My Hermes System

Chapter 303 - 303: The Gift

Chapter 303 - 303: The Gift

[Hermes System Unlocked!]

The floating words that popped up in front of Van were, without a doubt, unexpected. But still, he nonchalantly waved it away and ignored it as he focused on the headstone in front of him.

"Here lies Charlotte, the strongest the ever lived" was engraved on it. After freeing Charlotte from the prison that was her mind, Van immediately carried her across Jotunheim. Burying her on the spot where Charles teleported him away earlier. If there was a chance that he would return here, then that would at least allow him to know of his mother"s fate.

Van kneeled and touched the ground, using an abundant amount of SP to grow a colossal tree that decorated her grave. He made sure it was the biggest tree in Jotunheim, as anything less would be unworthy of her.

Van had only known her for a brief moment, but that was enough. That was enough for Van to feel like she was truly family, and maybe, by the end... she truly is. And perhaps out of all the people he had known throughout his life, she was the one most like him.

She wanted the embrace of her family, she wanted the love of her family, she... just wanted her family. Van understood this, perhaps all too well. He craved for the affection that Evangeline and his father could not give, he just didn"t realize until now.

When a hint of that affection was felt from Charlotte"s embrace, Van finally realized what he also truly craved-- a family.

He was about to make one with Artemis. He promised himself that he would not abandon them as his parents did. But now, they too were taken from him. But Van held a slight hope, a hope that here, somewhere... they were living freely.

"Thank you, Miss Charlotte," Van then gently trailed his hand on the headstone he made, "I"ll... find your family for you. That...

...I promise."

Van"s whispers reached only the air, but that was enough. Finding them had already been his goal from the start, the only difference now was the reason behind his search. He wanted to reunite with them at first, but now, he just wanted to know something.

What was so important that they had to abandon Charlotte? Did they perhaps think since she was strong, she would survive being alone for a thousand years?

That... was unacceptable, Van thought as he let out a long and deep breath. Charlotte truly was the strongest person he had ever met, but at the instance that she fell on Van"s arms-- she was a mother.

"...and I will bring them here. Even if I have to drag them by their neck."

Van then took one final glance at Charlotte"s grave, before finally calling his System Window that suddenly made itself known to him once again. He thought that his System was gone, as even Charlotte could not access hers.

But as Van stared at the floating letters in front of him, he could not help but feel slightly baffled. Did they have to unlock their System again, but differently this time?

"..." Van then shook his head as he erased all of the thoughts in his head. Thinking about it now would only lead to more questions.

[Souls Collected: 1]

Van then looked at the gigantic flickering soul in front of him.

"It"s... black?"

Van could not help but furrow as he stared at Charlotte"s soul. He knew that she had probably killed a lot of people in her lifetime, but even some of the criminals in the Pit had a Neutral soul.

But still, he only minded for a second before touching Charlotte"s soul. And to Van"s surprise, an unfamiliar set of words welcomed him. Instead of the usual choices of where to send the soul, there was no choice at all.

[Do you want to absorb the Lv. 2447 Dark Soul? Y/N]

"..." Van hesitated for a while, before gently and carefully choosing "Yes", "...This is truly goodbye, Miss Charlotte."

Van felt a sudden surge of power flow inside of him as soon as Charlotte"s soul was absorbed. The number of levels he had gained almost made him lightheaded, but still, his task was not over yet.

"I... will carry your memory," Van whispered as he placed most of the Status Points he gained to the one thing that Charlotte had in abundance, STR. Distributing the rest to his VIT.


And as soon as he did so, he felt a searing pain travel through his veins. The excruciating pain made it feel like his bones were being shattered into little bits and pieces, with its shards eating and dicing every fiber of his flesh and muscle.

No, perhaps it wasn"t only a feeling; as Van felt himself drop on the ground, unable to move even an inch. He wanted to scream in pain, he wanted to faint.

But he held on. Because Charlotte may not be an Olympian, she may not be a G.o.d… but this was her gift. And Van made sure to treasure each and every moment of it.

