My Pervert Roommate

Chapter 3


Translator: Vannie

Editor/Co-translator: NinjaGal

WARNING: English and Tagalog aren’t my first language so grammatical errors and some mistranslations might appear.


"Are you gay?"

When I heard him ask this, my heart begin to hammer wildly.

I am so dead!

"N-no, I am not a gay." I denied.

"If you"re not, why are you stuttering?" He playfully asked while grinning.

My heart beats even faster, especially after seeing his expression.

Unlike what he is thinking, I"m not totally a gay. I am still in a confused-stage.

But if you"re really confused Blake, that meant that you really aren"t a straight guy.

"No, I am not a gay! What are you saying?" I spoke louder while trying not to stutter, to make sure that he won"t realize a thing.

"Whoah! Whoah! Just chill bro. I am just joking. Haha. I fooled you, ah!"

I sighed in relief after hearing him. He was just teasing me? Hopefully, he really doesn"t suspect anything. This is too nerve-wracking and worrying.

"Have you been here for a long time?" he asked while putting on his shorts. He might just have finished taking a shower[i], since his hair is still wet, and a used-towel hangs in a chair.

"Yes," I answered before looking at the clock. "I think for about 3 hours."

After wearing his clothes, he approached the mirror and started to fix himself up. I just watch his every movement.

"Where are you from?" he continued asking me, while he combs his blond hair which fits his handsome and fair face.

"I am from Davao. I came here to study. It is because I got a scholarship at one of the universities here." I answered.

When he looked at me, I immediately saw his captivating[ii] and chocolate[iii] coloured eyes. "Wow? So that means you"re smart?"

"It is not like that, I am just diligent in studying." I shyly answered.

"Well, there"s no difference. Who would have thought that you"ll come here in Manila to study instead of your place? You got a scholarship in one of the universities in here, that"s amazing. And speaking of that, what university did you enroll into?"

I felt really overwhelmed because of his compliments.[iv]

"Thanks" I shyly said, before answering his questions.[v]

"Really!? You"re really studying there? We are actually enrolled in the same school."

"Ah, eh. We are schoolmates, that"s really pleasing to hear," I said while smiling. He also smiled.

"What course[vi] are you taking?" he asked before facing the mirror.

"BSBA[vii]," I answered while sitting on the bed.

I began to feel comfortable as the nervousness I felt starts to disappear. My heartbeat also starts to slow down.

He looked at me through the mirror"s reflection.

"Oh! We"re also in the same department. I also study BA[viii]. What"s your major?"

"Marketing Management."

"Wow! Great! We are in the same department, course and even major. That"s amazing!" He jollily said. I on the other hand just smiled.

"I think we"ll get along well together," he told me before his attention went back to the mirror.

He is right (tl: Really? I wonder?). I also felt that we"ll instantly get along well together. I can sense that he"s really a good person.



Bold texts are already written in English in the Raw.

[i] the original word is "naligo" which can be directly translated to "took a bath" but I feel like “shower” is cooler, and in Phil. bathtubs and showers are rarely used.

[ii] “mapungay” – google translate it as either "Tender" or "Broken", and was told by NinjaGal, “there’s not really a super direct translation to mapungay but when its used with the eyes, you usually compare it to deep-set eyes? eyes that you can drown into. eyes that catches your attention”

[iii] Could also be translated as "Brown"

[iv] Raw: "Na-overwhelmed tuloy ang atay at balun-balunan ko dahil sa pangpupuri niya." -> direct translation: My liver and gizzard were overwhelmed because of his compliments.

[v] The name of the University is omitted at the raw to the point that when I read the raw I thought [What? "Salamat" is the name of the University] then realized that it was omitted.

[vi] This meant a College Program or Degree Program, not the subject.

[vii] Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

[viii] BA = Business Administration

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