My Pervert Roommate

Chapter 04[Blake]


Translator: Vannie

Editor/Co-translator: NinjaGal

WARNING: English is not our first language so grammatical errors and some mistranslations might appear.

Chapter 04[Blake]

It’s already near midnight, but I still can"t fall asleep.

This is all because I am still thinking about what happened a while ago. No matter how hard I try, even after closing my eyes, my consciousness is still wide awake.

Oh my G.o.d! It is really embarra.s.sing! I feel like, I really can"t show my face to Sehun anymore.

A few hours had already pa.s.sed, but I am still awake. I am currently staring at the ceiling. Eyes wide open with no sign of drowsiness.

I just sighed and tried to close my eyes. I didn’t even realize that I fell asleep.

The next day, I woke up late. I looked beside me and saw that Sehun isn’t there anymore. I guess he’s already awake.

I went to the washroom and washed my face. The same moment I went out, Sehun on the other hand entered.

My heart suddenly beats faster. Here it goes again.

“Have you eaten[i]?” He asked while wiping his body.

He is currently topless and covered with sweat. Maybe it is due to him playing basketball since he is presently holding a ball.

My G.o.d! His perfect body, is in full view again.

“Not yet, I just woke up,” I answered while I grabbed the hand towel and wiped my face.

“There is some food in there. You should go and eat a meal.” He stated.

I flashed a smile to hide how uncomfortable[ii] I felt.

I approached the table to eat my meal since I am really famished. On the other hand, he went to the washroom to take a shower.

It’s already Monday, Sehun and I are currently at the Uni, where we’ll be studying. We’re currently searching for our own cla.s.s.

Who would have thought, that Sehun is already in his second year? By chance, I only learned it a while ago. He’s a year older than me. He’s already 18.

All this time, I thought that we are of the same age and will be in the same year. I also discovered that he’d been staying at the boarding house for a whole year with another roommate, who had already left. That roommate just suddenly went without saying a word which is why Sehun didn"t know the reason why he (roommate) left.

"Oh, I guess, I"ll be going first, Blake." He said when we found his cla.s.sroom.

"Okay." I casually told him before showing him a smile. He enters the room while I continue to look for my cla.s.s.

Finally, I found it after that tiring search[iii]. Who would have thought that my cla.s.s would be located on the 5th floor? I even got tired of climbing. It is a good that I didn"t get too sweaty.

As I entered, almost everyone in the room looked at me. I even felt that there"s something wrong with my face.

Is there dirt in my face?

I just walked forward and looked for an empty sit.

"Girl this is too much, he"s so good looking."

"Ihhhh[iv]. I wonder what"s his name is. He’s so handsome that it"s making me crazy."

"This is too awesome, there"s already two of them."

When I got seated sited on the chair in front, I heard my female cla.s.smates said these. I am clueless as to who they are talking about though. There"s no way that they are talking about me, after all, I am sure that they aren"t describing me.

"Hey!" I looked at beside me when I heard someone called out. "What"s your name?"

He"s a guy.

"Are you asking me?" I inquired. Who knows, he might be talking to someone else.

"Yeah. Who else am I facing? Isn"t it just you?" he said before smiling which even heightened his elegant features.

He has tan skin, unlike Sehun"s pale one. He is also good-looking, but for me, Sehun is still more attractive than him.

"Blake Lopez," I introduce myself while smiling at him.

"I"m Leonel Adaute. You can just call me Leon. Nice to meet you," he also introduces himself while presenting his hand. I then reached for it to shake hands with him.

"By the way, where are you from?" he asked me once again. I then let go of his hand.

"Davao, how about you?"

He was about to reply when our instructor entered the room.

"h.e.l.lo everyone!"

Before he focused his attention at the front of the cla.s.s, Leon whispered into my ears.

Let"s continue our talk later.

"Really Bro, a while ago, you really have a lot of fans, ah," Leon told me when we arrived at the cafeteria since our cla.s.s just ended.

"No way. It was you who have a lot of fans. I even felt that my eardrums are gonna break as our female cla.s.smates were squealing while you are introducing yourself."

He just laughed.

"That"s just how things are if you’re handsome. Look, a lot of them are staring at me right now. Now examine closely, you’re exactly in the same situation." He stated once again before laughing. I didn"t realize it before that this guy is so boastful.

I glimpse at my surroundings, He was right. A handful of girls are really watching him. There are some who’d gaze at me but they were only a few in numbers.

"You"re so arrogant," I commented before chucking.

After eating our meal in the cafeteria, we then went to our next cla.s.s.  Leon and I were both on the same block[v] which is why we almost have the same schedule.

So, like our first cla.s.s this morning, we were just introducing ourselves while our instructors just reminded us of stuff of no consequences.

After all my, I just directly went home. I didn"t go together with Leon since we are going to different places. He did tell me that he also rented a place near our school.

Since our boarding house is walking distance away from the school, I quickly reached it.

As I arrived at the gate, a certain person also entered it. I stopped at stared at him.

"Wow! Blake, you"re also staying here?"



Bold texts are already written in English in the Raw.

[i] “k.u.main ka na ba” – it’s a way of greeting someone you care for, usually exchanged by families or loved ones. Literally translates to Have you eaten? but generally denotes a more intimate greeting

[ii] ilang= uncomfortable

[iii] madugong paghahanap = b.l.o.o.d.y search? 

[iv] Maybe the same as "Kyaaa"

[v] Magkablock = Blockmates (People who are taking the same course)