My Hermes System

Chapter 399 - 398: Reminisce

Chapter 399 - 398: Reminisce

Van was still a little doubtful of Arachnaea"s story about him having a 3rd parent, but seeing someone appearing from his memory that looked exactly like him-- what other proof does he need?

And also… his height; he was only a bit taller than Van. And from a certain angle, he also somewhat looked like a woman. Would… Van look like this when he grows older?

"...s.h.i.t," Van muttered as he continued to watch the images being shown to him.

"Off you go, my son. Run free or something," the Man then waved his hand several times, as if gesturing to Van to move. Van, however, seemed to still not be fully conscious.

"I guess you"re really still a bit shaken up from being returned from the dead," the Man let out a small but deep sigh as he looked at Van from head to toe, "You"ll get used to it in the future, don"t worry. And why am I even talking to you? It"s not like you"re going to remember any of this. Well… not unless you meet with one of the Eisis."


Hearing the Man"s words, Van could not help but look at the Queen of the Eisis, who was standing a few meters away from him with her eyes completely unresponsive.

"Well, the Eisis has only barely discovered the wheel, so that"s like a hundred thousand years in the future. Not unless you learn to how to live in s.p.a.ce and go there yourself… that"ll be awkward for me," the Man then started chuckling by himself,

"The best-case scenario is you yourself getting there a hundred thousand years from now-- at least you"ll be mature enough to process this memory. Of course…

...that is if an Eisis wants to mate with you in the first place," the Man then burst out in laughter as he seemed to pat Van on the shoulders several times, "Wait… you have my face… isn"t this the same as laughing at myself?"

"..." Seeing the Man widen his eyes from his own words, Van could not help but furrow his eyebrows. This Man… seemed too eccentric.

"Well, off we go then," and with the man patting Van on the shoulder one last time, the scenery being shown in the images distorted; only stabilizing as the view of the Relic Graveyard replaced it.

As for the Man, he was nowhere to be seen.

"..." Van waited for a few more hours for the Man to reappear; but alas, it would seem that was the first and last time he made himself known to him.

The Man-- this is how Van is going to refer to the Man from now on. He somewhat didn"t like it that he looked like a beautiful woman in some angles, so this is the best name he could think of.

But to think he actually died back then… and was revived by the Man-- Van was sure that even Latanya couldn"t do that.

Is Evangeline capable of doing that? No. If she was, then Van was sure she would have tried her best to revive Hermes.

Was Evangeline"s complete form, Azrael, capable of doing that? He had heard that she was some sort of Angel of Death, so it wouldn"t be surprising if she was. But if she wasn"t…

...Then does that mean the Man was someone above them all?

Just where… did he even come from? He was also aware of the existence of the Eisis. Van had thought that he crossed universes at first, but it would seem that was not the case.

"f.u.c.k…" Van could not help but utter. He was here on a mission to find people that would be of help to them once the World Eaters arrive, but to think he was once again rained down by questions.

But after a few more seconds, he calmed himself down completely. Throughout the years of traveling through the expanse of s.p.a.ce alone, he had learned to not worry about the things that were out of his hands-- perhaps the best skill he has and will ever attain in life.

"This… power?"

Van"s thoughts were then completely ended by the sound of Vivati"s voice.

"What kind of power is this?" Vivati muttered as the screen showed Van running during his first day in the Academy.

"..." Harvey and Beatrice were also there, once again reminding him of how time had pa.s.sed for all of them. And then there was… Victoria.

Van could not help but let out a small smile as the images showed Van meeting Victoria in Unique Cla.s.s-1"s house. Now that he was thinking about it… he had a little crush on her back then, didn"t he?

If he wasn"t thrown to the Pit, would his life be completely different? Maybe even spending it with her during his stay in the Academy?

But alas, what happened had to happen-- Evangeline was making sure of that.

But still, Van could not help but think…

...What if?

"..." Once again, Van let out a small chuckle as he shook his head. Although he abhorred Evangeline for the things she has done, separating him from Victoria and the others… was no longer something he hated her for.

Judging from everything so far; Van would live up to thousands… no, hundreds of thousands of years. Victoria and the others would only be a breath in his life. In fact, if they weren"t teleported away from the Explosion when it happened, then most of them would probably be dead by now-- maybe except Gerald, who hasn"t even aged a single second.

But Harvey and Victoria? They looked so tired when he saw them back in the Branch before he was sent to Asgard.

It was… better this way.

Still, of course. Evangeline separated him from Artemis-- someone with who Van could have spent his eternity… and that was something he would never forgive.

Everything wrong in his life was still because of Evangeline. He doesn"t know if he was hearing her now that his consciousness was merged with Vivati, but he truly wished to let Evangeline know how much he abhorred her.

"You… your life is full of suffering."

Van glanced at Vivati, whose tears had been falling from her eyes for a while now. He then looked at the current images being shown to them, only to see darkness.

"..." If he was right, this was the time he was being dragged like an animal in front of the whole Academy. Realizing this, Van could not help but let out a long but deep sigh. It would seem he would be here for a very long time, still.

And so, with that thought, Van just walked near Vivati and sat beside her-- looking at her from head to toe and checking for other similarities their species had with him.




Maybe even a month? Van had already lost track of how long he had been staring at Vivati; and by now, he probably knew every marking in her blue, slightly green skin. But finally, after a few more moments of watching her body interpret his experiences in life, the floating images stopped; with Vivati"s eyes returning to their pale, violet hue.

"You"re done, then?" Van then said as he looked Vivati straight in the eyes, "How much are you going to pay me for watching my life, by the way?"

"The world."


"I will give you the world, King Evans."


And before Van could even say another word, Vivati suddenly leaned closer to him. Pushing him to the floor of the darkness before placing her lips upon his.

"Osiris is yours, King Evans," Vivati then moaned as she pulled Van"s pants off.

"W… wait, I thought this was only supposed to be a spiritual thing!?" Van then muttered as he tried to push Vivati away; but alas, he found that he could not do so.

"It is," Vivati then said as her hands softly crawled towards Van"s manhood, "That"s the reason you can"t move… my Will is the one that is being followed."

And as soon as she said that, Van could feel something between his legs hardening, "Didn"t… you experience my memories? I have a wife!"

"I also happen to know your kind is polyamorous, King Evans. And although I did say my Will is the one being followed… I could still feel that you want this."

"I have been traveling through s.p.a.ce for years, what did you expect!? Stop this at once!"

"...Very well," and with a long sigh, Vivati returned Van"s pants and moved away, "We will mate again, King Evans-- and the next one will be physical."

"Just… get us out of here," Van hurriedly said as he was finally able to move away.

"Your wish is my command, King Evans."

And with those words, it was as if a wave of water wafted through Van"s entire body as the darkness surrounding them began to crumble; slowly revealing the world outside.


Van then quickly retracted his hand away, as he was still holding hands with Queen Vivati. As for Vivati, she was only smiling at him-- like she did not just try to… literally mind rape him just a second ago.

Van then turned to look at Ameera, who was still standing in his original position; her face still completely shocked. It would seem that although it felt like months for Van, only a moment had pa.s.sed on the outside.

"Thank you for giving Osiris an heir worthy of your name, King Evans," Queen Vivati then slightly bowed towards Van, "Now…

....shall we discuss about the World Eaters?"