My Hermes System

Chapter 8 - 8: Silhouette Of The Black Flame

Chapter 8 - 8: Silhouette Of The Black Flame

The Academy for the Gifted and System Holders or System Academy for short. It was a place filled with hopes and dreams for the future generation of heroes, explorers, and world leaders.

They were established a thousand years ago, one in each of the countries that survived the Portal Calamity. One of those is NYSA, Newer York System Academy.

Once again, Evans was standing in front of the gates to the academy. But this time, no longer wearing rags and carrying a straw sack. Instead, he was wearing the uniform of the Academy and a bag provided by the Explorer"s a.s.sociation. There really weren"t any sizes for him, so he had to settle with the smallest uniform the academy had to offer. But even that was too big for him.

But he didn"t mind. The uniform might as well be a cotton blanket to him. This was the most luxurious clothing that he has ever worn in his life… and he had been wearing it since yesterday.

If it wasn"t for his childhood friend, Andrea, telling him that the clothes needed to be washed, he wouldn"t have taken it off even once. He was, in a word, full of excitement.

He hasn"t used his System again since it made him woozy the few times he had used it, he was hoping the academy could help him in that matter.

Andrea wanted to cut his hair since it was fully covering his right face, but he refused. He didn"t want people to see the scar that was hidden in it.

The other students that were entering the Academy were looking at Evans as if he was a lost cat. Since he was garnering the attention of the students by standing in the middle, one of the academy guards approached him.

"Any problems, boy?", the guard said as he stood in front of Evans.

Evans" stupor quickly died down as his vision was blocked by the guard. He looked up, only to see the guard that pushed him the other day, looking at him with a curious expression.

...Was the guard… going to hit him with the hilt of his sword again?

"Hmm, are you a new student?"

But contrary to Evans" expectations, it would seem that the guard did not even recognize him. Instead, he just handed him a piece of paper, a map.

"Go directly to the freshmen"s auditorium, the orientation is about to start", the guard said. Perhaps it was a coincidence, or maybe a play of the Fates-- but Evans unlocking his System could not be any timelier, as today was the start of for freshmen for the year.

Evans could not help but squint his eyes towards the guard as he grabbed the map from him. The guard really didn"t recognize him. He released a sigh of relief, perhaps it was better this way. This is all he could ask for, after all, a fresh start.

Hopefully, Gerald and his group of bullies will also not be able to recognize him, at least not for now since he still hasn"t fully learned how to use his System.

"... Oh, t-thank you", Evans said to the guard before resolutely stepping inside the academy.

Now he only had one problem left-- where to go.

He couldn"t read what was on the map and it also didn"t help that the map was almost half his body.

Once again, he looked like a lost cat and the other students that pa.s.sed by him could not help but giggle.

"Are you… also a freshman?"

After a few seconds of him trying to figure out the map and constantly failing, he heard a voice and felt a finger tap his shoulders from behind.

It was a female student wearing a pair of, "Are you also a freshman?", she repeated her question as Evans looked at her. The female student, however, could not help but widen her eyes as she saw Evans" face.

He looked too thin and too young to be a freshman… was she actually mistaken? But before she could come up with more conclusions, Evans" opened his mouth.

"...Yes?", he said as he furrowed his eyes towards the female student.

"Ah!", the female student clapped her hand, "Would you like to go together then?"

"Together?", Evans furrowed his eyebrows even further.

"Hm", the female student nodded, "It"s already a bit late and it would be awkward if I entered alone in the auditorium. Since we"re both late, at least the attention would be divided between the two of us", she muttered as she fixed her

"I… see", Evans" slightly backed away due to the somewhat weird vibes the female student is emitting. Was it… alright to trust her? The last time someone guided him in the academy, he was beaten half to death.

What"s to say that this docile looking lady won"t do the same to him? But it wasn"t as if he had any choice. He still did not know where to go, after all.

Besides, he already unlocked his System, he was sure he could use it if ever the time comes that this lady attacks him from behind. He could not help but place his hand on his chin as he tried to reach for a decision.

"Uhm… h.e.l.lo?", seeing Evans suddenly get lost in his own world, the female student could not help but wave her hand over his eyes.

Evans looked at the female student straight in the eye before finally saying,

"Then… please lead the way".

The female student nodded as she let out a slight smile, "My name is Beatrice…

...what"s yours?"

"...Evan--", Evans paused, "Van… you may call me Van"

"Hm… Okay, Van", Beatrice once again nodded before proceeding to walk towards the auditorium, with Van following him a few meters from behind.

And true to Beatrice"s expectations, they did gather the attention of the freshmen that were already inside the auditorium as soon as they opened the door. The two then quickly but awkwardly found an empty spot to sit down on, with the students groaning and complaining as the two walked in front of them.

"Sorry, Sorry", Beatrice repeatedly bowed as she stepped on some of the freshmen"s feet.

Van and Beatrice could not help but look at each other and sigh as they finally succeeded in taking their seats.

"Greetings, young System Holders"

And as soon as they settled in their seats, a voice echoed in the entire auditorium. It was not loud, but it was as if the voice was talking directly in front of them.

"...Oh. Could this be a skill?", Van thought as he looked around the auditorium, and then towards the bald man that walked to the center of the stage.

"Before anything else, I would like all of you to call up your System"s Window", the bald man said as he pointed his palm to the air.

As soon as he said this, all of the freshmen pointed their palms in the air as well. Van took a deep breath. This was only going to be the 2nd time he was going to open up his System"s window.

And so, with an excited expression, he let out his breath and raised his palm.

"System"s Window", he whispered in his mind.

And there it was, random letters, floating in front of him. He still could not read the words, but there was this... mysterious feeling that was allowing him to understand them, it was as if the words were explaining themselves and entering his mind. It was, truly, a weird and mysterious feeling.

His attention, however, was suddenly caught by a window that wasn"t there before.

[Souls Collected: 1]

It was a small window with boxes on it. And in one of the boxes, there was what looked to be a black flame dancing erratically.

Van could not help but be curious as he slowly pointed his finger towards the flickering flame.

And as soon as he did so, the black flame wriggled like a worm. And soon, it quickly changed its form, growing what seemed to be limbs.

And then… it took the shape of a man.

A man that Van was very familiar with. Van"s excited expression quickly died down as he recognized the silhouette of the black flame.