A second.

A minute.

An hour.

Van was unsure of how long it lasted, but after it was done, Van felt each of his movements to be significant. It felt like the snap of his fingers was enough to cause the air to crack, that if he was not careful, he would destroy everything in his path.

Is this… what Charlotte felt? The very feeling that caused her to alienate herself from her own son? If so, it truly was both a blessing and a curse.

Van then took another glance towards Charlotte"s tomb, letting out a warm smile as he took one final nod towards her,

"Until we meet again, Miss Charlotte."

A thunderous noise then echoed throughout the field as Van disappeared from his spot, causing the gra.s.s and trees to sway, with only Charlotte"s grave untouched and immovable-- and in this moment, even in death…

...Charlotte remained the strongest.


"Ah, High Human Van! Have you seen High Human Charlotte!?"

As soon as Van returned to Charlotte"s tavern, the noise of the crowd once again bombarded his ears. There were no longer that many people dining in when they left earlier, so he wasn"t really expecting this many people.

"These people suddenly came rushing in, something about the end of the world or something!" Lorei rushed towards Van, her heavy breaths almost enough to blow him away, "They said they saw some golden serpent or something."

"That"s right!" One of the diners hollered, "And f.u.c.k me if I am going to die sober! I shall drink myself to death before the World Serpent devours everything!"

"..." Van remained quiet as his eyes scanned the crowd of people. If it was a golden serpent, then it was probably him when he carried Charlotte away.

"Mead!? Where"s the mead!?"

"Have you seen High Human Charlotte!?" Lorei once again rushed Van, "She"s the one handling the alcohol!"

"Where is it?"


"Where"s the barrel? I"ll serve it," Van then completely pulled up his hair, keeping them in place with a pin he made from a root he summoned. He then quickly made his way to the barrel of mead, his body almost disappearing as the barrel was way bigger than he was.

But still, with his speed and sufficient use of his [Air Step] skill, he was able to pour everyone almost at the same time.

"Van… Where is High Human Charlotte?" Lorei could not help but once again ask. Van had never helped in the tavern, so she was left slightly confused, "Did she go somewhere?"

Hearing Lorei"s question, Van could not help but slightly pause as he slightly looked down and touched his chest. But after a few seconds, he let out a small smile.

"She… is with family now."


"Who is this?"

"Your target. He will be arriving here in Muspelheim with the Branch."

"With… the branch?"

In a slightly dimmed room, Charles was currently talking with an old woman. And as soon as he handed her what seemed to be a portrait, he quickly wiped the sweat that almost drowned his entire body.

"Why… is he riding the Branch?" The old woman examined the portrait thoroughly, "Is this young-looking man a G.o.d?"

"He is," Charles said as he used his hand to fan himself, "Probably one of the most dangerous ones you will ever face. Don"t underestimate him just because he looks young."

"He looks more like a Vanir to me," the old woman squinted her eyes as she continued to stare at the portrait. Of course, the portrait was a sketch of none other than Van himself.

"Vanir, Aesir, giants… They are all the same, why does it matter?"

"You know I do not want to fight with a Vanir as much as possible, Charles." The woman could not help but sigh.

"He is not a Vanir, Lilith. He... is Ymir"s father."

"W… what? This boy?" Lilith once again took a look at Van"s portrait, "Are you… sure? Why haven"t I seen him before? Where did you get this information?"

"He used to be one of my daughter"s friends."

"That… this is f.u.c.ked up, Charles. Why are we only knowing this information now?"

"Because we thought he was dead," Charles closed his eyes as a sedated breath escaped from his mouth, "He is dangerous, Lilith. Do not provoke him and just do what you do best, kill without being seen."

"...I feel like you"re holding out on me, Charles. But still…" Lilith shook her head as she once again sighed, "Orders from the top, can"t argue with that. Anything I need to know about this one?"

"Only that he is extremely fast. Get past that…

...and everything else should be easy."