u.c.k are you saying?" Charlotte quickly let go of Athena"s hand, "My granddaughter likes her, and it is now my goal to have them be together."

"I see. It is true that King Evans seemed to be close to women. I can not blame him, he has the blood of Olympians in his veins. I just hope that--"

"Please don"t continue whatever it is you"re going to say."

Before Athena could finish her words, Van and Artemis were already approaching them, with Dionysus being dragged by Artemis. "So who won?"

"The ex-G.o.d did," Charlotte just shook her head and shrugged her shoulders from Van"s question.

"Does that mean I am stronger than Miss Charlotte already?"

"...Do you want to die?"

And so, with the conclusion of their friendly match, the group finally returned to the Stymphalian. Once again abruptly leaving a country without even saying goodbye to its sovereign.


"They left?"


Somewhere in the hospital of Egypt, President Ishaq was currently beside General Salim Said, who now had his Earth Sh.e.l.l once again covering his skin, giving him the appearance of youth.

"Without even saying goodbye?" Salim could not help but sigh as he tried to sit himself up on the bed,

"How typical of her," Salim then let out a small chuckle before shaking his head, "Leave me, I am sure you have a lot on your plate with all the events that have transpired."

"I actually have something to report, mother."

"Oh, what is it?"

"America"s Circle, they are capable of giving the normal humans... enhanced strength. I have heard it from brother Musad who overheard it from them."

"Abilities? You mean..."

"Yes. Some of our soldiers have been reporting that some members of the ESE have abnormal strength."

"So... you think it came from there?"

"Most probably so, mother."

"I see. That decides it then."


"It"s time for me to have a vacation...

...I am going to America."