My Hermes System

Chapter 67 - 67: I Did Not Lose!

Chapter 67 - 67: I Did Not Lose!

"I want them to know who they messed with"

"Your grandfather won"t sit idly by, Sarah"

Chris said his tone now slightly sedated. "Please, for your own sake, cut ties with the boy. I admit he seems special since he was able to defeat people well worth over his level", Chris crossed his arms, "But he… you can"t control him", he muttered.

"We already had this conversation, Chris", Sarah said, the color of her eyes still gleaming red, "Leave"

"B--", seeing as he could no longer seem to convince Sarah about the matter no matter how much he tried, Chris could not help but click his tongue in frustration. He then slightly bowed his head before leaving the room.

Walking through the hallway, Chris could not help but slam his fist lightly on the wall. All he really wanted to do was to help Sarah, but she doesn"t seem to listen to his advice anymore.

Still, he couldn"t blame her. After what happened to her sister, even Chris would also have a hard time trusting people if he were in her shoes. In the end, he could only sigh and shake his head due to his own helplessness.

"Sir Chris!"

Suddenly, he heard a voice calling for him from behind. "What is it?", Chris said as he looked at the guard approaching him.

"We"ve received a report from one of our informants in the Academy!", the guard said, "Gerald was attacked by… the boy just an hour ago!"

"What!?", Chris could not help but raise an eyebrow, "In broad daylight!?"


"This…", Chris could not help but sigh in frustration. He told Sarah so many times that the boy was a timebomb, and now, that boy was exploding nonstop.

"Come", Chris said as he beckoned the guard to follow him, "Let"s go to the chairman"s office"

"He"s not there, sir", the guard quickly mentioned.


"Call me in my office once he is here", Chris lightly scratched his chin as he hurriedly walked away. He should have told Sarah"s grandfather about the boy as soon as he became aware of his existence, but now, it was too late.

Sarah, who was left inside her office, could not help but fall on her chair as she let out a deep breath. The situation was becoming more and more complicated, she thought. But even then, she would stand by her decision. She was sure that there was something really special about Van… She was sure of it, he was similar to her sister.

Sarah once again clicked her tongue as she remembered her sister. The clothes that the Lauders" men burned were the only memory left of her, and she could never forgive them for doing so.



"What the h.e.l.l, man!?"

Harvey could not help but jump in shock as Van suddenly woke up screaming. Harvey was about to check if Van was still breathing, and so, the full force of Van"s shout almost destroyed his eardrums.

"!?", Van quickly looked around his surroundings, his eyes still filled with frenzy as he quickly leaped out from the sofa. Snarling and groaning as he turned his head to nowhere in particular.

"Calm down, man", Harvey scratched his head, "It"s only us"

Van"s heavy breaths had no sign of stopping as he looked at Harvey and Beatrice"s faces. His mind was still in disarray from trying to figure out what happened.

But then, Victoria suddenly came out of nowhere and placed her palm on Van"s face, almost covering it completely. "Calm down", she whispered.


Van"s shoulders started to drop down as his breaths slowly became relaxed and fettered. A warm soothing feeling seemed to envelop his entire body, sedating him and calming down his thoughts.

Seeing Van no longer moving erratically, Victoria gently removed her hand from his face.

Van could not help but blink a couple of times as he once again looked around him. He was currently in Unique Cla.s.s-1. How he got there, though, was completely oblivious to him.

He slightly twisted his eyebrows, trying his best to remember what happened. And after a few seconds of reminiscing, he was finally able to recall what happened.

He knew he was fighting Gerald, and after that, Ms. Elton and another man came to stop the two of them. Everything after that was a blur, but seeing as he was in Unique Cla.s.s-1, Ms. Elton probably knocked him out and carried him here.

"...Where"s your uniform, man?"

Van"s thoughts were disrupted as soon as Harvey slightly tugged his dirty clothes. Beatrice also wanted to comment on what Van was wearing, but he couldn"t do so as she saw the numerous scars and marks on Van"s body.

"...They"re in the laundry", Van casually said. He then placed his attention towards Victoria, who he didn"t really expect to be here with Beatrice and Harvey.

"...You can"t die before you talk to my pet", were the only words that came out from her mouth when their eyes met.


Harvey, who heard Victoria"s words, could not help but raise an eyebrow. Was that really the only reason why she was here?

The group let Van rest for a little while more before escorting him back home. Not including Victoria, of course, as a coach was already waiting for her outside the Academy gates.



Gerald slammed his fists on the floor as soon as he woke up, destroying the floor and pushing away the sofa that he was just laying on.

The Enhancer instructor, Michael, was watching him from the side with his arms crossed, his expression eerily calm as he stared at the rampaging Gerald.

Gerald"s luscious golden hair was now disheveled, with almost half his face covered by it. His breaths were becoming heavier by each second.

"Do you know why you lost?", Michael then said as he smiled towards Gerald.

"What!?", Gerald quickly turned his head at Michael, "I didn"t lose!"

"Oh? But you did", Michael slightly chuckled, his small eyes closing as he did so, "You lost very badly in front of many people"

Hearing Michael"s words, Gerald could not help but scream once again and slam his fists on the floor.

"I… I didn"t lose!"